Deconstructing the Nader-Spoiler Smear Tactic
If you are considering "wasting" {cough} your Vote this fall, consider this ...
Now that Hillary Clinton has wrapped up the Democratic Presidential nomination with the endorsement of Bernie Sanders, her supporters have transitioned to denigrating progressives who affirm they are “Bernie or Bust” by supporting Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein over Clinton. [...]
Funny how Clinton supporters resort to Fear & Smear -- when it comes to former Sanders supporters (who are quite determined to continue with the movement on their own terms).
Funny how Clinton supporters have a hard time telling you who to Vote for (and Why) -- but only who to Vote against.
"A vote for Stein is like a vote for Nader!" or so goes their latest Fear tactic.
Well here's some analysis that says otherwise:
The Spoiler Myth: Clinton Has More Problems Than Jill Stein and the Bernie or Busters
by Michael J. Sainato, -- Aug 5, 2016
Critics against Stein cite Ralph Nader and his running mate, Native American activist Winona LaDuke, as the spoilers of the 2000 election, in which he received over 90,000 votes in Florida, the state Gore lost by just over 500 votes. Had Gore won Florida, he would have won the general election, but those who smear Nader as a spoiler are ignoring other contributing factors to that election.
• Bill Clinton’s impeachment in December 1998 inspired helped inspire over 300,000 registered Democrats in Florida to vote for Bush in the general election.
• According to Florida exit polls, only a small percentage of Nader supporters would have voted for Gore instead of Bush, with most citing they wouldn’t have voted at all.
• The Supreme Court ruled, controversially, to halt the recount in Florida. [When finally completed months later, the uncounted "write-in" ballots showed that Al Gore had actually won Florida.]
• A study conducted by the Progressive Review in 2002 analyzed whether Al Gore’s polling prior to the general election inversely changed with Ralph Nader’s and no correlation was found.
• Voter turnout in Florida for the general election in 2000 was 70 percent, according to the Florida Division of Elections, a few percentage points lower than each general election Florida since then. Across the country in 2000, more than 100 million eligible voters didn’t cast a ballot.
Question: Which one of variables is no longer a factor in the current Presidential contest?
If Clinton can't win based on her own merit -- then does she really deserve to win, at all?
That is the real spoiler-effect that Clinton-supporters dread, more so than who you may or may not vote for
-- But rather, that too many people just might sit this one out (because the "official" Candidates are really just that bad, in terms of character, judgment, and their ultimate political intent).
Being a Spoiler is really something that belongs to the eye of the beholder ... and it kind of boils down to this:
• Who is "spoiling" what, for whom?

I was a Nader person and will never regret it.
Still another example of the democrats finding a scapegoat to hide their own incompetence.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
If you look at Nader's record of establishing citizen-friendly
organizations - and the number is as long as your arm - a person would see a very impressive and effective group of organizations that have made a positive impact. I'd call him a citizen hero for all he has accomplished.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
If a Person ...
If a Person ... can run for Office,
Then another Person ... should be able to Vote for them.
The real travesty is the artificially imposed 15% threshold imposed on them,
in order to make the Debate Stage.
When far too often their Names are not even included on National Polls,
or even in Survey Questions.
Clintonites' presumption is mind-boggling
The Nader guilt-tripping shows an unbelievable sense of entitlement, even "privilege," to use one of their favorite words. DLC types supporting Clinton feel they are entitled to the votes of progressives and leftists, and become apoplectic with rage when anyone tells them to go F themselves. Dog forbid Clinton be expected to actually work to earn our votes, or present a candidate and a set of policies that might attract votes she might not otherwise get. Nope. Instead we get bogeyman fear-mongering and quasi-religious guilt-tripping.
My vote is mine, not theirs, and certainly not Clinton's. If she wants it she can try to earn it. If she doesn't do that, she can go find others, as she's already trying to do. I'll be happy to vote for Jill Stein, and brag about it. If Clinton is so hard-up she needs my vote in a blue state, she's already screwed. And I'm certainly not going to sit still and be scapegoated for her incompetence, let alone her supporters' harassment and short-sightedness in stealing the nomination for her.
