
The End is Nigh

“The president has agreed to our request,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) told reporters. “Hopefully the president has learned his lesson.

“Our unity is our power and that is what maybe the president underestimated,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

Is it reach across the aisle or reach around the aisle?

Bring on 2020...

Nancy Pelosi is emblematic of Democratic leadership ossification

Having been absent from c99 for a while, not for lack of interest but because of life ("Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans"--J. Lennon). I have been a faithful lurker here to read many excellent essays and insightful commentary posted here. I have been aroused from my torpor by some interesting, though not necessarily political news.

Democrats doing what they do best--LYING

This post will surprise no one, except my Aunt Alithea, who takes every one at their word and then at their leg. But this brief article is more fun than usual because of the two degenerates pictured in it. I say degenerates because I am assuming that at some remote time the Gruesome Twosome were possessed of morality--though all traces seemed to have vanished.

“You can only scare so many people to the polls”

“You can only scare so many people to the polls,” Perkins said. “You’ve got to cast a vision to get the rest of them there.”

That sounds like the sound advice of a Berniecrat trying to get a Hillarybot to see the light. You can't just run against Trump, right?

Except that it isn't what it appears to be.

Charlottesville blowback, Democrats in retreat.

Here's the bibliography of Charlottesville essays I wrote. Use them to frame the following discussion of the rife bullshit of the DNC. No, this time it isn't RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. It's Antifa and black bloc.

Today's Humor (3/5/17): more Nancy Pelosi fun

Nancy is like Medusa's emails: a gift that keeps on giving. Why do I pick on Nancy so much? Because she's there and so hard to resist. With prodding from Jake Tapper, of all people, NP remembers that yes indeed she did meet with Russians including the ambassador in 2010. But that was okay because other legislators did it too--so therefore it MUST be legal--because she said so.

Today's Humor (3/2/17): More wisdom from Nancy Pelosi

Hold on folks, Nancy Pelosi must be inspired. But I am not quite sure about what she is so inspired. The presenile one does not heed Eleanor Roosevelt's famous advice:
Although people may think you're stupid, don't open your mouth and prove it.

Nancy has by now been coached by her "handlers" that Bush is not the President. Thus fortified with this new knowledge, she has jumped into action so blatantly illogical and hypocritical that one wonders why she even bothers.

Today's humor, 2/10/17 edition: moments of unintentional clarity

As the Titanic, carrying 330,000,000 passengers is slowly heading beneath the waves, it may be worthwhile to keep dancing while the band plays on. And since laughter, though rare these days, is better than crying, my prescription is for you to laugh. Dammit! Whether you like it or not, LAUGH!

So here its goes.
