
Climate Change - Reality Check - The Blind Leading the Blind

This is an essay that I had originally posted at TOS, but I have cut it up, and have performed some editing (removed a few expletives, tried to fix some grammar lol) and sliced into several smaller, easily digestible "parts", this being part 1, of 5.


[video:https://youtu.be/nTCoU85dsLM align:center]

Jill Stein CNN Townhall Discussion Thread

Edited after the livestream:

I saw that this thread was moved to the front page so I wanted to be sure that ones who had missed it could find coverage.

update Friday 8/19: Found this easy list of clips from townhall posted at reddit r/jillstein


Link to youtube of full event courtesy of FreeSociety (thanks!) below:

The reaction of the (s)hillary crowd shows THEIR true nature

I have seen many tweets/posts/etc. from Hillary supporters who claim that many Bernie supports have turned their back on Bernie (or their messiah as some have used this word).

The whole Bernie cult of personality that the (s)hillary camp has tried to foist upon us reveals what the (s)hillary crowd really is. THEY are the cult of personality crowd that worships at the alter of Clinton.