GOP Convention

Occupy Trump - some speculation

Could 1968 replay in 2016? On the GOP side this time.

Update: It's happening as my article indicated: Drumpf's Kansas rally got disrupted by peace warriors protesting his racism and threat to democracy. Go Occupy Trump!

Chicago 1968.jpg

Herr Drumpf has a rally scheduled for Cincinnati, OH, tomorrow, Sunday afternoon. Media speculation is swirling on the Cinci rally. Is it still on? Would it be cancelled? Would the security arrangement be complete? Or suffice? Here's the Guardian saying it is still on/off/on/off:

The big question is whether the young peace warriors of Chicago have inspire the compatriots in Cincinnatti to try the same tomorrow? Circumstances differ, of course. I have no insight into the state of play among peace warriors there, but it wouldn't surprise, eh? And then the question becomes, what thereafter? Could the following scenario unfold?