Republican Debate- 7 No Trump
Folks, the only thing that is keeping the Republican Party alive is the Neolib Media's and Corporatist Democratic Party's need for a distraction of the systemic destruction of our democracy and looting of the Treasury.
If you think this is going to be a live blog, think again. I can't stand to watch Democrats whore themselves, why do you feel this will be any different?
Besides, all the entertainment value is gone.
Some people claim that Bridge is like Chess, in that by careful observation of the bidding the cards in other player's hands become as known to the astute as the position of the pieces on the board- visible to all.
Well, I cheat at Chess. I know one White Opening and 2 Black (fortunately both of them are similar and also share many aspects of my White Opening) and a few transpositions. Other than that I have some general principles and a keen notion of when to offer a draw (as soon as possible). A Sacrifice? I'm as likely to miss it as I am to take it which is why I'm a very bad Chess player indeed.
I am hopeless at Bridge, but I do know that 7 No Trump is a guarantee that you will take every trick in the hand without the mirthless chicanery of declaring a preferred suit.
Not showing up tonight is the smartest move The Donald could possibly make.
You know, he's not the best debater in the world or even the Republican Party (an incredibly low bar) but it's beneath his dignity to even attempt it. You know how much this suit costs? More than you will make in your entire life.
And this works for Trump because, for his fans, it's the sheer embodiment of everything they want to be. They want to be Billionaire Lotto Winners and tell everyone around them to piss off. They will not move a point, in fact they will admire him for having the strength to not care what anyone thinks. I don't need anyone but me is the Randian dream.
Plus, he's a bigot and that makes my prejudices ok.
If you're a reader you can probably hardly imagine the strength of his Siren call to your inner fantasies, or maybe you can and project it in different directions. Me? I give my crew earplugs and strap myself to the mast.
The real issue is not Megan Kelly. Ailes thinks she's an empty headed Heather which is why he hired her and for the most part she's his obedient puppet. And we can debate about it, but for the most part- she is (obedient puppet, I don't think she's just an empty headed Heather). Nope. The actual bone of contention is whether Faux Noise/Ailes/The Republican Party need Trump more than Trump needs them.
And the answer to that is- Yes.
Win or lose The Donald will always be what he is, which is rich. He's an Aristocrat and Ailes is nothing but a bourgeoisie Piss Boy.
It's good to be the King.
Trump has already won this debate. He's gotten 2 days of free media out of a yawn. Ratings will be down which proves his point to Ailes. After the obligatory Trump bashing from the Republican lemmings sucking up to the mighty Faux they'll turn their sights on Cruz who they hate more than Trump which will ensure a Trump Iowa victory and Trump and his new undercard buddies will be laughing their asses off.
(From The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma of course)
Vent Hole
So glad I killed my TV.
I can live in a relatively Trump free world. I mean, yah twitter mentions him, but fortunately most of my followers just post jokes and insults about the guy when they deign to mention his name.
Find it funny actually, a LOT of voice actors have been mentioning History of the World recently with regards to Trump. That "Bucket Of Shit" line has come up several times in fact.
For me, I always picture him as he was presented in Home Alone 2. When asked by an obviously unaccompanied minor for directions, he complied the minimum amount needed, then went about his day. I envision his presidency would be similar.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
evening ek...
personally, i'm delighted by what trump is doing to fox. he is demonstrating to the rethug world just how irrelevant the fox enterprise is and he's demonstrating to the rest of the world that the fox strategy has destroyed the rethug party and set up a schism between the party's knuckle-draggers and its money-baggers.
the rethugs used to hide their crazy uncles in the closet, but fox put them onstage and rewarded them with national attention. trump has unleashed the crazy uncle wing of the party much to the demise of the money-baggers who were exploiting them for votes with their knee-jerk appeals to culture war themes while screwing them economically. now, thanks to trump, unhinged morons have a serious chance of wresting control of the narrative from the money-baggers.
it's going to be ugly, but at least it will be entertaining.
A very clever title — 7 No Trump.
Perhaps it's because I am so thoroughly lodged in the geopolitical world, but I find Trump criticism coming from the left far too simple. There is nation-shattering nuance underway that is destroying the Neocons; it is killing members of the War Party, including Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is trolling America, and he is sabotaging its military-industrial horror show at the same time.
Are Democrats not seeing this? Little critical thinking is required to denounce Trump as an obvious racist and bigot. But is this where analysis stops? Why do the foolproof political epithets of racism and bigotry suddenly have no meaningful traction?
The Left seems to be missing "the greatest show on earth": Trump's deconstruction of the Neocon empire, which is now in an historic panic:
The excerpt above is from Justin Raimondo at Anti-War, which was recently a featured link at Evening Blues. But in recent weeks a stream of essays have been focused on the very public Neoconservative panic being caused by Donald Trump, including many who hold leadership positions in the White House, the DOD, the CFR, the State Department, the Department of Justice, and across many Intelligence Agencies.
Lately, one can’t help but think that the average American would agree with each and every one of Trump's foreign policy heresies.
If American's continue to reject Neocon foreign intervention — and the terrible price they pay for it —Trumpism is nothing short of the overthrow of the US establishment in Washington, which is exactly what Americans from both parties are currently demanding.
Raimondo's must-read essay ends on this note:
Although I am fairly certain the republic has been lost — one cannot help but note that the revolution really is being televised.
Ah. You get me.
I'll republish when I get a chance.