Does Violence Beget Violence?

A crazed gunman killed five officers in Dallas and wounded others. A crazed bipartisan leadership, coalesced with financial and business elites, and military brass, kill in seconds around the clock the same or greater number. Is it possible that if the latter did not happen, neither would we see more of the former? I have implied that violence is contagious; to go further, it is also causative, particularly when legitimate authority takes the lead and sanctions rules which filter down to the rest of us. Rules such as, show no quarter; brutality is next to godliness, when the (self-approved and self-defined) cause is just—which it always is.

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Meteor Man's picture

Brock Lesnar speaks!

After Brock Lesnar got done pounding on Mark Hunt's face in a unanimous decision victory at UFC 200 on Saturday night, he had a message for Dallas police officers and the rest of the country.

"America, shout out to the men in uniform that protect and serve this country," Lesnar said in the Octagon immediately after his fight. "From sea to shining sea, from one white boy to all nationalities, we've got to stand together, people."

So Brock Lesnar is the new voice of Movement Conservatism? Or is he endorsing Hillary?)!

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

riverlover's picture

what's the point of linking external and internal killings by the PTB? Or by a crazed gunman? One person with an automatic can wreak havoc and so can a drone strike?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

edg's picture

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martianexpatriate's picture

Year after year, people have suggested that if only were punish people more harshly, things will get better. So we pass harsh laws like "Three strikes and your out," that cause people to spend much of their lives in jail. All along the way, we tend to let off good looking white boys, but we focus all of our policing onto poor blacks. Now every step of the way that we do this, things get worse.

We imprison more people, and parts of our cities become war zones. The economy gets worse as career criminals find it impossible to pursue any other vacation and more and more of our budget is spent in prisons. The desperate men who know that they are targets of choice occasionally kill a policeman, and at that moment, finally, we are offended.

Meanwhile we send our military out literally across the war. What we are doing is literally unprecedented in world history. No other Empire has ever brought this much death to this many countries for this long.

Its amazing just how far we will go now to prevent spending money on our infrastructure. It's like we will do anything but that.

I don't think any of it is disconnected anymore.

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non-violence begets non-violence, it works both ways. Imagine de-escalating toward peace everywhere.
Naah let's blow everything to smithereens including the U.S. Constitution! Because when

1. Nothing
2. Matters
3. Except
4. Profit!

greed kills without remorse.

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