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My vote
There is nothing Hillary can do or say to ever get my vote. She stands for everything i am against. While Jill probably will not win;at least it will send a message to the powers to be. The lesser of two evils is no longer a choice. The Dems and Repugs must realize the people want some control back.
Johanna Brackney
It's been 16 bloody years.
Maybe it's time we stop getting all factual and defensive about Nader and simply yawn and say....
So was I
and neither will I.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Woot! I Ralphed as well! :D nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I too voted Nader, and I was registered Republican at the time.
So that's why I always laugh when people say Nader cost Gore the election.
Gore cost Gore the election, and the rest of us a whole lot more.
Their Mantra seems to consist solely of, "The Democratic Party cannot fail, it can only be failed..."
I for one say fuck that shit.
The Clintonites remind me of rabid sports fan types, they are akin to soccer hooligans in their slavish (and foolish) devotion to team.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I was a Nader person and will never regret it.
Still another example of the democrats finding a scapegoat to hide their own incompetence.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
why did it duplicate? can I get rid of one?
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
infamous double-counting of Votes?
(try editing the second one,
put "duplication deleted" in the Subject line
and . (period) in the Comment section.)
Cannot delete a post, but
you can edit it down to "Duplicate Post, No Text".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Can you get rid of one?
No, but you can always edit the second one to create a different comment.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
A vote for Nader was a vote for Nader; a vote for Stein will be
a vote for Stein. Democracy: vote for whom think best represents your views.
Excellent essay with a lot of good information and arguing points.
(I'd vote for Eugene Debs were he still around and on the ballot.)
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
thanks duckpin
The main source quoted seemed like an informative article,
worth repeating.
Hi jamess
timely essay, thanks for it.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Hi divineorder
glad you liked it.
Very glad that you did. Regarding Ralph: It's as though Gore
was entitled to all Nader's vote because...Why? Gore was a subpar candidate who ran a subpar campaign and when the going got tough - Florida - he meekly and quickly gave up.
I was living a little south of the WV border in VA back then, and it was widely reported that Senator Robert Byrd - sort of a living god in WV - promised Gore he(Gore) would carry WV if he(Gore) would spend one day touring the state with Senator Byrd. Gore wouldn't fit Byrd into his schedule and lost the 4 or 5 electoral votes that would have made Florida moot.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
A vote for Gore was a vote for Tipper :D
I simply couldn't vote for anyone who was married to a book burning, music censoring scumbag like Tipper.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
So this time around,
is a vote for Hill a vote for Bill? Ugh. (Not that her venality can't stand on its own merits.)
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
A vote for Hill is.....
No, a vote for Hill is a vote for another 8 years with Hillary as President. If you think that Bill was much more than a figurehead as President from 1993 to 2001, you should (IMHO) rethink.
And yes, most certainly, most definitely, Ugh!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I pity every single slightly attractive White House Intern...
Because you know...
Nothing Illegal about Bill hitting on em this time. Hell, he could probably get away with lying to congress this time, and nobody would bat an eye, because it's not like they can impeach the First Consort.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
There wasn't anything illegal about hitting on them last time,
it was the lying under oath part that caught him.
Colbert calls him the potential First Ladies' Man.
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Well, if we wanna get technical...
Which you know the Clintons LOVE to do. It was illegal for him to actually get a BJ while married in D.C. until 2004.
Course the law was only used primarily to harass LBGTQ folks, but if they wanted to charge Clinton with a crime, they COULD.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Ha! I did not know that.
Glad they took that one off the books!
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Yep, stupid law...
But it's one they often use in the Service to get somebody who otherwise has stayed out of trouble. (Still on the UCMJ, lord that thing needs some revision)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Gore and Tipper?
I felt the same way about them, Damnit Janet! That hypocritical, greedy censorship charade of theirs; owning stock in country music enterprises, and trying to down R&R? Speaking as a prototype metalhead, I couldn't stand it. -As though country music lyrics aren't ALSO rife with bad behavior and crappy role models!
