The end of the United States
This is what Jesse Ventura quotes John Adams saying what happens when political parties takes over the government that will be the end of the United States as we know it. But first listen to Chris Hedges explain what our options are under either Biden or Trump. Video is cued to start with Chris. He is followed by Ventura.
There has been a corporate coup here that started many decades ago, but has accelerated during the COVID crisis when the government transferred trillions to corporations, banks, churches and who know who else got money while we got a one time $1,200 check and $600 weekly unemployment benefits boost that has expired. Those corporations now have the money to buy out foreclosed businesses, apartments and homes for pennies on the dollar just like they did during Obama's tenure where he allowed or asked Blackstone to buy 5 million houses which they then say on and drove up both home prices and rent prices.
This country needs a real second party not the fake opposition party that democrats became during Reagan's tenure. Rising covered the Reagan democrats in their video on Rahm Emmanuel and the class war that a Biden presidency will continue to exploit. We have already seen a preview of Biden's presidency during Obama's because Biden is bringing back some of the same people that were in Obama's cabinet. Larry Summers. Tim Geitner. Possibly Michael Bloomberg. And last but not least Jaimi Dimon. This is just the economic team. The foreign policy teams doesn't look any better especially when Obama had the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) inventor's wife, Victoria Nuland as Under secretary of State. PNAC members are the folks behind the Lincoln Project and they want Biden to win because they feel that Trump hasn't been a big enough warmonger. I disagree. While Trump hasn't started any new wars he has expanded on the ones he has inherited and has given the military free reign to conduct them any way they see fit. The rules of engagement have been relaxed under Trump driving more deaths and destruction wherever our military lands.
Chris explains that no matter who wins the presidency the oligarchs are going to be the winners and we will still watch as wealth inequality continues as well as all the other issues that democrats once stood against. People have been trying to reform the DP from the inside for well over a century and it is not going to work. There are too many powerful people who insist that new members give up their ideas for better government and follow the party line. One is the corporations that fund their elections. Another one is the power that Israel holds over the government. You have to toe Israel's line through AIPAC if you want to stay in power. Ask Russ Feingold how he fared after he went against what Israel wanted. Oh that's right. Feingold got booted out and a new lackey was found to take his place. Think Putin could have given a speech to congress that went against what the sitting president was doing? And have gotten lots of standing O's from congress members from both parties?
I wonder if we will ever talk about how Israel interferes with our elections? People say that Trump is Putin's puppet while ignoring the power that Sheldon Anderson (?) has over Trump and the GOP just like Haim ???? an Israeli donor has over the democrats. Sorry I don't remember his last name and any help is appreciated.
FBI Document Reveals That Without Direct Israeli 'Intervention' Trump Would Have Lost 2016 Election
I know nothing about this website, but it isn't the only one with this info. Just the only one I can find right now.
So hopefully the People's Party can get some traction and become a true second party and one that actually opposes what both parties do. People are fed up and I think we are sitting on a tinder box for an uprising that must remain peaceful so that the government doesn't crack down with martial law. It might anyway since the rules have been put in place to implement it.
Dr John Carpenter's sigline:
The only way Joe Biden is “going to be like FDR” is that he will die in office and leave a shitty vice president as a replacement.
In case you missed this article posted by Azazello it is a good read.
We Don’t Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying.
Also too in case you missed this move by Trump.
Yesterday Trump suspended most rental evictions for Americans struggling to pay rent. Whether people will have to pay the whole amount after January 1, 2021 remains to be seen. As does how people who are landlords don't lose their properties because they can't pay their mortgages on them. The best way to help with that is to give people retroactive UBI or some other income to be able to repay it.
In an unprecedented move on Tuesday, with Congress unable to reach a common ground on virtually any stimulus extension, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unveiled today it would temporarily - at least through the end of 2020 - suspend most rental evictions for Americans struggling to pay rent due to the pandemic, in a step which CNN dubbed was "broader than eviction protections already in place." The move comes as negotiations on further coronavirus aid have been stalled as Republicans and Democrats refuse to budge on topline numbers for what a new relief package would cost.
In a phone call with reporters, officials said the order will apply to Americans who qualified for direct payments under the CARES Act.
Under the CARES Act, only renters in federally-backed rental units were protected from eviction. “This covers any rental unit in United States, so long as the renter meets those requirements, where they've demonstrated that they are at risk of becoming evicted,” an official said. There’s also currently a moratorium on evictions for federally-backed, single family home mortgages.
