
Thursday Open Thread 9-21-2017

Personal observation over time has revealed an interesting phenomena. Many medical professionals I know who use self-treatment for themselves and their family use different methods than they use to treat patients. Guilty of it myself. Multiple reasons, for one the amount of time and energy it takes to convince someone to take the time to follow a self-directed path towards health or optimal functionality vs their desire for quick fix of take this pill or try a surgery. Monitoring a medical condition being treated or prevented is a major part of self-treatment. It requires an additional layer of education, motivation and critical thinking skills.

Thursday Open Thread 9-14-2017

Morning - I am out of town today and will write responses late this evening or tomorrow.

Traveled to the Kam Wah Chung museum this to revisit the small building that was the residence and place of business of Lung On and Doc Hay. The dry climate and record keeping habits created a time capsule of Chinese immigrant culture. Their story is reminder one does not need to travel or require a large amount of space to effect the lives of others.

It appears they sent financial support to Sun Yat-sen's Chinese Nationalist Party around the time he was working to overthrow the Qing dynasty and form a new government. Sun Yat-sen is considered the father of both mainland China and Taiwan.

Thursday Open Thread 8-24-2017

Why go to the effort to obtain high quality foods. Taste, health, support local growers, trying to reduce dependency on corporations or gardening as a hobby. Some of the benefits are personal many of them are also global. Food and beverage choices at home, in restaurants and as snacks provide you the opportunity to make small multiple impacts day after day.

The main message for this week is read the ingredients on the food you are using. It may not be what you expect. I am finding a number of foods I have used for years now have extra ingredients. The choice is change products or start making it oneself. For example, it is hard to find a corn tortilla to cook without gar-gum. Most of the 50lb bags of masa flour at the restaurant supply store have it pre-added to the flour. The tortillas with gar-gum will mold in my fridge. The ones without simply dehydrate and are good for months, just need to add water. What else is changing?

Thursday Open Thread 8-17-2017

The vibrations of change that began in Charlottesville will now be forever intertwined with our actions trying to increase our resilience with challenges of climate change, oligarchy dominance and unstable healthcare delivery system.

Most of the national discussion is being directed into longstanding racial issues and divides. The international reaction will probably be more significant.

The United States is the self-proclaimed policeman of the world and one of the major allies of World War II. Trump, our elected leader just defended individuals marching under the Nazi flag for their violent behavior. Not the honored American tradition and right of free speech which includes distasteful speech. Most of the Allies fought during the war on their soil with citizens and soldiers. The emotional scars to Nazi atrocities are deep. The international community will be re-thinking their long-term relationship with the United States.

Thursday Open Thread 8-3-2017

Sometimes the idea of resilience, the ability to bounce back from a set-back, disaster or hardship becomes confused with survivalist or the current phrase a prepper. There seem to be a number of people who are looking in anticipation for the next disaster so to experience hardship, heroically push through and show their ability to survive despite the odds.

The current disaster of the week in my area is the eclipse. I had to do a little commuting this week and listened to the radio while driving. I am definitely unprepared for the roads to be in grid-lock, perhaps no emergency services or the road to the fast food joint jammed.

Thursday Open Thread 7-27-2017

Morning - serious subjects and events the last few days on C99 so I just did photo diary Tuesday of the day and have added some thoughts and observations. For new readers I run a hobby farm, create an environment I like living within and experiment with different techniques for self sufficiency. Outside the boundary of the property is the good and bad of the "real" world the traffic, wWalmart, lots of people, water restrictions, community events, libraries, concerts and modern life.