It was just more of that "Our propaganda GOOD! Your propaganda BAD!" BS, that seems to come to the fore like clockwork. Like THIS year.
Now once again the Dems are demonstrating all the morals and ethics of sewer rats, and I'm ready to vote third Party again! Wow, how does that happen? Must just be a coincidence!
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
I couldn't STAND Tipper Gore....
Back in the 80's I was a DJ at a station 2 nights a week (Heavy Metal Tuesday & Black Friday were the shows) and Tipper Gore, Head of the PMRC at the time actually called our station one day and we put her on the air.
She lambasted us for about 2 minutes, going on about how our music was causing children to kill themselves, etc. etc. etc.
So I asked her, "Do you think we should ban music that people kill themselves to?" to which she replied, "Absolutely!!!".
I then proceeded to ask her how her efforts were going over with the Bing Crosby estate? (As this was a "hot topic at the time there was recently an article in one of the trade magazines that showed that more people killed themselves listening to "White Christmas" than any other album. Usually despondent, elderly people.)
She replied with stunned silence and then asked me, "what the heck are you even talking about." so I proceeded to relate the article and cite the sources it referenced and she went off on another tangent.
After another minute of her rambling my partner told her, "Look, the radio you are listening to us has a bunch of dials, one of them turns it up or down, the other changes the station. If you don't like what we play simply change the damn station" and then terminated the call and we played some metal song that was mocking in nature but I cannot recall which one.
3 days later, he gets his air license yanked for 3 months.
She used her connections to silence him under the pretense that he used vulgar language...
To this day I wish we had recorded the call.
I guess the moral of this story is that a LOT of things cost Gore the election, but Nader sure as shit wasn't one of them.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
More hypocrisy: Gore had a huge carbon footprint,
until he got outed publicly about it, whereupon he toned it down a tad. I bet if anyone checked a year or two later, the checker would have found that it was back up high, tho.
He was one dumb
candidate. It didn't help that Bubba didn't (or wouldn't) campaign for him.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The 2000 Election
Was my first vote as a U.S. Citizen, but I did not vote for Nadar since I was proudly waving my brand new blue banner.
16 years later and I've officially #DemExited because I can see no viable way to reform an organization that seems to want to pray on the altar of corporate demagogues.
So be it. But if my voting for Jill Stein is "spoiling" their quest of my full capitulation to their monstrous path to the iron throne, I'll proudly wave a new banner.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Your Vote
is your Vote.
A Candidate should have to earn it,
not expect it.
It's your Vote, dammit!
I cannot begin to tell you and everyone else here how many times I argued with the ditto heads over at LOF (even pre-this Presidential campaign) that a candidate must earn my vote. No party should ever take its constituents for granted and the Democratic party is infamous for doing so. That is why we continue to see the blood baths in Congress and the state houses all over this country. "We're not as bad" is not a winning campaign slogan.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
2016 slogan: "We're bad but not THAT bad"
A winner doncha think?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Wasn't that tiresome?
It's like arguing with Jehovah's Witnesses on your doorstep. Their belief that Nader was to blame for Al Gore's defeat is almost religious in nature, impervious to argument or reason. It serves the larger belief system, that Dems are Good and Republicans are Bad, and nothing Dems do is worthy of criticism or blame.
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this part is especially astute
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Jehovah's Witlesses on your doorstep
(laughing at all the snarky stories I've heard beginning with that premise)
My favorite such story involves the JWs arriving at the exact same time as the Independent Baptists (or the Mormons).
Of course, such folks tend to really dislike dealing with me. I tend to use techniques I picked up as a participant in the old FidoNet HOLYSMOKE Echo.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Had a conversation yesterday with a woman
... who proudly announced she was "pro-life," to justify some Obama bashing.
"Oh, so you hate presidents of both parties who rain death down from the sky on innocent people in the Middle East and Afghanistan."
Uhm, no. She cared about the babies' lives. The ones inside their mother.
"But you realize that that depends on when you define when human life begins, right? Legally, it begins at birth."
But she believed it began at conception, and those unborn babies need somebody to speak up for them.
"So your belief is based on your religion, right? I mean, it's not a question with a scientific answer. It is a matter of belief."
She agreed.
"So why should you impose your religious beliefs on other women who may not agree with you? What gives you the right to make a decision about somebody else's body by imposing your religion on them?"
Well, she said she didn't really do that. She didn't ever talk about it, except when she brought it up with me. We moved on from there.
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Good argument! I hope she thought about it afterward!
Because if she's voting Repug to limit abortion, she IS imposing her religion on others. Voting does more than talking about it.
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Arguing with shills or the brainwashed is a waste
of time and energy that could be devoted to empowering ourselves and each other and getting stuff done IRL.
So many posters at centrist Democratic websites have a financial stake of one kind or another in supporting the status quo. Some are flat out paid posters; many more others work for federal, state or local government run by centrist Democrats or for companies that contract with such governments, and so on. Even if they are just sincerely wrong and hardheaded, attempting to persuade them is a waste of time and energy. JMO
Clinton's third-party headache
Clinton's third-party headache
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
They will deny this is a factor right up until they are left
standing there scratching their heads in November wondering how the hell they lost.
They of course will then blame Stein, Bernie, That guy that looked at them funny at SafeWay the other day, anything other than the fact that THEY and THEIR party suuuuuuuck!
The only thing we can be sure of is that we will also be to blame, and to which I will proudly say, "And you're welcome, I am glad I could help prevent that war-hawk from feasting on more blood."
And if by some miracle she does manage to win, I will not have the blood on my hands by proxy, but a shitload of Clintonites will, and I doubt it will trouble their "Privileged" little heads a bit.
As long as it's other people dying, usually brown people in some foreign land, they are cool with it.
Bunch of "NIMBY but it's ok if it's yours" bastards...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
First and foremost, Gore didn't lose.
So much for it's Nader's fault.
Nader blaming is what the simple minded do. They can't hold two opposing thoughts at the same time. Bill Maher is one of those asses. So is Rob Reiner. I hate the two of them together. They are know-it-alls that don't know squat.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That is the ultimate argument, isn't it. Gore won and 5 on the
Supreme Court had more loyalty to the Republican Party than they did to their oath of office. And, Gore accepted this wholly spurious decision even though he had the time and the means to fight it.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
They've got that covered, too.
When you argue them to that point, the knee jerk is "Nader made it close enough to steal."
Also, not all credibly sources say Nader won. There's a split.
I always point out that Gore only lost
5 to 4.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
During his interview with Bernie, Bill Maher actually had
the audacity to compare his endorsement of Hillary to Gore's surrendering the 2000 election. He said that he had the courage to "fall on his sword." What kind of bullshit is that?
Gore rightfully should have fought, and he would have won. The same is true of Bernie. Letting people steal elections is the absolute worst thing that they could possibly do, especially if they're concerned about the future of the country. There is nothing honorable about that kind of surrender when you're the rightful winner.
Thank you, jamess!
It gets old hearing this argument as to how a third party candidate spoiled a victory for a Democrat. I argued this with the same facts and figures over at LOF to no avail. I am glad you are putting this stale argument to rest here. That is also why I was upset with Bernie using this same spoiler argument by refusing to run third party. I hope everyone here will vote his or her conscience and not worry about it being a spoiler.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
you're welcome.
Their insistence on our Progressive Votes,
is symptomatic of how anti-progressive
the Party of the DNC has been.
The DNC (and the RNC for that matter)
should both be dis-banded,
and re-built from the ground up.
The Party of Insiders cannot at the same time,
keep pretending to be the Party of the People.
I would prefer the system to be disbanded
and we go to a parliamentary system. In absence of that, it is nearly impossible for a third party to gain traction. I also wonder if a parliamentary system might help dilute the power of big money. I honestly do not know if it would help or not. It would be interesting if someone would try to research and quantify that.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think Bill Clinton would not have been president had Ross
Perot and his veep pick, Silent Bob, had not been on the ballot and took in 19% of the vote.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Yet, Republicans have not whined since 1992 over Perot's run.
