
Illinois law - never a dull moment. Think Peyton Place on steroids.

First, the players:

A. Illinois Supreme Court. The top court in Illinois, elected by the public, retained if they achieve a certain level of supporting votes. Pretty much respected for being fair, smart, and beyond ethical reproach (See Iowa, Kansas, NC, Texas, and the New Jersey Supremes for a comparison)

Hellraisers Journal: Darrow and Richardson Meet in Chicago to Plan Defense of Haywood and Moyer

There are no limits to which powers of privilege
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday April 17, 1906
Chicago, Illinois - Attorney Clarence Darrow Meets with Richardson

Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case, Darrow, Richardson, 1907.png

Sorry, sad, sick, state of Illinois

As Chuck Dickens once inked,

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

We have several problems in this state. A devious, deceitful, TeaBuggered Governor who wants to run for president in 2020, a sneaky, lying, nasty bully ruining one of the best cities in the world, financial issues, crime issues, and more. Just a peak at one of our papers says it all.

Bernie; Illinois News Round Up: Updated

Students turning out-...

Bernie from Illinois last night

The loudest booing of the night, however, came when Sanders mentioned to the crowd that Clinton had received "the strong endorsement of (Chicago) Mayor Rahm Emanuel."

New Bernie Ads in Chicago

It looks like there are three new ads on the air in Chicago for Bernie. I do not watch much TV outside of Netflix/Amazon/PBS so I probably won't see them live but here they are:

The first one is a quick biographical piece that focuses on his history of fighting for the rights of minorities.

I just voted in ILLINOIS!

According to the early poll workers, turn out has been brisk. Of the 20 or so people there, I'd say 3/5s were voting GOP, but this is the reddest part of Cook County (SW suburb). During the times that I was an election judge here, Shrub won by a huge margin, and Obama was only a couple of hundred short in 2008. (That was a moral victory, given the number of churches within one mile (12) vs. the number of bars (2). I did not realize that when I moved here.)

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones & John D Jr Plan: Give Life of Boy Murderer for Life of Ludlow Boy

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Saturday February 12, 1916
From The Day Book: A Life for a Life?

A story now being published in newspapers across the nation recently received some attention from the Chicago Day Book:

Day Book, Mother Jones, JDR Jr, Young Slayer, Feb 10, 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones at UMWA Convention; V.P. Hayes, "There is only one Mother Jones."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Sunday January 23, 1916
Indianapolis, Indiana - Mother Jones Speaks at U. M. W. of A. Convention, Part II


Friday's Hellraisers featured newspaper accounts of "Old Mother Jones" "storming" the stage at the Mine Workers' Convention, now ongoing in Indianapolis. Once on stage, Mother put an end to a bitter dispute between the international officers and Delegates McDonald and Germer of Illinois.

The acrimonious debate was fueled by the union's financial difficulties which no doubt stem from the long and hard fought struggles of the past four years, for example: brutal strikes in West Virginia and Colorado. Expenses continue to mount in Colorado due to legal cases involving more than 400 union men (John R. Lawson included) who are yet entangled in the courts of that state.

Mother called Duncan McDonald and Adolph Germer to the stage and, in the end, handshakes were exchanged all around.

Yesterday we presented part one of the speech given by Mother Jones and we conclude today with part two.

Hellraisers Journal: Living Conditions in Youngstown Were "So Rank They Couldn't Even Raise Babies."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday January 19, 1916
Chicago, Illinois - Report by George P West Exposes Conditions at Youngstown

From The Day Book of January 18th:

Youngstown Steel Strike, Day Book Headline, Jan 18, 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Charges Against Joe Hill's Attorney Enumerated in Petition for Disbarment

The cause I stand for, that of a fair and honest trial,
is worth more than any human life-
much more than mine.
-Joe Hill

Thursday January 6, 1916
Salt Lake City, Utah - Charges Against Judge Hilton Enumerated

The Ogden Standard of December 22nd, which announced that a disbarment complaint had been filed against Joe Hill's attorney, Judge Orrin N. Hilton, enumerated the charges filed against him:


Salt Lake, Dec. 22....
Orrin N Hilton.jpg

Charges Detailed.

In conclusion the petition for disbarment of Hilton says:

The grievance committee of the State Bar association of Utah accuses the said Orrin N. Hilton of having in all the premises failed in his duty, as prescribed by his oath of office.

1. To support the laws of the state of Utah, but, on the contrary, had falsely and maliciously imputed their origin, existence and administration to a power unacknowledged and unknown to the constitution, with the intent to bring them into disrepute and contempt in this and other states of the United States.

2. That he has failed to maintain the respect due to the courts of justice and judicial officers, in that he has denounced the courts and the judges thereof-speaking as one who had absolute knowledge in the premises to the people of this and other states-as being subservient to and controlled by a religious power foreign to the law and the constitution in the exercise of their judicial duties in the judgments pronounced in causes involving the lives and liberties of the people; and in exhibiting toward the judges and the courts a contemptuous disregard of their authority, and in imputing to them dishonorable and unlawful motives and acts, all tending to bring the administration of justice into disrepute, and tending to lessen the regard and the respect of the people for judicial tribunal.
