
Could Trump win a Nobel Peace Prize?

When I did a Google search for "Trump threat to world peace" I got 42,100,000 results.
"Trump madman" got 2,400,000 results. "Trump nuclear war" gets 87,900,000 results. "Trump dangerous" gets 148,000,000 results.
It seems everyone is convinced that Trump is a crazed madman who seeks WWIII.

So how ironic is it that Trump is closer to bringing the world toward peace than Nobel Peace Prize winner Barak Obama ever did?

A surprise Musical encounter.

As I was tuning in the good ol' YouTube for something to listen to, I encountered this sweet little tune. It was originally written by Timmy Thomas in 1972; but this cover by the immortal Sade is recognized as being the best one. It's called "Why can't we be together". The lyrics tell why I made an Essay out of it:
