ek Politics

Republican Debate- 7 No Trump

Folks, the only thing that is keeping the Republican Party alive is the Neolib Media's and Corporatist Democratic Party's need for a distraction of the systemic destruction of our democracy and looting of the Treasury.

If you think this is going to be a live blog, think again. I can't stand to watch Democrats whore themselves, why do you feel this will be any different?

Besides, all the entertainment value is gone.

Our Friends the Saudis

It's just a fact that Saudi Arabia is the largest state sponsor of what our Republican compatriots call 'radical Islamic terrorism' (I looked that up just to make sure I got it exactly right). Not for nothing 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudi and it's been Saudi state policy to spread Wahhabism, one of the most militant types of fundamentalist Islam, for about a century, often subverting more secular regimes to do so.

Not even 'that' good a deal.

If you've been following the economic analysis of the Trans Pacific Partnership (as opposed to the political, ecological, intellectual property, and human rights analyses which are uniformly more horrible than even the strongest detractors were warning) you'll have noticed that even the World Trade Organization, a fanatically pro-trade group as you might imagine from the name, is predicting negligible job gains or Gross Domestic Product growth in the participant countries except for the most
