International Socialist Review

Hellraisers Journal: Bleeding Mexico, Uncensored, by David Bruce for International Socialist Review

Forward, comrades! Soon you will hear the first shots;
soon the shout of rebellion will thunder
from the throats of the oppressed...
Land and Liberty!
-Ricardo Flores Magón

Monday April 3, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: David Bruce Reports from Mexico

Hellraisers Journal: Barbarous Mexico by John Kenneth Turner, "The Book of the Hour"

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Sunday April 2, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: "The Book of the Hour

Hellraisers Journal: A Song of Revolt by Wilfrid Gribble from the International Socialist Review

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Sunday March 12, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Wilfrid Gribble on Worker's Revolt

Wilfrid Gribble, Song of Revolt, ISR, Mar 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: "Fantine in Our Day" by Eugene Debs from the International Socialist Review

While there is a lower class, I am in it,
while there is a criminal element, I am of it,
and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
-Eugene Victor Debs

Monday March 6, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Comrade Debs on the Fantines of Our Day

From this month's edition of the Review, Comrade Debs urges class solidarity and human compassion for the "girls, women who have walked the path of thorns and briers with bare and bleeding feet; who know the ways of agony and tears, and who move in melancholy procession as capitalist society's sacrificial offering to nameless and dishonored graves."



Fantine kneeling before Javert.png

THE reader of "Les Miserables" can never forget the ill-starred Fantine, the mournful heroine of Hugo's immortal classic. The very name of Fantine, the gay, guileless, trusting girl, the innocent, betrayed, self-immolating young mother, the despoiled, bedraggled, hunted and holy martyr to motherhood, to the infinite love of her child, touches to tears and haunts the memory like a melancholy dream.

Jean Valjean, noblest of heroes, was possible only because of Fantine, sublimest of martyrs.

Fantine—child of poverty and starvation—the ruined girl, the abandoned mother, the hounded prostitute, remained to the very hour of her tragic death chaste as a virgin, spotless as a saint in the holy sanctuary of her own pure and undefiled soul. It was of such as Fantine that Heine wrote: "I have seen women on whose cheeks red vice was painted and in whose hearts dwelt heavenly purity."

Hellraisers Journal: Impressions of War from Sculptor, Nellie V Walker, and Poet, Ralph Chaplin

A feast of mothers' pain is here laid low
For swarming insects hovering on high.
Grey rats, red muzzled through the trenches go
Where your death-tortured features face the sky.
-Ralph Chaplin

Sunday February 27, 1916
The Great War in Europe and the Mass Slaughter of Working Class Sons Considered

United Mine Workers Journal, Cover of February 3, 1916:

UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker, Cropped.png

Hellraisers Journal: "This is not a war of Freedom." It is a war for "rulership of the earth.."

The armies and navies which our strutting militarists plan to create here
are not intended for your defense and mine.
Their to protect their commerce abroad and rob the workers here
of the last remaining vestiges of their rights under
the constitution and the laws.
-Frank Bohn

Monday February 14, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Frank Bohn on Preparedness

In the February edition of the Review, Comrade Bohn offered some thoughts on the issue of preparedness:

International Socialist Review, Feb, 1916, Preparedness, Frank Bohn,.png


A Speech Delivered at Carnegie Hall, New York, Jan. 5th, 1916

Hellraisers Journal: How Capitalists' Gunmen Broke Loose in Youngstown, Three Rebel Workers Dead

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday February 2, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: A Report on the Youngstown Massacre

This month's edition of the Review offers an overview of the Youngstown Massacre:

Youngstown Steel Strike of 1915-16, Capitalist Violence, ISR Feb 1916.png

Capitalist Violence at Youngstown


A GANG of gunmen broke loose in Youngstown, Ohio, on the night of January 7. When they got through with the paid job they came to Youngstown to do, three union workingmen were dead, twenty more labor rebels had bullet wounds on their bodies, and somewhere over $1,000,000 worth of property lay smoking in ruins.

Not a life was lost nor a bullet gash received by the enemies of labor, according to reports so far arriving. Of the $1,000,000 and more property destroyed practically all was owned by somebody else than the big steel sheet and tube works, whose workers were on strike.

Look at it. Three working class rebels are dead, murdered by hired gunmen. Who paid the gunmen and where did they come from and what were their orders? Nobody is telling. The one certainty is the dead are dead.

Hellraisers Journal: How land-owning farmers of the southwest are turned into "shiftless renters."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Thursday January 13, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: The Life of the Tenant Farmer

In this month's edition of the Review, W. W. Pannell describes the life of the tenant farmer, how tenant farmers are manufactured, and the deep pit of debt in which they and their families struggle to survive:

Tenant Farming in the United States

Steward Family, Tenant Farmers, LOC.png
Tenant Farmers Levi and Beulah Stewart with children,
CIR Hearings at Dallas, March 1915

Hellraisers Journal: Ralph Chaplin on Joe Hill's Funeral from the International Socialist Review

The murdering of martyrs has never yet made
a tyrant's place secure.
-Ralph Chaplin

Monday January 3, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Joe Hill's Funeral

In the latest edition of the Review, Fellow Worker Ralph Chaplin offers this account of the funeral of our martyred rebel songwriter which was held in Chicago this past Thanksgiving Day, November 25th:

Joe Hill Funeral, West Side Auditorium, ISR Jan 1916.png



Hellraisers Journal: "The Lumber Jack" by Arthur Boose, IWW Organizer in Northern Minnesota

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Saturday January 1, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Arthur Boose on Organizing Lumber Jacks

From this month's edition of the Review we offer an article by Arthur Boose who is currently engaged in the organizing effort of the Industrial Workers of the World amongst the Timber Workers of Northern Minnesota.

Lumber Workers, Waiting for Dinner Up In The Woods, ISR Jan 1916.png



I HAVE been asked to contribute an article on the lumber industry and the conditions which obtain in it. I have spent a good deal of my life in that industry and take pleasure in telling about the life of the men known as lumber jacks.
