The Weekly Watch

A New Year
but the Same Old Hypocrisy

What irony as T-rump's inauguration protesters (and those who were simply in the area) face years in prison for exercising their rights that old “tiny hands” wants to protect the rights of Iranian protesters. In Saudi Arabia protests are not tolerated, but they are our allies. In Israel they treat Palestinians (especially those that protest) inhumanely, but they are our ally and seemingly our foreign policy directors. Meanwhile, we circle North Korea with aircraft carriers and line up missiles on their border and then holler about their aggressiveness? And perhaps the biggest hypocrisy, T-rump calls for more global warming as cold weather descends (largely due to climate chaos). All the while the news media misleads and distracts.

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Ken Burns' Vietnam - Let us now praise famous grunts

Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us. The Lord hath wrought great glory by them through his great power from the beginning. Such as did bear rule in their kingdoms, men renowned for their power, giving counsel by their understanding, and declaring prophecies.

- Ecclesiasticus 44:1-4

Ken Burns, Episode 10 - "This is the end, beautiful friend"

There were very few grunts on the ground by 1973, so the last episode of Mr. Burns "Grunts of Vietnam" series has to focus on the only place Americans were in the picture (although only slightly at risk): the fall of Saigon. We get 30 minutes on that event, with a lot of coverage of the Marine guards at the embassy.

1. The Fall of Saigon

Burns, Episode 2 - The Whitewash of the CIA continues

It is now apparent that Mr. Burns is completely minimizing the CIA's role in Viet Nam. That role was even more prominent in the years before the commitment of US troops in 1964. But you would never know it from Mr. Burns.

Here are four examples of that minimization:

1. Rufus Philips
