State of the Union: Obama is an Open Failure
Obama is an Open Failure, as a president and as a human being. In the 8 years of his Administration he has delivered on hardly a single promise he has made during his campaigns and in his State of the Union addresses.
Let's take Obamacare, supposedly his keystone, his signature achievement. It is nothing but corporate welfare for insurance company middlemen that deliver no added value at all and who's job description is to deliver the minimum amount of health care at the maximum amount of cost to the sick patient, and a license for pharmaceutical snake oil salesmen to gouge the taxpayers with arbitrary and astronomical prices that are non-negotiable for products, developed through government financed research, that are of questionable value because they are not tested for safety and effectiveness except by the companies that make them.
As Lambert put it at Naked Capitalism today-
Here’s the key assumption that Obama (and most economists) make about health insurance: That it’s a commodity, like flat screen TVs, or airline tickets, and that therefore, there exists “a product that suits your budget and is right for you” because markets. Unfortunately, experience backed up by studies has shown that this is not true.
(E)mpirically, these “consumers” just don’t act the way that good neoliberal Obama says they should; they do not comparison shop. That alone is enough to undermine the intellectual basis of ObamaCare. If there’s no comparison shopping going on, there’s no competitive pressure for health insurers to improve their product
In fact, says the study, some of the foregone services were “likely of high value in terms of health and potential to avoid future costs.” And it could be that the lower-income ObamaCare-eligible are smarter shoppers (dubious: Shopping is a tax on time a lot of working people can’t pay). That said, it looks like ObamaCare has replaced a system where insurance companies deny people needed care with a system where people deny themselves needed care; which is genius, in a way. However, if any doctors or medical personnel continue to support ObamaCare politically, they should consider closely whether they’re violating the principle of non-maleficence — “First, do no harm” — and halt their support, if so.
(T)here’s a sizeable population who, if they are rational actors, just won’t buy health insurance at all; the ObamaCare “marketplace” is not capable of adjusting prices to get such “consumers” to enter the market. Second, people don’t comparison shop; they reduce needed care.
So, with ObamaCare, and thanks to the dogmas of neoliberalism, we have a “marketplace” that repels “consumers” from entering it, and repels people from shopping if they do enter.
Health Insurance is NOT Health Care and with sky high deductibles, denial of needed treatment, and costly payments for services limited to the point of uselessness is nothing except a tax on all but the wealthiest to transfer their money to corporations.
The typical defense you hear goes something like this comment-
The author seems to have forgotten that the kludge called “Obamacare” is not the single payer solution that this Obama wanted. What you have is what was able to get past a Congress after intense lobbying by HMOs and insurers. I see little evidence of ideology in the result, “neoliberal” or otherwise. It does nothing to address the insane-and-rising cost of healthcare, because the vested interests are OK with that.
To which the proper response is (from Yves)-
Let me clue you in: the readers here are way WAY too clued in to buy your Big Lie.
1. Obama was never in favor of single payer, ever. Wash your mouth out for even suggesting that
2. He had health care lobbyists draft the legislation
3. He used the “public option” as a bright shiny toy. He was so uncommitted to it he didn’t even trade it away. He gave it up as a free concession. A basic principle in negotiating is you NEVER make a free concession. The fact that he just threw it away is proof he never meant it as anything more than a talking point.
Obama is a neoliberal who campaigned as a leftist but has governed as a right-winger. His apologists have regularly used the meanie Republicans as excuses for his sellouts, when Obama gets what he wants when he wants it, and there’s no evidence that his center-right results are at all at odds with what he intended to achieve.
And this exchange-
(I)t is always the same nonsense about how 0bama was hamstrung by the eevil Congress and HMOs.
(T)he revealing fact that Obamacare was passed without a single Republican vote, which suggest to me that the Democrats could have passed any bill they wanted… and so they did! This is the bill that Obama and the Democrats wanted.
Let's move on to the rest of the Domestic Agenda.
Where are the prosecutions of the people who committed Bank Fraud during the Financial Crisis?
Under Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., the Justice Department faced repeated criticism from Congress and consumer advocates that it treated corporate executives leniently. After the 2008 financial crisis, no top Wall Street executives went to prison, highlighting a disparity in how prosecutors treat corporate leaders and typical criminals. Although prosecutors did collect billions of dollars in fines from big banks like JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup, critics dismissed those cases as hollow victories.
A criminal case last year against BNP Paribas, France’s biggest bank, demonstrated the gap between charging a bank and its employees. Even as officials extracted a record $8.9 billion penalty and made the company one of the first giant banks to plead guilty to a crime, no BNP employees faced charges. The Justice Department said the bank insulated its employees by withholding records until after a deadline had passed to file individual charges.While the idea of white-collar investigations may conjure images of raids of corporate offices by federal agents, the reality is much different. When suspected of wrongdoing, large companies typically hire lawyers to conduct internal investigations and turn their findings over to the Justice Department.
They are too big to prosecute said Holder
Attorney General Eric Holder admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that banks are simply too big to prosecute.
The Justice Department has not brought a single criminal conviction against a Wall Street executive four years after a financial crisis proven to have been precipitated by fraudulent behavior. On Wednesday, Holder admitted that the vast size of major banks and the structural integration in the economy makes criminal prosecutions basically impossible.
“I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy,” Holder said.
Yup, even foreign Banks that laundered Billions of Dollars in illegal drug and arms transactions.
For at least half a decade, the storied British colonial banking power helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars for drug mobs, including Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel, suspected in tens of thousands of murders just in the past 10 years – people so totally evil, jokes former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, that "they make the guys on Wall Street look good." The bank also moved money for organizations linked to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and for Russian gangsters; helped countries like Iran, the Sudan and North Korea evade sanctions; and, in between helping murderers and terrorists and rogue states, aided countless common tax cheats in hiding their cash.
"They violated every goddamn law in the book," says Jack Blum, an attorney and former Senate investigator who headed a major bribery investigation against Lockheed in the 1970s that led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. "They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business."
That nobody from the bank went to jail or paid a dollar in individual fines is nothing new in this era of financial crisis. What is different about this settlement is that the Justice Department, for the first time, admitted why it decided to go soft on this particular kind of criminal. It was worried that anything more than a wrist slap for HSBC might undermine the world economy. "Had the U.S. authorities decided to press criminal charges," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer at a press conference to announce the settlement, "HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking license in the U.S., the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilized."
Why, they're even back to doing business as usual with the Obama Administration and the U.S. Government and they are bigger than ever.
Nothing can touch them under Obama and his bootlicking Wall Street toadies, Holder, Geithner, and Bernanke, and the contributing class of Rubinite acolytes he populated his economic advisors with, not even when they commit provable market fraud to the tune of $879 Trillion or more.
You may have heard of the Libor scandal, in which at least three – and perhaps as many as 16 – of the name-brand too-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates, in the process messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion (that's trillion, with a "t") worth of financial instruments. When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it "dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets."
That was bad enough, but now Libor may have a twin brother. Word has leaked out that the London-based firm ICAP, the world's largest broker of interest-rate swaps, is being investigated by American authorities for behavior that sounds eerily reminiscent of the Libor mess. Regulators are looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have worked with up to 15 of the world's largest banks to manipulate ISDAfix, a benchmark number used around the world to calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps.
Interest-rate swaps are a tool used by big cities, major corporations and sovereign governments to manage their debt, and the scale of their use is almost unimaginably massive. It's about a $379 trillion market, meaning that any manipulation would affect a pile of assets about 100 times the size of the United States federal budget.
It should surprise no one that among the players implicated in this scheme to fix the prices of interest-rate swaps are the same megabanks – including Barclays, UBS, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and the Royal Bank of Scotland – that serve on the Libor panel that sets global interest rates. In fact, in recent years many of these banks have already paid multimillion-dollar settlements for anti-competitive manipulation of one form or another (in addition to Libor, some were caught up in an anti-competitive scheme, detailed in Rolling Stone last year, to rig municipal-debt service auctions). Though the jumble of financial acronyms sounds like gibberish to the layperson, the fact that there may now be price-fixing scandals involving both Libor and ISDAfix suggests a single, giant mushrooming conspiracy of collusion and price-fixing hovering under the ostensibly competitive veneer of Wall Street culture.
Why? Because Libor already affects the prices of interest-rate swaps, making this a manipulation-on-manipulation situation. If the allegations prove to be right, that will mean that swap customers have been paying for two different layers of price-fixing corruption. If you can imagine paying 20 bucks for a crappy PB&J because some evil cabal of agribusiness companies colluded to fix the prices of both peanuts and peanut butter, you come close to grasping the lunacy of financial markets where both interest rates and interest-rate swaps are being manipulated at the same time, often by the same banks.
The bad news didn't stop with swaps and interest rates. In March, it also came out that two regulators – the CFTC here in the U.S. and the Madrid-based International Organization of Securities Commissions – were spurred by the Libor revelations to investigate the possibility of collusive manipulation of gold and silver prices. "Given the clubby manipulation efforts we saw in Libor benchmarks, I assume other benchmarks – many other benchmarks – are legit areas of inquiry," CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton said.But the biggest shock came out of a federal courtroom at the end of March – though if you follow these matters closely, it may not have been so shocking at all – when a landmark class-action civil lawsuit against the banks for Libor-related offenses was dismissed. In that case, a federal judge accepted the banker-defendants' incredible argument: If cities and towns and other investors lost money because of Libor manipulation, that was their own fault for ever thinking the banks were competing in the first place.
Yeah, that buck stops at your desk Mr. Obama.
But, but, but... He's the first "Black" president!
Ok, so what has he done for African-Americans? Give them pride? If so that's about it. More Black people are in jail, even proportionally, than there were when he took office. More Black people are being murdered by the Police with less prosecutions than before. More Black people are denied the right to vote and the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department sits on its thumbs. More Black people are living in poverty and their poverty is deeper than it was because of income inequality.
You've even taken away their schools and given the money intended to educate their children to a cabal of con artists and crooks.
Promoters of charter school expansion are calling for an increase in independent authorizers, such as nonprofits and universities. Supporters of charter school expansion believe that multiple authorizers will issue more charters, in part, because they are less hostile to charter schools than school districts. However, our research suggests another reason that multiple authorizers result in more charter schools: multiple authorizers are like mortgage originators with no skin in the game. In other words, these authorizers don’t assume the risk of charter school failure. That means that if something happens with the charter school, the authorizers don’t have to clean up the mess. Multiple authorizers may also weaken screening by giving charter schools the chance to find authorizers who won’t ask questions. In fact, CREDO has found that states with multiple authorizers experienced significantly lower academic growth. CREDO suggested that this finding might be due to the possibility that multiple authorizers gave charter schools the chance to shop around to find authorizers who wouldn’t provide rigorous oversight.
There is an intense push to increase the number of charter schools in Black, urban communities, where they’re very popular because of the dissatisfaction with traditional public schools. Because of this desire for more educational options, these communities are more likely to support policies that could lead to charter school bubbles forming. In fact, I would argue that we are at Ground Zero for the formation of such bubbles. Supporters of charter schools are using their popularity in Black, urban communities to push for states to remove their charter cap restrictions and to allow multiple authorizers. At the same time, private investors are lobbying states to change their rules to encourage charter school growth. The result is what we describe as a policy “bubble,” where the combination of multiple authorizers and a lack of oversight can end up creating an abundance of poor performing schools in particular communities.
In New Orleans, for example, charters have been sued for failing to provide students with disabilities with an education. This is such a problem that the US Department of Education issued a guidance letter last year reminding charter schools that if they receive federal money, they also have to comply with federal statutes such as Section 504 or Title 6. You may also start seeing state constitutional challenges, like we saw in Washington state. Where I see this playing out is that if you have too many charters or options that aren’t public having a negative impact on the education system as a whole, you may start seeing challenges in these communities saying that the state is failing to provide children with a system of public education, or that the options provided aren’t of sufficient quality to satisfy the state’s obligation to provide a public education. The assumption is that if kids fail to get an education in a charter school they can return to the traditional system. But what happens if you don’t have that option? You may soon see that develop in all of these urban settings. The really scary scenario that I could see happening is that you end up with all of these options that aren’t traditional public schools with insufficient oversight by the authorizers and no real pressure to get these schools to perform well.
