Open Thread

Beatniks, Surfers and Hippies - Open Thread 7/14/16

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Where was I? Oh yeah nattering on about visual art and pissing and moaning about the google. I'm getting to the part I love, the punch line of this silly endeavor.

1956-1970's (roughly as the art it bleeds and builds on what went berore)

Beat artist's who like the beat poets were zen, cool and into the mystic

Open Tummler 07/12/16

So, according to the readers of the tea leaves—who, it must be said, are wrong, more often than they are right—today there shall occur these two Events: (1) The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he will meet The Mad Bomber, upon a stage, in a high school gymnasium, in New Hampshire, and there he shall endorse her, to be the president; (2) The Hairball, in Indiana, he will publicly get jiggy, with that state's governor, Dick "Six" Pence, whom he shall then name as his vice-presidential running mate, thereby trumpeting, to all the world, the immortal ticket, of Baboon & Buffoon.

These sorts of politics people, they are, in the main, stupid and maxresdefault_4.jpgboring. And they, for sure, do not advance the planet.

However, I feel duty-bound to, at least here, Grump Along With Mitch, about them. At least. For a while.

But, then, we can get down, to what is really wrong. And: more importantly: to what is really right. Like, to some humans, who are advancing, the planet.

With, meanwhile, as filigree, some pleasant, or not so, diversions: Queen Elizabeth, transforming into a lizard person, right there on the television; Anton LaVey, fingered as Mitch Miller; farmering while invisible; and how, if you stop yelling, you can see better.

Open Thread for July 11, 2016, Happy World Population Day (International)

Open Thread for July 11, 2016, Happy World Population Day (International)

July 11 is the 192th day of the year. There are 173 days left.

Today is 7-11, meaningful in both craps and retail

11 and its multiples generate fun fractions (more later)
