
Saving Money While Cooking: Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch

Welcome to Sunday Brunch. This is an open thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. I love to cook but with only two people in the house there is usually leftovers. Reid loves Corned Beef around St. Patrick's Day and I love Chinese BBQ called Char Siu. I have learned to make enough so that I can do more than one recipe using the meat.

Clinton's Listening Tour

I just about pasted an excellent recipe for strawberry-rhubarb cobbler and let that fly. But I really want to draw attention to this article at CNBC. It is a recitation of the volume, number and amounts of contributions that the Clinton machine have taken in over the past few years.

Between her time as SOS and time as candidate, she was being paid to participate in a listening tour for the .01%.