FYI: Maddow supposedly proved that Perot did not take votes from Bush
Thanks for the reference to Maddow - I'll try and find
the particulars for my own edification.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Someone once posted a video on another board.
I did not catch the show as I lost my ability to tolerate Maddow quite some time ago. I confess to not being sufficiently interested to watch the video. Maybe it's still out there.
I find it extremely hard to imagine that Perot did not cost Bush 41 votes.
I am with you on the 41 votes. Intuitively, I think Perot took
votes from Bush. 19% of the total is a sizable chunk.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Still not enough to get the electoral votes of a single state.
The last one to do that was Governor Wallace, who ran after passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act on a racist platform. Those two laws, passed under Democrat Johnson, came after Democrats FDR and Truman integrated the federal work force (at least in the theory), after Democrat Truman integrated the military and after Democrat JFK integrated interstate commerce via the ICC.
Wallace offered old school Southern Democrat style populism plus old school Southern Democrat style racism, so he got regional votes. Racism exists all over, but the South has changed. I can't think of a platform that would be strictly regional enough today to carry five states on regional appeal alone.
I voted for Perot as the anti- WJC.
I never got the Clinton ole-boy scam.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Refused to vote Clinton,
Refused to vote Clinton, republicans are never an option. I am proud Nader voter, still to this day. Did not switch to Democratic Party until Kerry election though I am not proud of that vote. I'm on record for saying I'll vote Democratic Party, but Dkos supporters just keep pissing me off with their progressive hate on. Jill Stein is actually the better option for me and the country. Doesn't look like Hillary will be close in Indiana to win it and if she does get close then she doesn't need my vote as she has it wrapped up nationally, if I vote Stein I won't be carrying the moral implications in my soul of a Clinton presidency ruining so many people's lives .
I voted Clinton, but I didn't like him. It was the same
LOTE problem.
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As among Perot, Poppy Bush and Clinton, Clinton
probably did more evil than the other two combined could have done with a Democratic Congress or would even have tried to do.
The biggest LOTE problem is that so many of us were brainwashed by the apparent truth of that falsehood.
I voted for Perot and Nader while I was a registered Republican
So party loyalty never held much stock to me.
Shit, practically everyone I ever voted for has lost.
Maybe I SHOULD vote Clinton and put the Jinx on her, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I honestly don't remember today if I voted Perot or
didn't vote.
I do recall vividly that the Genifer Flowers thing turned me off. Not just that he'd had an affair, but that she was a state employee while he was Governor and therefore her employer, that they'd had a shag in the john while a state house party hosted by him and Hillary was going on a few feet away, that he'd asked her to lie about it, etc. The whole ball of crap told me so much about his character, honesty, recklessness, fecklessness, etc. And it all manifested again in the White House. People who say his affairs were only his business and Hillary's are mistaken, IMO. (At the very least, they should include the "other women," ffs).
Silent Bob lol
God, I remember seeing him in a debate and deciding that Perot chose him as a means of self sabotage. Kinda like McCain choosing the ding bat, doncha know.
The admiral's long painful silence during the V.P. debate was
a great moment in American politics.
I wanted to honor him by placing his name along side those two outstanding American actors Jay and Silent Bob.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
(Ross Perot Takes James Stockdale for a Joyride
Ross Perot (Dana Carvey) takes his running mate Admiral James Stockdale (Phil Hartman) on a joyride through the countryside to discuss his erratic performance in the vice presidential debate. [Season 18, 1992])
The calendar pages fly away and the memories come flooding
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
You're very welcome!
what's nauseating that the wages ol' Ross mentions in that debate still sound very close to relevant to today's labor market, even after nearly a quarter-century.
Stagnant wages due to bad trade deals?
Nah, must be a koinky-dink.
So many factors are interwined.
Unions were stronger in the 1970s than they are now. Few jobs mean fewer workers making good wages, paying healthy income taxes and joining unions.
