Open Thread

OT 06/18/16 "Ain't No Bread In The Breadbox" Edition

Before the Borg, there was advertising. It too seeks to penetrate everywhere, assimilate all, asserts that resistance is futile. It too is loathsome beyond the ability of humans to truly express. Though many have tried. Rudyard Kipling, for example, when in 1889 he shipped to San Francisco, was appalled to discover the city to be one large gaseous mass of advertisting.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/16/2016: The Worship of Success

We hear all about what it means to be successful, or rather, twisted American Capitalist tales of it. You know, the whole 'Look at that guy! He started with nothing but the hairs on his head and now look at 'em. He has enough money to buy and sell everyone a thousand times over and he's a job creator. A model for success, I tell ya what!'
