Open Thread - Thurs 14 Nov 2024 - My Take
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 11/14/2024 - 5:00am
My Take for What It's Worth
I can't say I am one of those struggling with the results of the recent Presidential election. Am I happy with those results? No. I wouldn't have been happy unless a third party won. But I know others are struggling, trying to figure out why the party that is supposed to be for the people lost so bad. Are the common people turning into right-wing assholes? Is that why? Or wait, it's white women, who didn't come out to vote for Kamala in enough numbers? Or? The minorities didn't show... Whatever.
Well, I think it's something else. There is no representation for the common people in the government. When someone, even someone like Trump, pretends to care about the common people, some of them will vote for that person. When what was once the common people's party (or pretended to be the common people's party), the Democratic Party, spends all its time talking about how great it is that they selected a non-commoner (money-wise, power-wise, job-wise, etc), to be their candidate for President, when they force that candidate on the people without giving those people any ability to have a say in the selection, even as low a say as primaries (like the say the people had in the 2020 primaries where Kamala had to quit right away with no support), then that party is gonna lose. But TPTB in the party knew that, and didn't care. They are still TPTB, still in charge, and still doing well. F* the rest of us.
From another recent election, but still appropriate! (Source)