Jimmy Dore

My problem with Jimmy Dore

I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and I don't regret it. I clearly remember defending Ralph Nader on DKos from blue-check partisans that blamed him for the Democrats defeat.
They like to point out that Nader got 24,000 votes in Florida. Most of those votes were not from Democrats.
I would reply "what gives you the right to expect votes from other parties? And why do you not blame the 240,000 Democrats who voted for Bush?"

The Coronavirus is Finishing the Collapse of America

This is the subtitle of an article published on Medium by Umair Haque. Ironically, the day before Jimmy Dore called our attention to this article in a conversation with Dylan Ratigan, our own Steven D posted a comment in reply to a tweet on Twitter. I saw his comment and added my own. Our two comments may be more prescient than either of us realized at the time we posted them.

There's A Very Dynamic Synergy Going On Now With Online Left Media, #BoycottMSNBC Is Trending Too.

This feeling has been present with me for a long time now. I've been trying to pinpoint it but can't really. It must have been around the time of the 2015-2016 Democratic Primary that it began to become more apparent and coalesce as a tangible thing to me. Perhaps two of the biggest examples have been the success of Chapo Trap House and the Jimmy Dore Show, both unapologetic, hilarious and radical shows (the former more dashingly radical than the latter) with tons of subscribers.

Jimmy Dore Just Left TYT. Like With Jimmy Baldwin, A Strong Backbone Is Neccessary When Criticizing The Fear Mongering of Lesser-Of-Two-Evil Voting.

On Friday afternoon I noticed on my YouTube account page that there was a little icon saying that there was a new Jimmy Dore video, and under it said "Live Now." There was also something saying that there were over 8k viewers at that moment. So I clicked on.
