Administrative Announcement

Administrative Announcements: Attn. mimi, Creosote & Saturday Open Thread

Mimi and Creosote: If you read this please note that I have replied to your emails several times after you've asked for new credentials to log in with. I have yet to receive a follow up email from either of you so please check your email's spam folder to see if that's where my emails have ended up. You can also use the "Forgotten Password" function at the log in page to get yourself a new password. I have run out of options to contact you and cannot help if you aren't getting my emails.

As a last resort you can make a new account with usernames like mimi2 or Creoste2 and then I can contact you via private messaging to straighten out your old account.


Regretfully studentofearth has contacted me that she will no longer be able to do the Saturday Open thread starting in March. If anyone would like to fill that day please let us know in this thread or by contacting me.

I'd like to thank studentofearth for all of the yeoman's work and fine writing she's published in the Saturday Open Thread and to thank her for all she's done for c99. Her essays will be missed. Thank you soe.