The meme of centrist posters is that the 1970s were possible only because people of color and women were largely excluded from the work force. I consider this bs that assumes the peons have to keep recutting the same size pie every time a new group starts to be treated fairly. However, the meme is very consistent with the rest of the divisive bs of the 2016 primary.
Thank you. I would like to add some comments.
First, I have no idea what "running as spoiler" means, other than it is nasty way of saying "someone who was not sanctioned by Democratic Party poohbahs ran." Nader ran, not as a spoiler, but as a Green Party candidate, as was his right under the laws of Florida and other states.
I did not vote for him, which I regret, even though my vote certainly would not have made a difference in my state. I also regret that I did not work for him or donate to him. However, I am glad he ran. Voters have far too few choices, especially voters on the left. His run also caused him to challenge some undemocratic ballot access laws and we also have too little democracy.
Second, let's assume for the sake of discussion, that Nader did run as a spoiler, whatever that means. That is, at best, irrelevant. Gore Bush was 16 years ago; and Nader is not running now.
And, btw, while Nader was the only candidate to run for President to the left of Gore that year, three, count 'em, three, candidates ran to the right of George Bush that year.
Third, only a vote for Trump is a vote for Trump.
Fourth, although you said it, I will repeat because it cannot be said too often that it was the right of the Democratic Party, not its left, that defeated Gore in Florida, if indeed Gore was defeated in Florida. (Different sources say different things about that.) The right of the Democratic Party, the incredibly confusing ballot and whatever tricks Jeb! and the Secretary of State pulled, and the Supreme Court. Also defeating Gore was voter apathy, which I attribute to many voters noting that their lives don't improve, no matter whom they elect--exactly what Nader was pointing out.
The reality is that the nation had down from bjs in the Oval Office and an impeachment. After 8 years, Gore was not offering anything new. Also, Gore was dull on the campaign trail and his behavior during the debates was downright bizarre--the mugging, the sighing, the eyerolling, the walking into Bush 43's personal space. Nader did not lose that election for Gore; Clinton and Gore lost that election for Gore. Gore could not even carry his home state.
When McGovern, also not a charismatic candidate, failed to carry his home state, the official Democratic lie was that McGovern lost because liberals can't elected. When centrist Carter lost, the official Democratic Party lie was that Carter lost because liberal Ted Kennedy had mounted a primary challenge. When centrist Mondale lost, Democrats just flat out lied and claimed centrist Mondale was a liberal. When DLCer Gore lost, it was because a liberal challenged him. Anyone seeing a pattern?
& don't forget who was one of al's chief strategists:
donna brazille...the same "brains" who's running the dnc this time around.
i'm looking forward to enjoying the schadenfreude when hillary crashes & burns in november
I just cannot hear the word Schadenfreude and not link this vid.
If you are gonna get this song stuck in my head I sure as heck am gonna try to get it stuck in yours.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I have not forgotten, though I learned that after the fact.
We can only hope.
I would So rub that in TK's face. And kos' too. Yes, I am just that vindictive.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
not vindictive. justice served.
i like to think of it as what goes around, comes around.
There was rodent fornicating in Tennessee too. One of my best
friends lives in TN. Gore would have carried the state if not for election fraud there. But Florida had more electoral votes so that's where Gore chose to challenge.
Personally, I think he may have been threatened. He chose not to fight the outcome on several fronts. IIRC, there was also some question about Ohio and there may have been others.
Regardless, he won the popular vote. So he did not lose. It was a coup.
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I think anyone who spent millions of dollars and over a year
campaigning to be President would challenge anything he believed he could challenge in order to improve his chances of being President--and if not Gore himself, then at least the DNC would have challenged anything it thought it could challenge.
Nope. No comparison and no excuse.
Hillary Clinton is a dangerous warmonger who won by corrupting the primary election. Not rewarding that with a vote regardless of the other candidates.
Al Gore was and is a good man who took it upon himself to sound the alarm over global warming. President Gore would never have invaded Iraq and left us to contend with the ongoing mess we have now. Nader sold the voters the lie that the choice between the major parties' candidates at that time made no difference.
And ...
And what Big Lie is Jill Stein selling?
