Wisconsin Democrats advise proportional delegate division, dump supers

I got the good news from a couple state delegates this evening at our little progressive café’s open mic night. I didn’t do state convention, but represented Bernie at the 6th CD convention, which chose 6 of our state's national delegates, evenly split, even though every county in the 6th went for Sanders.

This should make a worthy first post – From ASHWAUBENON

Wisconsin Democrats send a message to the national party: Stop using superdelegates to help pick a presidential nominee. The vote at the Democratic State Convention in Ashwaubenon this weekend was solid, but its impact is not clear.

Saturday's vote is a win for Bernie Sanders supporters, who see the nominating process as one designed for Hillary Clinton to win.

"I think they have to reevaluate it. I've never liked it," said Feingold.

The resolution that passed Saturday is not binding, meaning national Democrats are not required to take Wisconsin's position into account at the convention in July.

Democrats will also ask Wisconsin's 10 current superdelegates to vote proportionally to April's election results. That would be six for Sanders, four for Clinton.

It had been 6 for Clinton, 1 for Sanders, 3 None, which means it is advised by Wisconsin Democratic Party delegates that Hillary loses at least 2 supers’ votes at the national convention, though as you know, these projected numbers had been based on a gathering of a number of sources, and is not a solid count. And as you can read here, this is advisory and “asking” for, not binding. We don’t want to be sloppy & make the same type of presumptions the MSM is planning for Tuesday.

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jorogo's picture

in the pics, sittin' in the generic conference room at some generic hotel.

Even if I hadn't known, I'd have felt right at home.

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

lotlizard's picture

Though somehow Norman Rockwell knew how to “jazz up” figures and setting to make an image seem archetypal, not just generic; more than just a stock photo.

In this visual-drenched world of today, it’s funny to recall how sorry I was as a kid when TV killed weekly magazines like Life and the Saturday Evening Post. I would “deconstruct” (as academics would say today) their picture-rich pages and create in my mind an imagined facsimile of what people and life in North America must be like. What did it matter that magazines didn’t get to Hawaii until as much as six weeks after their cover date?

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Alphalop's picture

I wonder how many of the super-delegates are taking into account how much backlash that the super delegate position itself is taking is a direct result of Clinton's candidacy and if they are holding any resentment for the threat to their position and loss of prestige, as well as the focus it has placed on the process.

Sure for years people have muttered about how the SD process is a terrible idea and why, but nothing much ever really comes of it, as soon as the primary is over the issue just gets dropped to the back burner. That isn't happening now.

Well, Unless one thing happens. If at the Convention Clinton has a slight pledged delegate lead but enough supers switch to Sanders out of concern about her viability in the general then they will have taken that wind out of the sails for a lot of the argument against them because they would have indeed helped prevent a disastrous primary. I personally would still be against the concept, but a lot of people would probably feel like it would deserve further consideration based on such an event.

Many of them are also up for future primaries and may be unwilling to take the hit that supporting Clinton may bring when factored against the potential boost in political support from the Sanders voters in their future campaigns.

I for one know I will be paying attention to which delegates vote for whom.

I always try to put myself in the other persons shoes in order to see if I can at least understand where they are coming from and what they may be thinking, and if I was a super delegate, I know I would be searching hard for a reason to justify switching my vote right now.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

jorogo's picture

is the "system" working? Sure, we need to be open to considering that possibility, with the awareness that it must be we who are the drivers behind that system with our activism.

In this case for the supers, there's also the consideration that Hillary's liabilities could become an avalanche at any moment prior to the general election, or be a constant drip (SOS email releases, Clinton Foundation financial ties revelations) hindering her presidency into a political quagmire afterward. There, too, we must remain the drivers behind insuring that truths be known and justice be served, and an end come to the two-tiered system of justice we've been dealt in recent history. Then maybe we can have a fair election.

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

IF the case against Hillary and the email server is so strong, she'd be out of the race now.

IF the people really cared about Pay-For-Play, she'd be out of the race now.

IF the people worried about Hillary's "honesty" had been paying attention to the "course corrections" she's committed to date, she'd be out of the race now.

The same people who pushed a green and unripe Obama on us are pushing a spoiled and rotten Hillary upon us now. They have won awards in the past for their work, so they can show they can do this successfully.

Bernie is the only hope we have to derail the PTB from their plans of global conquest. We just need to provide him the support he asks for.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

jorogo's picture

and entirely true. Not counting on any avalanche myself, just considering what the supers might be worried could happen. The gamut of possibilities must, and should, be driving the supers nuts.

Their narcissism-based Party loyalty may be strong enough for them to rationalize all reality aside, so we do need to strongly support Bernie, and stay on the supers' case too. I and another Dem here in our Wisconsin county have written to some of our supers, and I'm pleased that the resolution to have them vote proportionately was passed. I hope there are "developments" with Hillary which push them beyond that. We should do what we can to help push.

BTW, I've never been a Party member before - just did it to support Bernie. If and when Hillary should be the nominee, I'm done with that. I hope that's another possible avalanche.

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

I will vote for him as a Green if I must. I will write him in. But if he says he's done, Jill Stein gets my vote, and what I wrote here becomes my bucket list.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.