Bernie loses Dem Nomination--it's DNC math: 1 + 21 = 1
Greetings, fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry:
Here at the Alligator University Department of political Science (what an oxymoron) in conjunction with the Department of Computational Science, our scholars have definitively proven the following theorem:
1 + 21 = 1
Please follow along with the the argument, as such mathematical reasonings are called.
1. The DNC will NOT abide a Sanders nomination
2. Mike Bloomberg is attempting to buy the nomination and is doing a fine job of making inroads
3. Superdelegates have changed the equation. Your primary preference vote does not matter.
4. Superdelegates do what the DNC tells them to do
5. Having more than one opponent in the race means that Bernie won't get more than 50% of toal vote
6. Despite a plurality, failure to obtain a clear majority ( = 50.1%), means superdelegates vote
7. Superdelegates won't vote for Bernie--they vote for some one else.
Quod erat demonstrandum: Bernie loses nomination--even without overt cheating. If there are people crazy enough to back Bloomie or Warren or Buttigieg or Klobuchar or [name other candidates here], the total non-Bernie support on first ballot will be 49.9% or less. Sorry, Bernie, the superdelegates get to "cancel" you on ballot number 2.
Although there might be a ballot number 3, most likely the winner of round 2 has already been decided. Not Byedone. Not Liawatha. Not Buttjiggle. Not Bloomie.
Who then?
Why ask? You know who. In fact, you have been advised of the true beneficiary of Bloomie's largesse and the ardor of the DNC. Actually, several admonitions to the remaining Democrat believers at c99 have been given.
Deus ex machina: who will be the Dem nominee?
October surprise: Battle of the giants--Godzilla versus Mothra
There are signs that AU's politically scientific predictions are true, in other words, other people agree.
Mike Bloomberg: Trojan horse for Clintonista revival.
With the Democratic presidential field a uniquely inept mix of the hopeless and insane Bloomberg using saturation advertising to buy himself wins in delegate-rich red states with weak Democratic parties like North Carolina, Florida and Texas is a good strategy, if he was interested in winning.
But he’s not. He’s running to clear the field for Hillary.
Because the fight over these early states are as much about splitting the delegate count as possible, to strip Bernie Sanders of his chance at the nomination. Hillary is still angry at Bernie for challenging her in 2016.
She still wants another chance to fulfill her life’s ambition and if she can screw over all the men that she feels denied her that then it will be all the sweeter when it happens.
The Duran: Mike Bloomberg is paying and paving the way for Hillary Clinton
Oh joy of man's desiring, puleeze run again, dear Rodent. Götterdämmerung will burn fiercely in the twilight.
Why will two-time presidential loser run again? Rhetorical question. Just like Commander Cheeto, H. Rodent Clinton, in addition to being a top-tier sociopath, is also an extreme Narcissist, of the Trumpian variety.
But, more importantly, brace yourself for another mathematically certain argument:
1. H. Rodent Clinton is a proven scoundrel of colossal proportion who is in Barr / Durham's crosshairs.
2. Trump has been unleashed
3. If you strike at the king, you must not fail.
4. The king is not dead. His shampeachment shackles have been rent asunder, proving their tissue paper strength
5. Hillary knows she is on the top of the list, along with Obomba (yes, he, too) for retribution.
6. With rodent-like cunning, the doomed HRC has determined that Trump cannot strike her if she is once again a political candidate.
7. Herein lies the uncertainty, which in my mind (limited as it may be), is becoming less uncertain daily.
Please note that my analysis makes NO mention of Bernie's qualities as a person nor his political ideology. That doesn't matter. Repeat: Bernie's campaign does not matter.
The equation is valid: 1 + 21 = 1. That 1 won't be Bernie.
There are tactical details about which we will discuss later about how Trump takes down the coup plotters, one of which involves Blagojevich's being granted clemency. A very sweet move for several reasons--sweet, that is if you like Trump. He's winning folks.
And for 2020, the DNC would rather roll the dice with two-time loser Hillary, ensuring a candidate acceptable to Wall St. wins, than put Bernie up as the nominee.
Because no matter what happens the Democrats become the Commie and Crazy-Cat Lady party with Bernie as the nominee. And that creates a clear delineation between them and the Republicans.
But, that’s the worst possible result. Because, the most important thing to Bloomberg, Hillary and those they represent is that the illusion of choice between globalist dirtbags remains in place. This is the true face of Democracy in the U.S.
That’s the key to understanding the game he and Hillary are playing.
And once you see that for what it is there’s no unseeing it.
If Bernie sees it clearly, then he will take his Bros, extend his hand to Gabbard and run an independent campaign to split the Blue Wall and destroy these people for real.
If he doesn’t then he’s the same feckless schmuck I pegged him to be in 2016.
Either way, this is now Hillary’s nomination and Bloomberg is the latest goat on its way to her altar.
Terminal Bernie skid coming--ice on the motorway.
These Pooperdelegates are full of shit./nt
I redact the above comment, no shit from me anymore ,
1 + 21 = Demonic Democratic Fire.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I don't believe it
An Excellent Dissertation
Buy the power vested with me I bestow upon you the Degree known as PhD with all it's rights and responsibilities. Welcome to the [fill in the blank] Alligator Ed, PhD
Thank you, sir
A funny aside:
Some time ago several scientists set up a bull in a china shop scenario. They filmed the bull browsing (the grass) for quite some time, and not one of the heavily laden racks of china was disturbed even a little.
Inquiring minds wanted to know …
Superdelegates math raw variables
Superdelegates are set to represent about 16% of the overall convention 4,750 votes. Superdelegates come from several categories of prominent Democratic Party members:
30 distinguished party leaders (DPL), consisting of current and former presidents, current and former vice-presidents, former congressional leaders, and former DNC chairs
236 Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives (including non-voting delegates from DC and territories)
48 Democratic members of the United States Senate (including Washington, DC shadow Senators) and Bernie Sanders, an Independent who caucuses with the Democratic Party
28 Democratic governors (including territorial governors and the Mayor of the District of Columbia).
438 other elected members (with 434 votes) from the Democratic National Committee (including the chairs and vice-chairs of each state's Democratic Party)
Plug those variables into your predictions based on one constant = 438 DNC chairs and vice-chairs.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Primary blackjack
Those other 438 superdelegates/DNC members
include lobbyists, members of the consultant class, and various other Dem establishment hangers-on. They all very much want to keep the gravy train flowing.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Former Bernie staffer tells what to expect in the primaries
Nick Brana, former Bernie's head for national political outreach knows the score. He knows what's gonna happen, just as this alligator told you. Nick is co-founder of Movement for a People's Party. He knows the score (i.e., 1 + 21 = 1).
Catch the interview just moments ago with Lee Camp
Major New Party - yeah, go for it.
You Are Wrong!!! 1+21=Clinton nt.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Please refer to bibliography cited in essay
*Predictions to be any good at all must be prescient--otherwise they are fake news.
It's not Bernie's skid.
If you come up to me while I'm out on a walk and break my kneecaps with a fireplace poker, do you say I tripped and fell?
Call it rigging, cheating, fraud, whatever you like.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I would never treat a fine woman, such as yourself as disrespectfully as you hinted. Break your knees? Absurd. If such a challenge were issued to my family (myself of course excluded), the person so uttering such nonsense would not find him/herself with broken knees. Break knees? Preposterous. Nope. If you're gonna do a job, do it right. My aforementioned lineage, individually, would do as follows without need for instruction. The challenger would find said gator had more anatomical ambitions than previously understood.
I didn't mean that, Al.
I hope you know that.
I meant, if a person gets treated in such a manner, would you respond by saying they tripped and fell and broke their knees?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
If I was the MSM, I would do just that
Bloomberg running to clear the field for Hillary?
That seems doubtful. His ego is just as big as hers. He thinks he can win this thing and save Mom, apple pie, and America from Bernie Sanders. Bloomberg didn't get his billions through altruism.
Bloomie's intent might not be to help H. Rodent Clinton