Payback's A Bitch
And some say Hillary is going to prove it.
I was browsing Down With Tyranny ( ) regarding Blue Dog Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand shilling for Hillary on MSNBC while being interviewed by Mrs. Alan Greenspan. OP DownWithTyranny observed, "She's actually perfect for the job of Hillary surrogate-- a dishonest political hack speaking for another opportunistic careerist with no strong values beyond personal advancement."
OP linked to Nate Roberts of Kossacks_For_Sanders ( ). Roberts is trying to reach New York State voters to impress upon them that ' it's truly "Bernie or bust." '
...the first thing on her agenda will be killing net neutrality, because that is not only the source off all opposition but her personal Achilles heel.
Should Hillary do this, and I have every reason to believe that she will, I will cease participating in Internet discussions or any other on-line activity. I simply can't afford the costs of metered usage. I metered the activity of my DSL line as used by family members, and based on existing rates offered for metered services by my existing ISP, I would pay almost $2000 A MONTH for the same usage.
Such costs will eliminate most of us participating in the only democratic political activity which has any viability. Where would Bernie be without the Internet, mired in the darkness where the corporate media had thrown him in their effort to ensure that only a corporatist has any chance of winning election? Efforts like BLM would never even make the news, such as it now is.
Only the blind can't see how deeply Hillary is owned by Big Money, and she isn't about to surrender the advantages she must feel she's earned by her selling the rest of us out. There is zero chance she will accept being reduced to a state to which she gladly assigns the rest of us once our usefulness to her ambitions are completed.
I don't happen to live in New York, so my efficacy is limited to spreading the words of those who do. This is my meagre addition to the effort to defend what remains of small-d democracy in the US of A. Please read Nate Roberts' post, and the comments which follow. Then spread the word to those you know.
Time is short.
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they won't ever give up on shutting down their own exposure. Must piss her off royally to have that pesky Internet around, not so easy to lie anymore.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
That is THE sore spot, in her mind.
Kill the messenger, and all that.
Absolutely right. This was expressed as early as 2006
…at a Third Way think-tank attended attended by Marcos, representing Libertarian Democrats and new-media gate crashers.
What happened at TOS was a decade in the making.
ONE of the things that scares me the most about HRC
is her vindictiveness.
I would fight the HRC presidency just as much as I fought GWBs
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison