Foreign Policy

Some patterns are starting to appear

I came across this series a couple of weeks ago and found it helpful to see some of the interconnected patterns of the information, thoughts and opinions being expressed by members of C99. A Century of War by Sean Stone covers a wide range of information and does not have the time to explore deeply into any one subject. Not everybody has two hours, so I summarized the information for each segment. I think the visual images add at least as much understanding as the dialog.

The 2nd Debate is taking questions from the Public. This one could change things.

So I registered at and asked this question. I hope we can get a million people or so to vote for the question I submitted. I know dip about social media and youtubing and whatnot, but I think this is a question that, if asked in public, changes a lot of public discussion.

Clinton, Madeline Albright and Wendy Sherman

Over the past six months I have, from time to time, followed the Clinton money, influence peddling and quid pro quo on different issues. Its a very tangled web, but just type in the name of some top advisor and follow the strings... Boring enough where the American public goes to sleep.

Who is Wendy Sherman???

Bernie Needs Your Help

Bernie needs some help in creating a credible foreign policy that puts America on a path to dealing with the excesses, abuses and failed policy of previous administrations. His foreign policy also has to support his economic goals. It seems unlikely that the US can continue to support the enormous costs of military engagements, the ongoing costs of sustaining the veterans of those engagements, the costs of nation building in the countries where the US has destroyed infrastructure and created political chaos as well as the costs of an oversized global military footprint to maintain US hegemony at the same time as enormous investments are needed at home to rebuild infrastructure and provide for the needs of citizens.

If you are one of the millions of people who are tired of the endless wars of choice, the war tactics and equipment that seem to keep showing up in the hands of domestic police, the encroachment of the surveillance state on virtually everybody - among other things, then getting Bernie to commit to correcting those wrongs is the right thing to do.

Politicians never listen better than when they want something from you. This is the time to make your favorite politician a better representative of your interests.

It will have the benefit of making Bernie a better candidate. Whatever you think of #BlackLivesMatter, they engaged Bernie - and his platform, his performance on the stump and his currently proposed legislation are better for the challenge.

These Republicans are dangerously insane warmongers

I didn't think it was possible to make Hillary Clinton look like some hippie pacifist, but the current crop of Republican candidates have proven me wrong. If they started beating their chests and howling like a deranged chimpanzees on stage it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