Yes, this is exactly the same kind of looting Banks did with programs intended to facilitate affordable housing. Also, they don't work.
(P)ublic schools are not as much the perpetrators of failure as they are victims of resource deprivation, inequity in the system and undermining forces driven by corruption and greed. In other words, it wasn’t schools that needed to be made more accountable; it was the failed leadership of those in the business and government establishment that needed more accountability.
But the trouble with the ASD (Achievement School District) isn’t purely “political.” The takeover effort is also in trouble because it doesn’t work. The EdWeek article points to a recent Vanderbilt University study (.pdf) that showed district-led turnaround efforts had performed better than the the ASD. The study concluded, “Until the state-run district can begin to show academic progress, it shouldn’t be allowed to take over more schools.”
The scandals and malfeasance associated with charter schools rose to levels in 2015 beyond what emerged in 2014.Early in the year, a report from the Center for Popular Democracy looked at charter school finances in Illinois and found “$13.1 million in fraud by charter school officials … Because of the lack of transparency and necessary oversight, total fraud is estimated at $27.7 million in 2014 alone.”
One example the CPD report cited was of a charter operator in Chicago who used charter school funds amounting to more than $250,000 to purchase personal items from luxury department stores, including $2,000 on hair care and cosmetic products and $5,800 for jewelry.
In April, another report from the Center for Popular Democracy, along with the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS), uncovered over $200 million in “alleged and confirmed financial fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement” committed by charter schools around the country.
Authors of the report called $200-plus million the “tip of the iceberg,” because much of the fraud “will go undetected because the federal government, the states, and local charter authorizers lack the oversight necessary to detect the fraud.”
Then, in October, the Center for Media and Democracy published a new report revealing that the federal government has spent over $3.7 billion in taxpayer money on charter schools with virtually no accountability for the funds.
According to the report, the federal government, state governments and charter authorizers have generally not provided the public with ready information about how federal funds for charters have been spent. Attempts to trace federal grant money to recipients are apt to encounter “substantial obstruction” from states reluctant to reveal how charter money is spent and how state government handles charter oversight.
The report contends, “Unlike truly public schools, which have to account for prospective and past spending in public budgets provided to democratically elected school boards, charter spending is largely a black hole.”
In Michigan, for instance, where four out of five charters are run by for-profit management companies, CMD found “ghost schools“ that had received millions in federal funding but either never opened or were quickly closed with no account for the money. Some charter operators in the state have been accused, and convicted, of crimes, including felony fraud and tax evasion. But most often, no perpetrators of the malfeasance are brought to justice.
In May, an Ohio paper began its news story about Ohio charter schools, “No sector – not local governments, school districts, court systems, public universities or hospitals – misspends tax dollars like charter schools in Ohio.” Reporter Doug Livingston wrote, “State auditors have uncovered $27.3 million improperly spent by charter schools, many run by for-profit companies, enrolling thousands of children and producing academic results that rival the worst in the nation.”Charter school malfeasance in the Buckeye State has gotten so bad it’s even drawn the attention of FBI investigators.
More recently, Florida press outlets reported the state has given about $70 million to charter schools that later closed and returned virtually none of the money to taxpayers. While the state is able to recover computers and other equipment these schools purchased with taxpayer money, the far more substantial costs for purchasing and improving property and making lease payments stays in private pockets after the schools close.
In one of the more bizarre schemes the authors examine, charter operators use third-party corporations to purchase buildings and land from the public school district itself, so taxpayer dollars are used to purchase property from the public. Thus, the public ends up paying twice for the school, and the property becomes an asset of a private corporation.In other examples, charter operators will set up leasing agreements and lucrative management fees between multiple entities that end up extracting resources that might otherwise be dedicated to direct services for children.
These arrangements, and many others documented in the brief, constitute a rapidly expanding parallel school system in America, populated with enterprises and individuals who work in secret to suck money out of public education.
Well, maybe Obama's better with Latinos and Hispanics.
I dunno. It's hard to say that about a man who just promised to send everyone he could find without proper documentation back to war torn Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua where they will most likely be killed.
Not that a little killing ever bothered Obama. In addition to Afghanistan and Iraq where he flat out broke his promise to end the (undeclared) wars (of aggression, you know- we hung people for that, called it 'The Good War') we have now added more troops in harm's way and more undeclared wars in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, and a bunch of other places in the Middle East and Africa that I'm forgetting because the complicit and corrupt U.S. Media never reports the true extent of our Military criminality. It makes real 'Murikans has sad.
Obama and our "Allies in the War Against Of Terror" have a special fondness for blowing up Hospitals, particularly those run by Médecins Sans Frontières, which they have done 3 times, in Afghanistan, Syria, and, just recently, Yemen. As we might expect from such a great champion of justice as Obama not a single buck private has been held accountable, not even reprimanded. Heck, even George W. Bush had the decency to throw Lynndie England and 10 other grunts in the stockade.
I'll get to the torture that has continued under Obama, but before I do some thoughts on Targeted Assassination. "Home of the Brave?" Well, I suppose if it makes you feel brave to sit in an air conditioned office 7,600 miles away and blow up wedding parties, birthdays, and first responders trying to save people's lives just because they happen to live in the wrong part of the world and look, you know, "Mooslim". I mean, it can't just be bigoted lynching because Obama's Black and he would never do that.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that Obama has decided that he or his flunkies (so many to murder, who has the time to waste thinking about that?) can condemn a United States citizen to death without evidence and without a trial. Frankly it goes against everything the Revolution and Constitution stand for and institutes a "Star Chamber" kangaroo court of death by decree.
Back to torture. It hasn't stopped you know. People in Guantanamo are tortured all the time by methods that are clearly against United States law and International Conventions. Do you think Anal Hydration and Anal Feeding are medical procedures? They are rape pure and simple. Oh, and we continue to kidnap people and ship them off to Black Sites so we can pretend that they're not being tortured while under our custody and at our direct orders.
And you're going to close Guantanamo when Mr. Obama? When the war ends which as we've seen will be never? Ah, eeevul Republicans. And you had a Democratic majority in both houses for how many years? I see, just upstanding law makers bowing to the will of their bigoted and craven constituents in the face of Islamic Super-terrorists who haven't killed as many U.S. citizens in 14 years as your out of control Cops. I guess it's just the price we pay for free-dumb.
Speaking of freedom there is the spying, incessant, pervasive and entirely, utterly ineffective. There is not a single instance in which it has prevented an attack, but it's not intended to. The goal is simply to intimidate the people and make them compliant.
Not content to act the lawless Despot himself, Obama has decided to sell what remains of our democracy and sovereignty to the highest bidder. Investor State Dispute Settlement has already led Congress to repeal our Country Of Origin Labeling law (which Obama dutifully signed instead of vetoing because- democracy) which might tick you off if you own a dog and it dies because of Ethylene Glycol poisoning, not that those things ever happen (it's not all that good for humans either, nor is "Mad Cow Disease"). Recently we're being taken to ISDS (doesn't deserve to be called a court) by Trans-Canada for not just the $3 Billion of sunk cost in their continent spanning death funnel, but an additional $12 Billion of "expected revenue".
Perhaps you can stand to watch that strutting popinjay take the Well one last time to lie to us again, but I'm sick of it and I'm sick of him.
You can't leave office soon enough for me Barack. Good riddance.
I'll be watching Curse of Oak Island.
From, of course, The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma

Vent Hole
Now, let me tell you what I really think.
I know already what you really think
no need for part 2. You said it all. And I admit I agree, which hurts.
It's not THE MAN alone, it's your system that allows THE MAN to allow Americans being mislead, betrayed and bought. Someone in my neighborhood once told me, when we discussed elections and Sanders, unfortunately the US has not given us Americans the same good constitution it gave the Germans after wwII. What a tragic and bitter acknowledgment that statement was. This was well read working class man.
I hope for a revolution over your constitution and electoral college.
i dunno, you might like him better than i do.
i want to see him in an orange jumpsuit.
heh, there are lots of men who have to get into that
orange jumpsuit before him. Just saying. The final judgment will come for all of them and us. So, Obama will have his as well. But I don't think it's right to want him to see in the orange jumpsuit and let others, who I think deserve it as much or more, let off the hook.
In any case I listen to the State of the Union Speech and nothing gets through to me. So, all the talk is going nowhere.
that being said, I will re-read your diary. It was quite
excellent and well sourced. I remember that one.
So Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger are not war criminals?
I like to see all of them in court.
it's obama's responsibility to prosecute at least 3 out of 4...
of the people that you mention.
i'd like to see them all and some others in orange jumpsuits as well.
the problem with Obama is that he treated his responsibilities
in that regard the same he handled ... this:
he was a bit lightweight about the power he had, he was never too serious about it, just had some "cool" attitude and "nice" words and did the things that made him look like a leader, but he never lead anything for real. He sounded like a nice guy in the beginning. It turns out that's more a danger than a desirable feature in a political leader.
I just want an old, grumpy, tight-lipped guy, who doesn't care for how "he looks and appears", who knows what he wants and who hopefully will do them right.
And then in the speech he took time out to whine about how
the "process" has become so partisan as to prevent good laws.
Dude, if you propose good laws in the beginning and then fight for them rather than throw them like raw meat to a lion's den to be torn apart until all that's left is gristle, then maybe, just maybe, you might get something real and truly progressive instead of the watered-down neoliberal bullshit you crow about having passed.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
This was my complaint
about Obama's style of governing. The problem is that his pre-compromises led him to where he really wanted to be in the end. He's a tool of big money and he will end up very wealthy when his term is over. He was still selling the TPP as a great thing for US workers. I cannot even stand to watch or listen to him and his lies. He sold out the people and he sold out the ones who banked their greatest hopes on him.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I still haven't listened to his speech
and not read the transcript, but I heard some excerpts this morning on Democracy NOW and that was enough for me.
It's getting very ugly now, the campaign of HRC. There is no holding back anymore. Obama is already the man of yesterday. My brain doesn't want to think about him anymore. It's just depressing and I fear it will get scary as hell in the next four to six month. I read Bob Johnson's diary "Not an honest attack" over at the gos including all comments and some links in the comments. To me that's like a boat that is sinking slowly and finally the crew and some first officers realize that they always were neglecting to consider the hole in the boat important enough to try to fix it. Quite amazing to read comments in that diary.
Me either Mimi and don't intend to. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Excellent rant Ek,
As bad as Obama has been, I really thought it could be the final straw, the straw that broke the camel's back, the final chorus of "Don't get fooled again".
And it has been for millions and millions not just in this country but around the world. The Grand Illusion, busted.
But I was wrong overall. It seems closer (to real Revolution) but then I read stuff from the early 1900's or late 1800's or from Plato and I realize it's always been this way, a certain segment of the population that realizes what's going on while the rest are either incapable, unwilling or sycophants and enablers. Those who care continually asking each other, "wtf can we do about it?!"
The one amazing stat to me and the reason I've had to view Sanders' run with the Democratic party very skeptically is the polls that show Obama gets an 80% approval rating from Democrats. So the obvious reaction to someone like me is that if 80% of the Democratic party approves of what Obama has done, then I can have no part of that party. Besides an open failure, the man is a supreme liar, a thief and a murderer. It's that simple.
Hey Ed, good to see you
raising hell on c99.
Yeah, what you said!
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Hey, great post, thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It's also a transfer 'to the wealthy,'
not just to corporations and/or the insurance industry.
The ACA had one neoliberal goal--and it was not to insure poor and/or low income folks.
Had it been, it would not have been written so sloppily as to allow between 35 and 40 million individuals to continue to fall through the proverbial cracks. Remember, it was written by Democrats, the so-called 'best and the brightest' policy wonks and economists, and, last, but not least, insurance industry hacks like Wellpoint's VP Liz Fowler. This plan had been generated in, and tossed around in conservative think tanks for years--resulting in Romney Care several years earlier. It was not completely untested.
(Therefore, many of the problems with this model of healthcare were readily known.)
