bernie sanders

Whoa! 91.41% of Bernie Sanders supporters will NOT support Hillary Clinton if she is nominee!

I have spent the last three months compiling data over three separate surveys. At 95% confidence, and within a 3.7% +/- margin of error, 91.41% of Bernie Sanders supporters will not be voting for Hillary Clinton if she is the Democratic nominee.

Maine Democratic Party Changes rules Re: Super-delegates

During Maine's Democratic Party Convention an amendment was submitted to the rules that would change the way super delegate votes are distributed.

The new rule, which passed to by a voice vote and chants of Bernie!Bernie! also included a call for other states to do the same in the conventions that follow.

This could be a BIG DEAL...

Ed Rendell: Bernie supporters "have to behave and not cause trouble" when he loses.


As if you're not disgusted enough with the Democratic Party, the weasel Ed Rendell just doubled-down on pissing off half of their voting base:

Bernie at the Democratic Convention: Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now

The lies of corporate politicians are the foundational cause of every crisis America is facing. Let us not talk falsely now is Bernie’s message to the despised political establishment, to the depraved economic establishment, to the degenerate media establishment, to the degraded military establishment, it’s his message to everyone in power, to everyone in authority at every level of society, to the police and the judges, to business owners and employers, to every American trapped in this twilight struggle for survival as the pursuit of corporate profit strangles the economy and the GOP casts the shadow of fascism across the entire political system.

Let us not talk falsely now.
