Open Thread - 12-13-24 - Monochrome Days

As I was sitting at my desktop last night, wondering what I'd write about, I slipped into a daydream of memories. Memories of my youth.

I was swept back to my early childhood in the mid to late fifties, and I soon noticed I was viewing my memories in black and white. That seemed odd, but not really, having grown up in the era of black and white TV. What an idyllic world that was. Time was slow. There was less chaos, well, less chaos in my young mischievous mind anyway. Things were so much simpler. I'm sure many here can relate.

I probably spent a good five minutes in memory land.

It's strange the way a person can drift back in time, like a lucid dream, like a movie.


Open Thread - 02-17-23 - AI and GIGO

The term artificial intelligence (AI) is being bandied about with regularity nowadays, especially in regards to chatbots, with ChatGPT being the most prolific. Hopefully this piece will help explain the concept of AI in context of its current applications and what that may portend for the future. Included, at the end, I'll let my mind run wild in a thought experiment regarding AI's potential abuse.


Robots, AI, and Totalitarian Superfluousness

Many people are perplexed by the drive towards firing workers and replacing them with machines. They ask "who will buy the products?". But, when looked at from a neoliberal/ totalitarian ideological viewpoint, robots are the "final solution" to the ruling class's problem: "who will be our servants after we kill all the grasping, uppity peasants"? Using robots to do that would be even more efficient than what Jay Gould, the crooked Robber Baron, proposed: