
Single-Payer and the Constitution

Is national health insurance Constitutional? It's an issue we supporters of single-payer need to take seriously because our opponents will almost certainly argue that it is not in an attempt to prevent passage and will also challenge the Medicare for All Act on constitutional grounds when it becomes law.

RoseAnn DeMoro on Democratic Market Talk

[video:] - @ 7:09

I'm sick of the market talk by the Democrats...

I like to think we're a society and not a market. When you talk about charter schools, you're talking about making our education a market.

When you're talking about insurance and healthcare you're talking about a market.

What's Our Vehicle, Baby? (Why We Need One)

I have written in the past, via comments, that if we don't start learning how to prevent the co-option of our movement, we are toast. In addition, we must have a reliable way to get that message out: a vehicle if you will.

All you need do is look at history. TPTB, regardless of party affiliation, seem to always learn from their mistakes because they are greedy sociopaths/psychopaths. Their primary need is to be dominant. Whether it is having more money and/or power than 'name your deity' over those they deem to be less than, we must remember it is their prime motivator.

Trans-Friendly primary medical care?

The medical knowledge needed to treat transgender people is not particularly complex, but patients still often struggle to find doctors who are prepared to treat them.

The Atlantic has published a lengthy article encouraging training of primary physicians in the treatment of transgender patients.

Stepping backward on civil rights at HHS

Roger Severino most recently was director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at the Heritage Foundation, where he concerned himself with "religious liberty, marriage and life issues." But the Trump Administration has been staffing itself with Heritage people, so Severino has been chosen to be director of the Office of Civil Rights at HHS.

Republicans' Titanic sinks; Democrats offer rowboat for survivors

First off, I would like to thank my inspiration for this article or essay or rant, whatever to the following:

1. CS in AZ whose post about Ryancare (AKA Trumpcare, AKA Death panels for the sick) provided the primary inspiration.

Tuesday Night Rumble: Bernin' Bernie Sanders vs Toronto Ted Cruz

2017 is turning out to be be continuing on the path set by 2016 by becoming wierderer and wierderer. Imagine if you will, the Clinton News Network broadcasting a full, unedited political debate in an really non-partisan way (really! I mean it). The format was straightforward. The speakers were self-controlled, by and large sticking to the questions proffered by the audience. The audience questioners presented represented a fair balance of differing opinions..
