Republicans are coming around on issues for the exact wrong reasons

Suddenly Republicans want to defund the police.


After years defending the continued militarization of law enforcement agencies across the United States, Republican lawmakers appeared to have a change of heart Monday after learning the FBI executed a search at the Florida estate of former President Donald Trump. Faced with the possibility that the “good guys” aren’t necessarily on their side, prominent members of the party that made backing the blue a central tenet of its political platform began spouting rhetoric that belied their professed allegiance to the “rule of law.”

“The GOP majority must defund all forms of tyranny throughout Biden’s government,” prominent right-wing figurehead Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) wrote on Twitter, tagging the official FBI account. She later added: “Weaponizing the FBI to raid President Trump’s home makes Watergate look like nothing.” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), meanwhile, embraced the GOP’s favored doomsday approach. “We must destroy the FBI,” he tweeted. “We must save America.”

So Republicans have been able to turn a blind eye to the abuses of the FBI for decade after decade, but a single raid of the billionaire ex-President's home and suddenly it's a whole new world.
Hey Republicans, I've got news for you - the FBI didn't suddenly get terrible. It's been terrible for about a century. You simply didn't care before because you lack empathy for the less fortunate. Personally I'm amused to see the FBI go after a wealthy person for a change. You kind of forget after a while that the law is supposed to apply to rich people too.
We both want the FBI shut down, but Republicans want it shut down for what it just did. I want the FBI shut down for what it was two days ago, and what it will be again in a few days.


Anti-trust has long been the domain of the Left, but lately Republicans are coming on board.

Asked about the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, a bipartisan bill that would limit tech giants from preferring their own products and services over rivals’, nearly 73 percent of respondents said they lean toward supporting the bill.
... Nearly 76 percent of Democrats said they support the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, as did roughly 70 percent of surveyed Republicans, according to the poll
Support for the Open App Markets Act had a similar breakdown, with nearly 78 percent of Democrats and 73 percent of Republicans saying they support the proposal, according to the poll.

It's good to see Republicans supporting anti-trust laws, but they are doing it for the wrong reasons. They oppose the tech monopolies because the tech giants are generally pro-Democrat. Which is the absolute dumbest reason to arrive at the correct conclusion.
The monopolies stifle innovation, inflate costs to consumers, and concentrate economic and political power. That's why monopolies need to be opposed EVERYWHERE, not just in tech.
I'll believe that Republicans have smartened up with they support breaking up monsanto.


This last one is the most ironic of them all.

The first time I saw a photo of an anti-vaxxer with a sign that read “My Body My Choice,” I was sort of puzzled. I thought perhaps the photo editor had used the wrong image to accompany the story—but then I saw that the sign also included a picture of a mask with a red line across it. No, these people weren’t protesting a government that was regulating uteruses, a government that was telling women when they could end a pregnancy that was going on in their own bodies. They were instead protesting a simple and painless public-health measure. They were mad at the idea of having to wear a piece of fabric on their faces. For this particular group, government regulation was fine unless it was regulating them—at which point it became a horrible infringement on their constitutional rights.
Instead, they have started treating this group as a protected class—recently, they have started pushing bills that would protect against discrimination toward unvaccinated people. The irony, of course, is that a lot of these Republicans have no problem with discrimination on the basis of race or sex; many of them have argued that there is no need for an Equal Rights Amendment.

Members of the GOP represent the most vehement proponents of government regulation when it comes to abortion. Some of them have gone so far in their war against a woman’s right to choose that they are now interested in limiting birth control options.

It's impossible for me to reconcile these people using the phrase "my body my choice", but only if it comes to a vaccine. If it comes to a women's choice whether to have a baby, well, then f*ck that woman.

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as Kansas recently demonstrated the rabid "pro-life" monsters are a relatively small ( but large enough to be powerful) minority that has bullied the Republican party into allowing itself to be their weapon against America. Essentially the same applies to the authoritarian right and libertarianism. For me the real irony is that the Republicans needed to see the social justice crusaders to realize the threat and that the worst actors in the Republican "leadership" are - like their opposite numbers in the Democrats - just using the hypocrites and the the unthinking true believers as foot soldiers.

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On to Biden since 1973

I don't give a shit about "reasons". I want results.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Cassiodorus's picture

that society still divides up into anti-vaxxers and vaccine-obsessives long after the vaccines themselves have lost their relevance to the disease they were supposed to vaccinate us against.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

janis b's picture


From the beginning and still now, I am perplexed by the inconsistency of some individuals regarding their support of obligatory vaccination and their support of personal choice in other regards.

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janis b's picture

@janis b

but I think religious identification has something to do with it.

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janis b's picture

@janis b

just trying to justify one's choice with whatever justification fits their choice.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@janis b Against the nice army of lawyers who insist that everyone be vaccinated, you have the self-righteous army of the unvaccinated. Their choice was stupid when Alpha and Delta were ravaging the US but is now as irrelevant as the vaccines are now.

C'mon people. Let go.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus tour co. Certain cruise companies treat unvaccinated people just like like vaxxed people. It is a BIG DEAL!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

So Republicans have been able to turn a blind eye to the abuses of the FBI for decade after decade, but a single raid of the billionaire ex-President's home and suddenly it's a whole new world.

Cointelpro, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast and Furious, Bundy Ranch, Russia-gate, Seth Rich, Weiner laptop, Hunter Biden laptop, Epstein, Whitmer 'kidnapping', J-6...

You think Republicans are unaware or approving of that crap? Yes, Fedcops have been engaged in nefarious crap for decades - targeting and entrapping political enemies and the vulnerable, shielding the powerful and now stepping up to coup de etat level as a desperate Deep State attempts to stave off a real and long-overdue day of reckoning.

Which, rather than make snarky comments about you could do something constructive and get on board with their efforts.

Like Joe Kent - who just successfully primaried incumbent RINO Herrera-Butler in WA CD-3 - be part of the solution:

Joe Kent on Mar a Lago raid.jpg

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@Blue Republic The difference is approval.

Cointelpro, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast and Furious, Bundy Ranch, Russia-gate, Seth Rich, Weiner laptop, Hunter Biden laptop, Epstein, Whitmer 'kidnapping', J-6...

I'll grant you Waco and Ruby Ridge. That was the last time until now that Republicans had a problem with the FBI.
But Cointepro? Republicans were outright supporters of that. After all, it targeted leftists, and no one gives a shit about them.
Fast and Furious was an ATF program, not FBI.
Bundy Ranch? Uh, I actually supported the FBI in this case.
Russiagate was largely a media scandal, with some DOJ mixed in.
Seth Rich is a conspiracy theory.
Hunter Biden laptop is a political scandal.
Epstein was mostly a political scandal, with a bit of "suicide" mixed in.

Yes, Fedcops have been engaged in nefarious crap for decades - targeting and entrapping political enemies and the vulnerable, shielding the powerful and now stepping up to coup de etat level as a desperate Deep State attempts to stave off a real and long-overdue day of reckoning.

OK. You had me until "now stepping up to coup de etat level". What exactly are you talking about?
The Trump raid? You know he's an EX-president, right?

Which, rather than make snarky comments about you could do something constructive and get on board with their efforts.

No. I'll pass. I go to zerohedge and see what the right-wing think every day. Do you know what they think?
They want me dead. Literally dead. They want to murder me and every other leftist in this country. Or if not murder, then imprison and kick us out of the country.
So, no. That's a hard pass. Fuck the right-wing.

Like Joe Kent - who just successfully primaried incumbent RINO Herrera-Butler in WA CD-3 - be part of the solution

The guy who ran on Stop The Steal?

3 users have voted.

I'm amused to see the FBI go after a wealthy person for a change. You kind of forget after a while that the law is supposed to apply to rich people too.

that the feds are finally going after an ex-president. Should have happened with Nixon too, but that unpardonable pardon set a precedent that No One Is Above the Law -- Except for Ex-Presidents because, golly, if we prosecuted them, "the whole country would fall apart". Hopefully a focused and aggressive prosecution of Trump will put an end to the thinking that allowed presidents to confidently avoid any legal accountability.

Of course his far-right extremist backers believe Trump is above the law and are now talking violence and civil war, but that not-farfetched risk shouldn't deter the DOJ from holding everyone accountable including Trump. Whether he actually ends up in a criminal courtroom, gets convicted and ends up in the slammer is another matter entirely, but the effort should still be made and there shouldn't be DOJ political calculation in the decision whether to proceed.

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but for possibly the first time ever, I have to give Hillary Clinton credit for a good one.

A day after the FBI conducted a search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, Hillary Clinton responded on Tuesday with a tweet promoting merchandise emblazoned with the phrase “But Her Emails” — which has become the sardonic response among her supporters to Trump’s many scandals.

I have to think it was a Hillary staffer that had this idea, because I can't picture Hillary having a good idea, ever.
BTW, in case you think that Trump was being oppressed for no reason, it was the National Archives that started this.

According to multiple reports, Monday’s FBI search at Mar-a-Lago was related to an investigation into Trump’s potential mishandling of classified documents.
On Monday, Maggie Haberman of the New York Times shared photos of notes thrown in a toilet, which Haberman said were Trump’s and taken at the White House and on an overseas trip. (Flushing those records would violate the Presidential Records Act.)
Three months ago, a federal grand jury began investigating whether Trump had mishandled top-secret documents. That came after the National Archives confirmed that it had retrieved 15 boxes of documents from Mar-a-Lago — including records marked as “classified” and even “top secret” — and asked the Justice Department to investigate.
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snoopydawg's picture

Trump has secret service protection and I would assume that they wouldn’t have taken kindly to armed agents from another agency rolling up with guns and invading their protectee's house without former knowledge that they were coming. If they were warned about it where would their loyalty lay?

Pompeo tweeted that he was involved in Hillary’s Benghazi investigation and when she deleted the 30k emails that congress had subpoenas they didn’t think of raiding her house to look for them. And let’s not forget that the FBI never actually inspected the DNC computer that said Russia had stolen their information. To this day shitlibs still think that Russia put Trump in office even though every aspect of Russia Russia has been debunked. They’re even still calling McConnell Moscow Mitch.

Part of me wants Trump to be president again so he can look into the people who lied about his Ukraine impeachment and bring their lies to light. Now that’d be some payback I can get behind.

And for gawd’s sake Trump has been in the headlines every effing day since Biden won the election. If Trump does win again democrats only have themselves to blame for keeping him relevant..

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg shame if we had to endure even a few more yrs of Trump in the headlines. I'm sick of him myself. Many others too. Even some Rs. And I'm well aware that narcissists such as the Donald crave attention. But if it's headlines for the right reasons, that the DOJ is actually pursuing a serious criminal investigation that is credible and can be backed up solidly in court, I'm all for it despite the Trumpy headlines.

No one should be above the law, and it's about time this country started practicing what it preaches.

Re the SS, their loyalty always should be ultimately to upholding the Constitution and the law of the land, and not to an individual person. In dictatorships, you would see their SS equivalent acting more as a Praetorian Guard, a personal bodyguard service for the dear leader. Here is their oath of office per wiki:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God

While the SS is tasked with guarding the president and other top govt officials, it is not tasked with preventing the govt from carrying out proper and legal functions that happen to affect the president.

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snoopydawg's picture


Billionaires aren’t going to start being held accountable for anything just because democrats are going after Trump. This is a continuation of Russia Russia and the false story that Trump tried to overthrow the government and install himself as president for life. Unarmed people touring the capital and taking pictures with the cops who watched as people walked in seems a strange way to accomplish that. Trump authorized 20k national guard for the day, but the DC governor turned him down. And it was Pelosi’s job to secure the capital security. It’s not like no one knew what was going to happen that day. And it sure seems like Trump left office willingly when his term was up.

