Single Payer

Sanders Weasels Out, to Propose Public Option

Progress takes time, baby steps. If you want something, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. That's the way Bernie Sanders sees it with health care for Americans. Instead of demanding a single payer health care system NOW, like that described in HR 676, a legitimate single payer plan that now has 72 cosponsors in Congress, Bernie thinks it's "prudent" to improve Obamacare first by adding a public option to it, to "work toward" Medicare for all.

Support for Single Payer Grows, But Uncle Sam Needs You

Just read Steven's excellent essay sharing his family recent healthcare experiences.

As usual when I read this type of news I am motivated to stave off depression by going to my favorite antidote, the website or twitter stream of PHNP .


Single payer, national health insurance advocacy organization with more than 20,000 physician members. #MedicareForAll #SinglePayer

About to Collapse Anyday impending demise by exsanguination

Watching the slow death of About to Collapse Anyday (ACA) is like watching Hillary climb stairs. It's conclusion is inevitable but the process is painful. The deterioration is akin to rapidly advancing cancer where the patient gets emaciated and weaker, yet the doctors continue to pursue old-fashioned remedies. Remember leeches (no, not the ones in D.C.) but the truly blood-sucking riverine parasites?

This is why I am not a Democrat...

Caution - profanity to ensue...

First, some background. There is an initiative on the ballot in November in Colorado. Amendment 69. (Colorado can vote to 'amend' it's constitution by popular vote). This amendment would instigate a single payer program for health care in Colorado. And so I proceed...

The fucking 'Broomfield County Democrats' sent me an e-mail tonight:

Will Poors Pay The Fine Now That ACA Coops Strangled?

This will be short because smart phone, but sharing it in hopes others will find it as interesting as I did. Have a number of relatives who are surely faced with paying the ACA fine for no coverage.

Ah, yes, remember when we realized we got punked by Mr. Obama , maybe felt slightly hopeful when Senator Sanders got Coops added to ACA ?

Here's the latest on the death throes of a state coop and the choices faced by people afterward.

Thanks, Obama!

If I See That Hillary Ad One More Time...

I am going to destroy my monitor. Seriously. Every time I click another video on Youtube, this is the ad I get"Hillary Clinton tried to get us a Universal Healthcare system.' You know, the one Ted Kennedy was instrumental in getting through congress. Yeah, that's why you're fighting against it now, right? "Single Payer will never ever happen.' She said early in her campaign.