Sometimes politicians statements (and over-statements) come down to a matter of degrees.
On a scale of 1 to 10 -- 10 being a Party totally responsive and representative of the people who put them there.
The Republicans would rate a 1 or a 2.
But the Democratic Party would likely rate a 3 (or maybe a 4 on their best days).
The Corporate-catering Dems epitomize the saying: "death by a million cuts."
Either way, dead is dead. Corporations however, will live forever.
We the People, not so much ...
Your recollection is different than mine
Al Gore was the bag man Bill Clinton dispatched to torpedo the Kyoto global warming accords, by insisting on absurd conditions they knew the other industrial nations would never agree to. It's very easy to be a moral purist as a private citizen. When it really counted, Gore was on the side of the polluters and the fossil fuel companies.
Additionally, Al Gore was a founding member of the right-wing, corporate friendly Democratic Leadership Conference. He selected the militaristic, rabidly pro-Zionist Joe Lieberman to be his running mate. No one knows, or can know, how Gore would have reacted to the 9/11 attacks. His statements regarding Bush's military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, at the time they occurred, were fully supportive of Bush's policies.
Ralph Nader never claimed there was no difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. What he did say was that they were both fully under the control of corporatists whose agenda and goals were highly injurious to the interests of average citizens. And that whatever differences there were, they weren't compelling enough to justify that what those two parties offered should continue to define the universe of "acceptable" political choices.
To me, Ralph's wisdom seems even more self-evident and persuasive today than it did sixteen years ago. Based upon any kind of objective and reasonable analysis, one cannot say that the poor and middle class in this country have fared any better under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama than they did under George W. Bush. And anyone who seriously expects that to change under a Hillary Clinton regime is engaging in an extreme exercise in self-delusion.
inactive account
In my opinion, there never would have been any 9/11 attacks
had Al Gore been President. Clinton had begun peace talks in the ME. Bush/Cheney dismantled them. Gore would have continued them. The despair of the end of the peace talks probably caused 9/11.
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I believe Imaginary President Gore could very well have
overreacted to 911. Democrats have long been defensive about being weak on defense, often appointing Republicans as Secretaries of Defense, as did both Clinton and Obama. Moreover, Gore, like Clinton, Lieberman and others, was a founding member of the DLC, which was hawkish on invading Iraq. Al From's partner in crime, Will Marshall, even signed the PNAC letter. Moreover, Gore himself has changed since he was Clinton's VP and a firm believer in the DNC. I see no reason to assume Gore then would not have taken retaliatory action after 911. The reason we remember the Cuban Missile Crisis is that it was handled so differently from the way US Presidents typically react.
Either way, it's a matter of opinion and no one can ever know for certain what Gore would or would not have done, had he been in the Oval Office on 911. Maybe he would not have attacked Iraq, but I think it is highly likely that Gore would have retaliated with major force. Heck, even Sanders voted to attack Afghanistan. In any event, what a President Gore would or would not have done after 911 is speculation. The diary cites actual facts and figures about the 2000 election.
No one who qualifies under the Constitution needs an excuse to run for President and facts about the outcome of the 2000 election are not excuses.
Predictions are tough, especially about the future. Yogi Berra
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Well-nicknamed, but for the wrong reason,
Berra was my was my favorite yogi. Perfect comment. Namaste
In this case, it would not even be a prediction about the future, but a "description" of a past that never happened. "Once upon a time, long ago, when Gore was (never)President instead of Bush....."
Then maybe that would be deja vu all over again!
Maybe not. But when you come to a fork in the road, take it!
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The fork in the road leads to a once popular restaurant
but nobody goes there anymore: It's too crowded.
I am not much of a sports fan, but I bought two books of Berra's saying. Then, I lent them to a big sports fan.
Never lend books. If you're not ready to gift them, just say no to a loan. I've known that for a long time, yet, I keep "lending" books.
I don't understand this:
What did 9/11 have to do with Iraq?
Germans? n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Wait, I thought it was Russians now, or squirrels?
Wait, did someone say squirrel?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me