
Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: The Kidnapping of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone

There are no limits to which powers of privilege
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Monday February 26, 1906
The Appeal to Reason on the "Kidnappers' Special"

This week's edition of the Appeal features an article which describes the special train, the "Kidnappers' Special," which spirited Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone away from Denver and over the state line to Boise, Idaho:

Officers of Western Federation Kidnapped.

Under the Thin Disguise of the Law, President Moyer and
Secretary Haywood of Colorado Are Taken to Idaho-
Another Chapter in the Colorado Labor War.
Special Telegram to the Appeal to Reason.

Bulkeley Wells, Colorado National Guard, Telluride Mine Manager.png

Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 20.-Saturday night in Denver, between the hours of nine o'clock and midnight, a set of Pinkerton detectives, armed with a requisition from the Governor of Idaho, which requisition was honored by Gov. McDonald, of Colorado, on Saturday morning, arrested Chas. P. Moyer, President of the Western Federation of Miners; Wm D. Haywood, Secretary, and G. A. Pettibone, a business man of Denver, on the charge of conspiracy in the assassination of Steunenberg, who was governor of Idaho at the time of the big strike in that state.

The Colorado governor honored the requisition before the men were arrested, which is in direct violation of the law. As soon as the men were arrested they were hustled to the county jail and held for four hours, then placed on board of a special train on the Union Pacific bound for Idaho. The Idaho detectives were reinforced by a squad of Colorado militia in charge of Adjt.-Gen. Buckley [Bulkeley] Wells and Col. W. D. Strickland of Gov. McDonald's Staff. Both are ex-convicts of most unsavory reputations in Colorado. This guard left the state with the manacled prisoners. The accused men were not permitted to send word to their families of friends, nor to communicate with their lawyers. They were literally kidnapped by the officials. The most prominent men in Colorado denounce this as a most unheard of outrage on law and order.

Hellraisers Journal: Haywood, Moyer, & Pettibone Held on Murderers' Row at Idaho Penitentiary

Through the window that faced the rear wall I could see
what I afterward learned was the death-house,
where the condemned were hanged.
-Big Bill Haywood

Saturday February 24, 1906
Boise, Idaho - More Arrest Made in Steunenberg Case, Men Held in Idaho State Pen

From the Deadwood Daily Pioneer-Times of February 21, 1906:



Steve Adams, Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case of 1906-07, Darrow Collection.png

SALEM, Oregon, Feb. 20.-Gov. Chamberlain has granted requisition papers for the arrest and return to Idaho of J. L. Simpkins and Steve Adams, wanted as accomplices in the murder of Former Gov. Frank Steunenberg of Idaho. Simpkins is believed to be in this state. Adams is under arrest at Baker City.


BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 20.-It has been arranged that Moyer, Haywood, Pettibone and Steve Adams, held here on a charge of murdering Former Gov. Frank Steunenberg, shall be taken to Caldwell tomorrow morning and given a preliminary hearing. A special grand jury is to be called to be in readiness to meet any emergency, such as habeas corpus proceedings, etc.

Steve Adams was arrested at Haines, Oregon, yesterday. He was in Caldwell just before the murder and was seen with Orchard walking along the railway track in the vicinity of the Steunenberg home. Vincent St. John, who was arrested at Wallace, it is thought will arrive in Caldwell tomorrow morning, making five to be given a preliminary hearing. Adjutant General Bulackley [Bulkeley] Wells of Colorado has remained over to testify at the preliminary hearing....

Hellraisers Journal: Officials of W. F. of M. Arrested & Spirited Away to Boise by Special Train

Are we to have no chance at all?
You can’t arrest a man without a warrant and
transport him to another state without extradition papers!
-Big Bill Haywood

Wednesday February 21, 1906
Denver, Colorado - Haywood, Moyer, and Pettibone Kidnapped by State of Idaho


The San Francisco Call of February 19th reported on the arrest, in Denver, of Big Bill Haywood and Charles Moyer, officers of the Western Federation of Miners. George Pettibone, whom The Call describes as a former member of the W. F. of M., was also arrested. The next morning, the men were transported by special train from Denver to Boise, apparently without extradition hearings, nor an opportunity to challenge extradition. The three men will be charged in connection with the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho.

The Call appears to approve of what amounts to a kidnapping, arranged by the authorities of Colorado and Idaho:


Taken on Special Train From Denver.
Miners' Union Officials Involved in
Steunenberg Murder Case.
Three Men Spirited Away Under Guard
in the Early Morning.

Hellraisers Journal: Pinkertons Search for Clues in Steunenberg Murder; Seek Jack Simpkins of WFM

There are no limits to which the powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Friday January 26, 1906
Boise, Idaho - Authorities Seek Simpkins of W. F. of M. in Steunenberg Case

From The Salt Lake Tribune of January 22, 1906:


Detectives Had Busy Sunday in
Searching for New Evidence.
Sheriff Nichols of Canyon County Has
Collapsed Under Strain of Work.

Special to The Tribune.

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, wiki.png

BOISE, Ida., Jan. 21.-Among the detectives, today was an active day for them in the search for more evidence against Harry Orchard and others in the Steunenberg murder case. It is reported that some new clues were found, which officers seem to think are very important.

View of Pinkerton Men.

Pinkerton men have been hunting up the new evidence, and they are positive in their findings. One of them said: