#Hillary Clinton

Revealed: Another Hillary Childhood Dream

To steal some of the glory from the first female only spacewalk team ... er, I mean to help celebrate female spacewalking achievements, Ms. Hillary Clinton recently reminded us that she was inspired by President Kennedy's famous Moon Speech in 1962. She wrote NASA when she was a little girl to inquire about becoming an astronaut. Sadly, she was told women weren't permitted in the astronaut program.

Coal Miners Reveal Democratic Malpractice

In a fit of pique and rage, the prominent owner of a prominent theoretically liberal Democratic blog has announced that we should all be happy that coal miners are losing their benefits because Fuck them, they didn't vote for Hillary and now are reaping what they sowed, untreated disease and lingering death.

A Final Appeal to all the Bernie Supporters Who’ve Joined HER Since Philadelphia

We shared a lot when we took on Hillary Clinton this Spring. I remember in particular the frustration we felt at the character assassination campaign her supporters waged against Bernie and us, that despicable effort which ultimately did succeed in denying him the nomination, a dream which once seemed so promising.

But much has changed since then. I know most of you are now supporting Clinton’s campaign because, in large part, Bernie asked you to do so. I couldn’t persuade myself to follow his recommendation for some reasons I’d like to make clear in this essay.

On the idea that Trump's finger on the nuclear button is more scary than Hillary's

One of the major reasons why I identify with the political Left is my habit of questioning pronouncements from voices of authority. In a society dominated by political activists representing the corporate elite, this is generally a good attitude to have if you have a strong personal desire to know The Truth.

This is why I was disappointed to hear pro-Bernie voices pushing the Clinton campaign's meme that Donald Trump's finger on the nuclear button is much scarier than the thought of Hillary Clinton's finger on that button:

[video:https://youtu.be/j1vlMUfR_Wc width:500 height:306]

No, one does not automatically endorse after a campaign

Hillary wants to have her cake and eat it too. Let's recap the primary season… there was the Iowa debacle, sleazy shirt swapping in Nevada, the supposed sabotage of the Sanders North Carolina campaign, widespread disenfranchisement in Arizona, Billy electioneering at polling places in Mass and Illinois, and refusal to give NPP voters a crossover ballot in California. That's a whole lot of campaign shenanigans, and it all took place in states where Clinton had a strong showing.
