Barack Obama

Trump is a Dumb Shit and So are We

You are what you eat. You break it, you pay for it. You elect a dumb shit, you are a dumb shit.
Confucius (attributed)

Remember when Rex Tillerson, the Exxon Secretary of State, reportedly called Trump a moron in a July 2017 meeting, i.e., when he was acting as Trump's SOS. He denied it and is still SOS, but we all know it happened and is true.

Trumpocalypse Now Threatens the World as We Find It

The discourse about Trump is, in general: Oh My God It's the Apocalypse, This Unthinkable Horrible Extreme Person is President.

But for the most part he's not doing anything that all the other politicians haven't been doing for quite a while. In some cases, for decades.

Trump wasn't Turned by the Deep State, He's just a Fricking Liar

After the fifth online article I read today claiming how Donald Trump has been "turned (by the deep state), persuaded (by the deep state), has had a change of heart", etc., I decided to go on a rant. Confucius say, "rants are good for the soul".

Basic Reason to Block Trump SCOTUS Pick: Justice

petition language (
CLICK to sign.

(Analysis.) Many liberal thinkers have put forth good reasons for senators to reject President Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. People for the American Way, one of a coalition of groups that delivered block-Gorsuch petitions with one million online signatures, cited his ...

troubling views and record when it comes to siding with wealthy and powerful interests, over the rights of working people, women, and the disabled.
