
Open Thread - Thurs 27 Jun 2024 - Assange, Animal Heroes

It's Thursday and here's an open, Open Thread!
I'm very tired. Puppies can do that! So here's a short open thread with a bit about Assange and a bit about the Dickin Medal. The what? Read below Smile

Julian Assange's release really made me happy. Very happy. His release was written about in stories that appeared on news websites (a couple local examples: Assange returns to Australia a free man, Mike Pence is upset at the plea deal, and some examples from around the country: New York Times on Australia's view of Assange and an article from NBC). But happy or not, I'm suspicious that his release is going to be used to try to gin up support for some political entity (or entities) or another. And the fact that he was held in prison for so long, for nothing really, is insane. Nothing was right about this prosecution. The only right thing now is that he's been released.

From https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/julian-assange-reach...