
Brain hacking, part 3: sensing

Before we get into this, I came across an article which brought home to me the complexity of the information I present and try to explain. The particular article had nothing to do with what this effort is about. It was, instead, a tirade (?) about how Wikileaks was actually colluding with the Russians by presenting lines of code which the author said definitely proved her point. In so doing she presented lines of code, first in full, and then simplified for us illiterate hicks.

CIA's new target--brain hacking, part 2, rationale

In Brain hacking, part 1, I pointed out some of the technology, with lots more technology to be discussed, so that you may see how close to reality this idea is. The technology exists and just needs refinement. Don't doubt for a moment that the CIA is working on it.

The core of part 1 is based upon mind-to-mind communication.