So, I don't by into the 'untended consequences' BS. The idea that no one could imagine that conservatives--lawmakers and/or Governors--might oppose a 'tax,' is ludicrous, at best. (IMO)
Seriously, the one and only goal was to 'spread costs and risks.'
IOW, to require average Americans 'to have more skin in the game.'
Period. End of story. Full stop.
This was important because many of the One Percent--and other wealthy/affluent folks who either self-insured, or participated in the individual private insurance market--deeply resented the fact that individuals in Group Health Plans, and/or our Seniors enrolled in Medicare, had access to health care coverage that afforded them premiums based upon community rating. (While they were not privy to this benefit.)
Frankly, I had no problem with them wanting community rating--just with the toxic solution that the PtB came up with. (i.e., destroying the decent health care coverage that millions of Americans had, in order to achieve this)
Also, I'm on board with granting health care coverage to all Americans, regardless of their pre-existing medical/health conditions. However, this affected a very small percentage of Americans--between 5-8% of the private insured population.
Remember, under most Group Health Insurance Plans, there is no waiting period for coverage, if a newly enrolled beneficiary hasn't had a break in their insurance coverage. And when there is an exclusionary period/clause--it is usually only a 30- to 90-day period. (One half of Americans are insured under Group Health Insurance Plans, BTW.)
Clearly, this objective could have been achieved without involving, much less upending, [more or less] the entire American healthcare system--including our public health care programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIPs.
Another result was the codification of the lowering of the 'standards' of our health insurance systems.
An industry standard for coverage--traditionally 80/20-- was reset to 70/30, since the ACA-mandated Health Market Exchange provide 'full' tax subsidies only for the Silver (70/30), or lower, health insurance plans.
My personal preference would be to expand and reform Medicare.
By that, I mean open up the 1960's program to Everyone--from cradle to grave. Benefits should be expanded to cover 100% of allowable expenses. It could be funded by establishing a very progressive premium program.
Certainly, I was in favor of disallowing insurers to "place an arbitrary 'cap' on reimbursable health care expenses"--most often between one to three million dollars (under Group Plans). That was a long overdue reform.
However, "negotiating" this with insurance companies, wasn't necessary--it should have been mandated. And those companies who were not willing to comply, could pick up and peddle their wares, elsewhere.
Hey, all of a sudden the "cut" and "paste" mechanism doesn't work. So, guess it's a good time to close.
Oh, I should clarify--by no means am I suggesting that I want to see the individuals who have gained coverage under the ACA--I've seen numbers between 12-15 million--thrown to the wolves. The sensible thing to do would be to immediately enroll them in [Expanded] Medicare, making the reforms that I mentioned, above.
Nice diary, EK. Thanks.
Have a nice evening, Everyone!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Yes, yes, yes and yes!
Wonderful rant! You hit on just about everything that Obama has done not only to we the people, but to the rest of the world.
I basically said the same thing about the ACA. The dem's kept letting the GOP water it down to get them to vote for it knowing damned well that they weren't going to. So why didn't they take out all of the shit the GOP put in there? Because as you stated, that's the bill that they wanted. They gave it to Baucus knowing that Liz Fowler from WellPoint was writing it.
There's not much more to add to your well done lists of betrayals by Obama. I especially liked the part where it was mentioned that instead of the insurance companies denying treatment, the people do it because they can't afford to make the premiums and then try to pay for everything out of pocket because of the high deductibles. It was definitely a give away to the insurance companies.
And yet over at kos, there's a weeping festival going on because 'the greatest president ever' is leaving. I had an argument with a person yesterday that stated that he's the best president in his life time.
From NOT filibustering the fisa bill, his cabinet picks, reneging on the public option, the war in Afghanistan still going on, troops back in Iraq against the government's wishes, the close to a million innocent civilians murdered, 4 regime changes. Libya, Syria, Honduras and Ukraine, just think of the misery he has brought to millions of people. And for what?
I could go on all night, but I think everyone knows that he sold us out big time.
And God help us if Hillary wins. I wish I had the money to move to another country.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Underground comix artist Robert Crumb on Adolf Hitler:
Crumb's comments on the famous and infamous – part three
Probably also true of Obama — guilty of inhuman, monstrous deeds, but perhaps only the result of the social forces (identity politics, imperialism, plutocracy, corruption, etc.) of our time?
