
Next Week's Big Elections

There are two big elections next week, but you are probably not aware of the one in Mexico on Sunday.
While voters in the states of Coahuila and Nayarit will also elect new governors, all eyes will be on the election in the State of Mexico. For more than 90 years the PRI has ruled in Mexico's most populace state, but that might be coming to an end.

Pres. DT Threatens to Send U.S. Troops to Mexico to Take Care of 'Bad Hombres'

President Trump Threatens to Send U.S. Troops to Mexico to Take Care of 'Bad Hombres'

Source: Time/Associated Press

President Donald Trump threatened in a phone call with his Mexican counterpart to send U.S. troops to stop "bad hombres down there" unless the Mexican military does more to control them itself, according to an excerpt of a transcript of the conversation obtained by The Associated Press.