Very encouraging.
Why wouldn't I support this?
Snoopydawg, thank you for posting all of this.
Rising on Trump's rental moratorium
Hmmm I don't think Joe Kennedy was listening to his family teach him how to be a good public servant. His plan for the hideous number of medical bankruptcies was to give people access to a lawyer during their cases. He might have gotten that idea from Pelosi who wants people to have access to lawyers when they are facing evictions. Here is his concession speech.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Markey's Home Run
No surprise. The Media would have been front-paging the news for days if Joe III won.
The results headline was gone from the NY Times website by the time I checked it this morning. Normally results pages stay on the website front page for days.
@NYCVG Markey win is also gone
@NYCVG Real Clear Politics
USA has been overwhelmed by constant propaganda. It seems to get more blatant by the day.
The only topic that has consistently interested the Press since 2015 is DJT. Everything covered is through Trump framing.
And people will still be surprised when he is re-elected.
Unlike Trump, Biden will listen to scientists
Well except scientists say that fracking is really bad for the environment and leads to problems with water supplies, earthquakes and climate change.
Biden: I am not going to ban fracking!!
But what about what the scientists say about it, Joe? Joe? You there?
Vote democrat if you don't like drilling everywhere along with more fracking.
I don't see the link to the article, but you can read more in this DK diary.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I am actually wavering
between voting for the Green candidate for Senate who is a write-in in CO (because it is the Green party, after all- even with ballot access, apparently they couldn’t get his name in in time), and voting for the incumbent republican asshole just to keep Frackenlooper out of the damned Senate.
I never vote for republicans. Never. But I may have to. These are desperate goddamned times, when the dem is demonstrably the worse choice all the way down the ticket.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Canceling rent is just a bandaid - Cori Bush
A Band-Aid, Not a Solution': Critics Warn Trump Eviction Moratorium Only Delays—Doesn't Prevent—Housing Crisis
Rising is on fire today. This is a great interview on the monopoly that we are living under.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A bandaid is all
that Rump wants or needs. As the incumbent exercising power, all he has to do is keep some positive headlines for a couple months. All of his initiatives (if you can dignify them with that word) are designed for this: "We'll have a vaccine, we'll have plasma, the economy is great, blah blah". Just like running a reality show. Keep the illusions going long enough to hold power and run out the statute of limitations on some of his crimes.
Let's see: 2,000,000,000,000 divided by 200,000,000 (approximation of number of US households) would be $10,000 per household. "Fermi calculation". That sure would have made a difference! I still want to know how much of that $2tril wound up in the Caymans.
I'm a proud t-shirt wearing member
...of the Movement. (Thanks, Cass.)
However, a t-shirt is about the full extent of my optimism.
Intellectually I know that reform is not possible when the FOUNDATION of what you want to reform is deviant and flawed.
These 'pols' and their handlers in the rogue government are so far removed from we the People that they can no longer find the right words to trick us. They keep revealing their true intentions.
Haim Saban----Clinton's guy
Haim Saban----Clinton's guy
And the 232nd richest person in America (per Forbes. Retrieved February 24, 2017 via Wikipedia.)
Sheldon Adelson
Somehow he came late (or later than DJT) to the gaming game (aka gambling) and has left all the other prior big players in the dust (when the measure is personal net worth). Well, guess the average American has far more surplus coins to throw away than I've ever had.
Thank you both for the correction on names
They came to me just as I was pulling out of the driveway. Both Saben and Adelson hold lots of power over each party, but then there is the power that they give Israel to hold over them. Biden said that if Israel didn’t exist we’d have to create them. Meanwhile Israelis laugh at how easily congress is manipulated to do their bidding. $3.8 billion surely could be better spent on people who are at risk of losing so much.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Adelson is the 28th-richest person in the world and 17th in the Forbes 400. (Forbes. Per Wikipedia, Retrieved July 22, 2020.)
Just so we know exactly who we're dealing with here...
It's the Wild, Wild West out there ladies and gents
any government official can do as they please, tRump and company
have gutted all government services and if one thinks that tptb
care about the rest of the people I'm taking offers on a certain
Has anyone heard either of these words in the msm? recession/depression?
Has anyone heard anything from the msm about tRumps handling of Covid19?