Great rant, ek, and as for the health insurance one gets
under the ACA, it's not even good insurance. It's basically catastrophic insurance -- high deductibles and copays, particularly for prescription meds, low premiums (although as you move up from "bronze" to "platinum" they get steadily higher with marginal improvements in the deductibles and copays) -- which is what Obamacare (or should that be Obummercare?) is supposed to replace because such plans are "bad".
About the only difference I've seen is the lifetime cap on your share of the expenses, which cap is still quite high. Medical bankruptcies, meanwhile, proceed apace.
I've been seeing more and more comments cropping up over on GOS about this, and they conform to what my experience would predict in looking at the available coverage options. Which is probably why public opinion on this is pretty much a wash.*
*Yeah, I know: Joan tries mightily to spin this one but the results look a little more like dead-heat than roaring approval to me.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Outstanding essay ek!
There is not much more I can add to the already excellent comments on it. I hope you will write more in the future.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Liberals might be the last big group of suckers
As much as I hate Trump, at least conservatives are rejecting an establishment candidate by supporting him.
Liberals continue to support an establishment candidate in Hillary, even when a non-establishment candidate like Sanders is available. Why? Because of identity politics. The same reason why liberals and minorities still support Obama.
I have posted many times
just how much I abhor identity politics. It is the way that the Third Way Dems have been able to continue to be elected without actually addressing that big picture issues. Obama radically changed that with his failure to even attempt to deliver for the people while betraying his most loyal constituency.
Bernie Sanders candidacy has turned identity politics on its ear by simply running an issues oriented campaign with the over riding issues taking the forefront. People are starting to get the message that being a woman or running on a social issues platform does not put food on the table or pay the bills, nor does it overcome the specter of climate change. This is what the millennials get and along with the rest of us who understand the big picture issues, we are starting to build a movement.
I still believe that without Occupy blazing the path, Bernie would not be making the kind of inroads he has. But Occupy changed the national conversation from debt reduction and austerity to one of income inequality which has been Bernie's message all along.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We should have stood up much sooner than we did.
The longer we keep voting for these crooks, the more it will cost us when we will finally reach the end of the rope.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
But Obama is just like Jackie Robinson
as we all know, in 1947 Jackie Robinson became the 1st African-American player in major league baseball since 1884. Because of this precarious social situation it was necessary for Robinson to throw games so as not to rock the boat. Often when playing the New York Giants, Robinson's Brooklyn Dodgers would be ahead but Robinson would then make a seemingly inexplicable error that would allow the Manhattan squad to emerge victorious.
Occasionally a Brooklyn fan would stop being mesmerized by Robinson's speed on the basepaths to notice that the UCLA grad's batting average was worse than any pitcher's. The fan would say something like "we could have gotten any bum off the street who'd do better than this" but other Dodger faithful would shut up that fan by saying "you know he has to strike out, otherwise people would react in a racist way to him".
Robinson is famous for saying "We are not just the Brooklyn Dodgers. We are major league baseball. Someone has to win and someone has to lose but personally I don't care who that is."
He made me sick
when I saw the tears streaming down his face for the child victims of gun violence or whatever he was crying about the other day. A murderer of countless children has the fucking nerve to cry over violence perpetrated on any child or human? The man said turns out I'm good at killing and then sheds crocodile tears. He's as big a psycho as Bushies. I have more compassion for Bush actually as he was really damaged goods from a long line of psycho killers. I could not listen to his SOTU speech anymore then I could listen to Bush speaking. Obama did more damage to this country then the Republican lunatics as he normalized and legalized the unthinkable and crushed all the righteous opposition and hope that he rode to power on. Seems any one who doesn't believe in his 'achievements' is a racist dirty rotten commie Dr.Rat. Don't be sanctimonious ek as he's a patriotic killer and con man. Thanks for the vent hole and sharing your spot on assessment of Obama. Next up the inevitable one who's an Chicago old school bad ass neoliberal and a mad cackling psycho killer who will out do Obama.