
Cage Match: Hiding Hillary versus Deplorable Donny

Forget the issues, ladies and gentlemen (and children of all ages). The undisputed cage match of the year will not be brought to you by the UFC. No, it will be purveyed to us by the Presidential Debate Commission, the outfit which represents the duopoly, ignoring aspiring challengers for appearance in the arena.

Labeling Hillary - or As the Windsock Turns

My wife and I watched the debate last night. It was a very unsettling experience. Bernie missed many opportunities to really nail Clinton. What's worse, he got a little wrapped up in the back and forth jabs and showed himself to be a little rattled. I think scoring debates is pretty much a useless exercise but what a debater/candidate can do, is build on the experience and refocus the message.

Bernie vs HRC debate today: A+ for Hillary on Social Security

For those who know my fondness for Hillary, do not fear. Today's Democratic Party Primary Debate held in New York brought forth a feeble acceptance that Hillary is now in favor of lifting the cap for taxable income on upper income payers for social security funding--IYCTH (acronym will be explained below).

Hillary's Filibuster

Here's a quick diary with video, of Hillary's filibuster during the last debate. I am putting it here to counter the Clinton's never-ending narrative that Bernie is a rude, sexist guy. I have to admit, it made me laugh at first, but it quickly started pissing me off. I hope it helps in dispelling the myth, or for that matter, the smear, that the Clintonites are recently pushing. Enjoy.