And I'm well aware that narcissists such as the Donald crave attention.

It was the democrats mouthpieces that wrote about Trump every day when he was in office and since he left it. Maybe if they hadn’t you wouldn’t think that he’s the biggest narcissist ever. Democrats made sure that people had a bad opinion of him. I think that Bush was a much worse president than Trump was and that Obama beat Bush hands down. Too bad that the media didn’t cover him like they did Trump and Bush.

The FBI initially said that Hillary was guilty of gross negligence which could have seen her charged under the espionage act, but Strzok changed it to carelessness. She defied a congressional subpoena to turn over all her emails. All not just the ones she thought she should. Please don’t rewrite history.

And was there proof that Trump was destroying the papers or just an accusation? Presidents can declassify whatever they want. The papers that Trump is accused of dumping in the toilet was something Margie made up since it’s not even his handwriting. After 6 years someone just released those pictures? Please.

And I’m not defending Trump in any way. Presidents have been off limits forever and Biden just set a new precedent. IMO.

Jaimie Dimon has been charged with at least 5 felonies and yet he’s still allowed to be president of his bank. No one is above the law is a fallacy.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg response only on a few items: 1) it was the thread creator who brought up the billionaire angle, take that up with him. I was arguing on the ex-president angle.

2) Hillary: repeat that the emails and Benghazi were nothing burgers, much ado about very little. The R attempt at making it another Watergate-level scandal failed. No one remembers BG today bc there was nothing there, as revealed in many hours of sworn testimony by HRC herself. Finally on HRC, all the wasted energy hating her -- and some of you here REALLY hate her -- on a bogus non scandal (almost as pseudo as Russiagate) should have been redirected to go after her for her hawkish FP positions. Some quite dangerous, as with her call for a no-fly zone in Syria in 2016, that risked a direct confrontation with Russia.

3) pres classification: yes he does have those powers, not in dispute here, except to note that obviously he cannot retrospectively attempt to "declassify" some of them post-presidency, and regardless of their classification he's not allowed to take them as if personal property. They are all public property. It seems there are 2 issues overall in the MAL raid: a) improper removal of govt docs, and b) improper removal of classified govt docs, either of which would constitute a violation of the PRA.

We don't know all the facts or the exact nature of the docs, 12 boxes worth he kept at MAL after an additional 15 boxes had been retrieved by the feds earlier this year, but we do know that apparently it was the National Archives which first brought the improper removal to authorities attention, and a fed judge was convinced that there was probable cause that at least one felony act had likely occurred with the removal of these docs. And of course it was a DJT-appointed FBI Director who signed off on the raid, giving it still more credibility.

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snoopydawg's picture


The CIA was arming terrorists out of the embassy and 4 people not only died, but the truth about their deaths was covered up. They were being armed so they could help Obama take Assad out. That people think it was just republicans blowing smoke is the true story. Of course democrats wanted people to believe that.

If there was true justice in this country lots more presidents would have been charged for crimes against humanity. I think it’s silly that the democrats are going after Trump this hard after Pelosi let Bush walk.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


The CIA was arming terrorists out of the embassy

However, this was NOT what the Benghazi hearings were about.
If you wanted to get excited about arming terrorists, then look no further than Syria. That was MUCH bigger. But there weren't any hearing about Syria.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


...That you are corrected in your recollections and your arguments here.

I am truly surprised at the memories of those who are trying to correct you by substituting the non-informational distractions and misinformation that was pushed by the CIA assets at the time — making good use of the new law allowing government to brainwash the American public. Benghazi was a test case of deliberate mass-disinformation pushed onto the American people by the government via the US media.

I am not surprised that folks were deceived in a permanent way. I was talking about Benghazi at the time and explaining the real-time US media lies and the real Benghazi story as it happened. But I held back a lot because at the time, no one cared about the truth. They cared about politics and about Hillary's emails (which had nothing to do with Benghazi) and they were hating on Republicans bullying her over Benghazi for no apparent reason. The real Benghazi story went over everyone's head. All that folks have left in their heads is mis-direction:

Hillary: repeat that the emails and Benghazi were nothing burgers, much ado about very little. The R attempt at making it another Watergate-level scandal failed. No one remembers BG today bc there was nothing there, as revealed in many hours of sworn testimony by HRC herself. Finally on HRC, all the wasted energy hating her -- and some of you here REALLY hate her -- on a bogus non scandal (almost as pseudo as Russiagate) should have been redirected to go after her for her hawkish FP positions.

I also didn't want to get into the weeds over Benghazi at the time because I didn't want expose this site to accusations of conspiracy theories. So I allowed the truth to be sacrificed, here.

The truth of Benghazi was a large-scale illegal CIA gun running operation out of an abandoned US Consulate outpost in Benghazi. It served as a front for a State Department/CIA gun-running drop. Guns arrived from Libya and were routed to Syria, used to arm terrorists that were hired by the CIA to fight against Assad. This type of gun running operation had been made illegal in a new bill passed by Congress. Uighurs were a large part of the terrorist group the CIA was forming. Some were recruited from China by different Uighur tribes that had settled near Turkey and Mongolia. In 2012, China reported this terrorist recruitment activity to the US. In the Middle East, the Uighurs soon became the legendary head-choppers from ISIS. They arrived in a long caravan of brand new Toyota trucks with gun mounts in the back. (Toyota Japan immediately stopped producing the truck.)

This 2017 article in Asia Times presents an overview of the Uyghur-ISIS-US-Turkey gun running and terrorist operations in Syria. This is just a hint of the much larger CIA project that was designed to destabilize China, after 2001. The project continues today. I have hundreds of citations.

What really happened in the Benghazi hearings is this: The highly classified and illegal gun-running and the creation of ISIS was known by only a few senators in the Benghazi hearings where Hillary was being questioned. Republicans wanted to establish that Hillary was involved in criminal treasonist activity in Libya, where Americans were killed as a result. However, during the hearings, a Republican who was not briefed on the classified information, guessed at what was going on and pulled the rabbit out of his hat to dangle before Hillary. Was she gun-running?

Within moments, visitors and press were cleared from the room. Some members of Congress, lawyers, and staff followed. Soon Hillary left the room. The scheduled hearings were postponed. They never returned and the press determined that it was a 'nothingburger' and passed that onto the general public.

It was actually a well documented US war crime.

The real story of the Uighurs in the Middle East is also a US war crime. Most nations know this. Which is why they no longer participate with US sanctions and condemnations.

pass it on where needed.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

and thanks! I did know that republicans didn’t actually uncover the truth about Benghazi and the gun running, but thought that they were protecting state secrets or something along that line. But learning that they weren’t aware of all the details helps fill in the blanks. Hillary basically filibustered her answers which also kept people in the dark about what happened at the embassy. Every now and then a new article will come out exposing more of the truth. But just like Libya we were told that it was a natural uprising from people fed up with their president, but in fact it was one of our color revolutions like what happened in Ukraine. Oh well maybe we’ll see the day when one of our protests gets outside help and people will be armed too. Just goshing you…I think.

Wasn’t it General Flynn who testified before congress on how Obama was arming AQ and lots of the weapons got into ISIS hands?

Famous line from the Hellabitch: "What difference does it make now?" That didn’t go over well with the families of the men who were killed at the embassy. Stevens had asked for more security, but he was turned down.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

....from the State Department after Benghazi. She never returned. There were the missing emails that the FBI was recovering. No one ever mentions that she left as SOS before her job ended. But the world knew she was Gone.

I have to say, that I always considered Hillary's emails to be the nothingburger. The whole media buzz about it was a media coverup of something larger. Comey's investigation of her emails is not what lost her the election. She lost the election on Day One of her campaign. She was a odious creature, who took massive gifts from the world's most corrupt regimes for her Family Foundation. She collected donations for her personal Foundation the entire time she was SOS. Her largest donations came from Saudi Arabia and Ukraine. Her candidacy exposed the permanent ethical depravity and false representation of the Democratic Party. To those who could see it.

There were only two of her emails that interested me. One was a back and forth with Obama, which was emailed to her secret address. The other was a letter from Max Blumenthal's father telling the Libya story as he saw it. And rambling about background conspiracies and secrets. Nothing in the emails, as far as I know, was a greater crime than the fact that it was a secret email drop, which automatically and invisibly sent a copy to Anthony's Wiener's laptop. (Now that I think about it, I seem to remember that her email correspondence with Obama was about him telling her to knock it off with the Family Foundation grift.)

I did not see the point of charging her with a crime, which would never hold the interest of Americans for very long. But then, there is no one in the Federal government who strikes me as worth charging with a crime. The possible crimes are all technical bureaucratic process offenses that don't matter to anyone. They will not rescue Democracy. It's a waste of kabuki. The crimes that matter are classified.

All of this pales in the face of Citizens United and a rudimentary constitution that is void of Human Rights and election laws — but still carries the stink of slavery.

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@Pluto's Republic step down"? Huh? Cite for that? First I've heard of it, but doubt your version is true. She had been openly talking about moving on at the beginning of 2012, months before Benghazi, per wiki. As for not finishing her job before she left, recall that she had gotten sick, there was that public fainting spell, that occurred late in 2012, so she had to cut back on further travel as she prepared to leave.

Serving one administration term is about par for the course for Secretaries of State, who serve at the pleasure of the president and have no fixed term, and in her case as she had done almost a record amount of traveling, and as it was probably understood she needed some down time before her next venture, there was no controversy at the time about her somehow leaving prematurely, no talk that I recall about Obama "forcing" her out. And if that were true, which I doubt, it would be odd indeed that Obama would then turn around just a few yrs later and privately favor her running to succeed him rather than his VP Biden.

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@snoopydawg an embassy in Benghazi? From what I've read, it wasn't. nor was it a consulate. It appears to have been some undefined outpost which, for State Dept purposes of bureaucracy and monitoring, fell between the cracks, which might account for the less than optimal security.

But it's a long gone, dead issue, which even after many R-led congressional inquiries never got traction with the public outside of the Fox-watching far right. Perhaps the public senses, rightly, that it was all politics designed to damage HRC for the upcoming 2016 election.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


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Billionaires aren’t going to start being held accountable for anything just because democrats are going after Trump.

True, but that's no reason to not applaud the rare exception.

This is a continuation of Russia Russia and the false story that Trump tried to overthrow the government and install himself as president for life.

That's not true. This came around because of a law that Trump himself pushed through.
This wasn't a political decision.

And I'm well aware that narcissists such as the Donald crave attention.

It was the democrats mouthpieces that wrote about Trump every day when he was in office and since he left it. Maybe if they hadn’t you wouldn’t think that he’s the biggest narcissist ever.

Uh, are you aware of his reputation BEFORE he ran for president?

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@snoopydawg it might highlight the difference between HRC and DJT and how confident gov't or cong'l leaders were in getting the requested docs. In DJT's case, the Nat'l Archives learned in 2018 he had been destroying Pres'l docs that should have been preserved, in violation of the Pres Records Act. Of HRC's 30k emails, some which should have been copied to the official record and which should have been turned over had been vaguely labeled so the FBI was able to conclude their handling and omission was probably due to carelessness.

Though I'm not a fan of Hillary by any stretch, that conclusion is probably closer to the truth. And how many hours over how many days did she testify under oath about the nothing burger Benghazi?

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I would assume that they wouldn’t have taken kindly to armed agents from another agency rolling up with guns and invading their protectee's house without former knowledge that they were coming.

All of the standard legal procedures were followed.

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@gjohnsit that elsewhere, good point. Makes perfect sense, a most common sense thing to do to avoid "surprising" the SS and risking a messy raid.

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