
They're not the Resistance. They're collaborators.

Today's Democratic Party is corporate to the core. This was unforgettably demonstrated by the shafting of Bernie Sanders in 2016, followed by the DNC's Tom Perez shutting out any progressive voices after the election debacle. This year, the DNC backed ex-CIA, ex-military, and ex-State Department intel people while defunding and, yet again, sabotaging efforts by genuine progressives.

American Politics is like Syria minus Assad

Has US politics begun to sound to you like a South Front report on the war in Syria? [NOTE] Not sure what your party stands for anymore, or who is behind the IP poster child of the month? Not sure who is about to stab you in the back? Well, that means the Empire of Chaos's US operation is going according to plan.

You are not doing your part for the McResistance

It has recently come to my attention that people here aren't pulling their weight for our corporate elites.
In fact, I'm ashamed to say that some of you are guilty of thought-crimes.
In the interests in Unity(tm) I'd like to remind you that we are in a struggle against
Trump/Putin/ZombieHitler. If that can't motivate you to join the McResistance, I don't know what will.