John Prine

Album of the Week 2-1-25

Afternoon folks!

This week, as usual, we've got some blues, starting off with Chicago blues guitarist Mighty Joe Young, followed by a compilation of (then) younger Chicago blues artists including impressive vocalist Valerie Wellington and slide guitarist Lil' Ed. Following that there's a Funkadelic album, followed by a bunch of blues rock and r&b albums from The Siegel-Schwall Band, Tracy Nelson and The Ikettes. After that is an album from John Prine and some bluegrass from Robin & Linda Williams.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Album of the Week 7-8-23

Afternoon folks!

I've cleaned up and digitized a bunch of good stuff in the last couple of weeks. Starting off, there's an early 70's Etta James album on which she does some amazing covers of Randy Newman songs. After that, Art Neville (the elder Neville brother) has a compilation of early New Orleans rock n roll - great stuff!

There's scads of blues-rock this week with The Electric Flag, a Dr. Feelgood album from their early period with Wilko Johnson on guitar and and album from a less-well-known british artist Lord Sutch (sometimes known as "Screaming Lord Sutch") which features people you'll probably recognize - Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, John Bonham, Nicky Hopkins and Noel Redding.

After that, there's what I think is John Prine's best album "Diamonds in the Rough," and we finish up this week with some fun older recordings from Ukulele Ike.


Laugh to Keep From Crying: John & Bernie Edition

I don't k inow about you, but I feel like I got painfully whacked up the side of my twice between Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon.

Lost two story telling and truth telling folks I greatly admired. Neither made it all the way to the top of the pop culture charts. But have been passionately cared about within their spheres of influence. In fact, I'll bet you a tall cool one that fans of one were fans of fans of both.

Life will go on ... I guess. There will be other reasons to laugh and to hope and to cheer.

For now ... lets begin today's "laugh to keep from crying" session with these two gentle men

sole survivor.png

As always, post 'em if ya got 'em