EDIT: adding Prof Wolfe video
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
This is all blue Twits talk about
Every single death is Trump’s fault and not the governors who let COVID ravage through nursing homes. Unless the order for it came from on high. That Pritzker is now doing what Cuomo did in NYC in March tells me that Cuomo didn’t come up with this idea himself. Especially since they got warned about in January.
But people such as Neera and Kos are on the Twit numerous times throughout the days telling us how bad Trump is. Newsom put a rent moratorium on California yesterday. Good for him. Salt Lake's mayor is talking about doing it soon too. And she is highlighting the homeless increase and looking for ways to deal with it. SLC has already really stepped up to get people off the streets and into apartments.
As for the recession/depression I haven’t seen much about it from mainstream media but then I don’t read or watch them much.
Love your sigline. I miss the old one that I’ve been tweeting every time I see it. People love it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
@snoopydawg What you put your
The incessant Trump, Trump,Trump chorus in the media is helping Trump to his second win.
If only we had a candidate we could talk about in terms of his Vote For.
What would help is lifting closure orders
Democratic Governors caused this mass unemployment. Work from home if you can, sure. Don't work at all if you can't? No.
I'm wondering if wrecking the economy was a DNC master plan to get a Democrat elected as President.
When Biden is elected, watch for "We have the vaccine, it's all back to normal." Even if the vaccine is just a fancy placebo, blessed with Holy Water by the thoroughly political CDC.
"Three million Americans have contracted COVID-19!" Blared the news recently. One per cent of the population is 8 months? It will take another 60 years to burn out?
Open up the economy. Put someone other than Chinese manufacturers and NYC stock brokers back to work. No mass gatherings like football games and political rallies, but using a little common sense. No wedding receptions? Come on!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I tend to think you're giving them too much credit here, although the thought has crossed my mind, too. Would they? Pretty decent odds there.
Really good odds on this one. Likely, in fact. My money would be on it.
Since it's Wall Street that sent our jobs to China, you'll have to talk to those same NYC stock people ...except they're busy right now.
Democrats do love to run on a bad economy --
No, the problem was not closures
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Only one of the many problems.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
for the unending gloom at the state of our nation.
Beethoven's music on the soundtrack of The King's Speech is the perfect expression of how I felt watching the Ed Markey returns on my computer.
Triumph over long odds. The King over his lifelong stuttering. and me, grateful that we can still beat our enemies at least once in a while.
Trust Markey appreciates
@Marie He is 100% solid on
Do you remember his brilliance during the Gulf spill Horizon? Markey was a congressman then and he was fearless on his disarticulation, (tearing limb from limb) of the oil companies.
Dictionary time again
Now, there's a handy word.
I would love to disarticulate = (separate (bones) at the joints)
of those folks who invented the word "disarticulate". KISS (keep it simpler, stupids).
More simple to forget (MStF)
I have to admit to having heard disarticulate used before. My dear wife has used it when speaking about taking a whole chicken apart for cooking. I didn't remember it though, and may not tomorrow.
I don't remember much anymore,
so, I just would say to hack the poor chicken. I can't forget hacking.
I won't hack peace into chicken littles though.
An old college friend of mine
used to describe the process of disposing of a dead body by disarticulating it and then chucking the resulting pieces out a window as "defenestration by partial fractions".
We were a bunch of math/engineering nerds, so always that got a good laugh. But ya probably hadda be there...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Excellent essay, snoopy
People do not want to believe this, but our country is dying. And it is being asset stripped by the oligarchs before they move on to do the same to some other nation. Meanwhile real human beings are dying because our elected officials do not care about them because they care more about the donor class. I am so disgusted with it all right now. And voting will not bring us out of this. It is depressing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My spouse and I watched the whole People's Party Convention.
We both cheered Hedges' analysis of the parties and our situation. Plus he let Bernie have it, which was well deserved in our view. That being said, I kept thinking about where I had heard of Hedges before and then remembered it was when he lit into Sam Harris (The End of Faith) and other well known atheists, eventually writing a book about atheism that is about as strident and ridiculous as it could possibly be.
Here is an encapsulation of what Hedges wrote in the book, I Don't Believe in Atheists.
"[The New Atheists] embrace a belief system as intolerant, chauvinistic and bigoted as that of religious fundamentalists (p.1)… [They] have built squalid little belief systems that are in the service of themselves and their own power (p.7)… [They] are as bankrupt as the passions of Christian and Islamic fundamentalists who sanctify mass slaughter (p.20)… [They] are stunted products of a self-satisfied, materialistic middle class (p.22)… [They] are little more than carnival barkers (p.32)… [T]hey empower the demons of self-exaltation, greed and lust for power (p.40)… These delusions are part of a worldview… that places itself and its selfish desires and dreams before the protection of life itself (p.57)… [They] embrace a perverted idealism that is sadly familiar in light of all twentieth-century tyrannies (p.58)… [They] have become the high priests of the cult of science (p.64)… These atheists are suburban mutations. They are products of a moral and political landscape corrupted by too much television (p.86)… [They] urge us forward into imperial projects that are as foolish as they are suicidal (p.111)… They can no longer make moral distinctions. They are blind to their own moral corruption (p.154)… They forget what it is to be human (p.157)… They bolster our self-satisfaction, anti-intellectualism and provincialism (p.179)… [They] are deluded products of this image-based and culturally illiterate world (p.183)… They appeal to our subliminal and irrational desires. They select a few facts and use them to dismiss historical, political and cultural realities. They tell us what we want to believe about ourselves. They assure us that we are good. They proclaim the violence employed in our name a virtue. They champion our ignorance as knowledge. They assure us that there is no reason to investigate other ways of being. Our way of life is the best. They indulge us in our delusional dream of human perfectibility. (p.183)"
Now, Jesse Ventura is an atheist, and has talked about it freely. He did not use the People's Party forum to promote atheism. Not true though, of Marianne Williamson and Cornell West. They both pushed god belief etc. And Nina Turner decided that instead of giving her speech, she would just launch into a black church revival meeting style narrative that became disappointingly repetitive.
So now I'm not sure what to think about the whole People's Party, at least those at the top. There were very good presentations by others on the topics of Medicare for All, the Climate Crisis and the economic/justice issues. With the other two parties entrenched in pushing Christianity, I sure don't need to throw my time and effort into another political party that is going to promote religious belief.
I simply want a good solid political party that concentrates on issues and solutions. Leave the spirituality stuff home please!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The last refuge of a scoundrel n/t
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
unfortunately it is a "both sides" deal
It irks me to have to wade through religious cant to get to the political/economic issues I'm interested in hearing about. But at this late stage of my life I've decided it is just a fact of human behavior. People are a mess of compartmentalized contradictions/cognitive dissonance. People are tribal, and they identify with the tribe, and they fall into the "I'd better signify that I'm a member of the tribe at all times" mode of thought as a habit, even in situations where it would be best to avoid it.
I've had dealings with "my fellow atheists" that left a very bad taste in my mouth, and I can think of strong religious believers that I can can classify as good caring people that I'd much rather be around than some non-believers. Of course, that works in the other direction too. Name a problematic behavior and I can probably come up with examples of that across all genders/skin colors/national origins/classes, and that is also true of people who behave in an exemplary fashion.
However, it does seem to me that if one is trying to reach a broad swath of people for socio/political ends, it is probably best to go for speech that, as the lowest common denominator, is not going to push some peoples' buttons. Religious talk is irrelevant to discussing matters of economics or politics, especially considering the wide range of contradictory religious beliefs that will be in any large group of believers, much less a larger group of mixed believers/non-believers. So just leave that at the door along with the other irrelevant stuff.
If trying to pull people together, don't start off with something that does nothing but divide them.
We are all so used to being bombarded with religious banter
that sometimes I think we don't even notice it. I agree with your assessment of people and how hard it is to get them to just drop the tribal stuff and concentrate on the issues at hand.
I did send the People's Party a message (who knows if anyone reads them) letting them know that with the increase of non-religious, non-believer etc. citizens, especially in the younger generations, it might be a good idea to just let the god talk go.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I agree about Nina's presentation
Her moving around like she did with just her head showing wasn't a good look for me. Too much energy and I focused on her moving and kept looking at the picture of her. She is a smart woman, but I don't think that was a good look for getting her message across. I don't know if I actually heard what she said because I was so distracted.
ditto here too:
Hopefully there will be talk in the future for how they can get this off the ground. They will be met with the force of both parties working against them and people won't have patience if they move half halfheartedly. Imo of course.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Good description of the Nina visual.
Did you know that the Democratic Party passed some kind of non-binding resolution recognizing non-believers in the platform??.... except it isn't in the platform. The National Secular Coalition was all excited about it, and FFRF called "historic", but I call it pandering nonsense.
I hope those groups don't fall for it and start promoting the Dem Party or alligning themselves with it. Of course, they might lose their tax exempt status if they do so.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin