
Whitewashing at DKos?

So I'm picking over the carcass of my comment history over at TOP, which died last May when I finally bailed for the season.

I noticed a diary I had commented effusively about on May 22, titled "Hillary's problem with Independents".

Now wouldn't that be a very intriguing read now 6 months later? Why was I so enthusiastic about this diary? I bet there are some prognostications in there that would be helpful in our moment of deep introspection, right?

Just some recent thoughts.

I don't fear a Trump presidency. I'm told I should, because he is the reincarnation of every evil humankind has ever birthed upon the land, and to let him become president would bring about an end of world scenario worse than anything we could ever imagine.
Or, from those who aren't Clinton supporters: he's a racist that would set the US back several decades.

How Would a Hillary Adminstration Deal with Non-Violent Dissent? Ask Ray McGovern

Lest we forget, this is what happened to Ray McGovern in 2011, when he stood up and silently turned his back on then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she gave a speech regarding internet freedom in 2011: