About to Collapse Anyday impending demise by exsanguination

Watching the slow death of About to Collapse Anyday (ACA) is like watching Hillary climb stairs. It's conclusion is inevitable but the process is painful. The deterioration is akin to rapidly advancing cancer where the patient gets emaciated and weaker, yet the doctors continue to pursue old-fashioned remedies. Remember leeches (no, not the ones in D.C.) but the truly blood-sucking riverine parasites?

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel's emergency room cure for About to Collapse Anyday

I'm sure you all know about Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of big-hearted Rahm Emanuel. Dr. Zeke is one of the chief architects of About to Collapse Anyday (which is more formally known as the ACA). Dr. Emanuel's proposed fixes (more like band-aids) to the ACA, seem to have as much validity as brother Rahm's police "reform" in Chicago.

About to Collapse Anyway--the not so affordable care act is disintegrating faster than the middle class

So here comes Mr. Hope-and-Change riding out of Illinois to save the health of our nation. A tenacious champion for the rights of the common man, this brave knight of Game-a-lot, lance in arm, was ready to slay the dragons of uninsured America. Behold, prior to his first battle with the League of Red Knights, he threw down his lance, but continued advancing toward them. But, wait, he then started to dance, a most unknightly thing to do.

My experience with private insurance before the ACA, and my thoughts re the viability of Obamacare.

FYI, gjohnsit has another fine essay out today, focusing on Obamacare. Originally I wanted to leave these words as a comment in that essay, but quickly realized that it would have been far, far too long, and so I decided to write my own "essay" instead. This piece is a collection of certain of my prior comments on TOP; I hope readers will find them useful.

Big Pharma--like Clinton--has neither shame nor guilt

One of the selling points to us hopeful 2008 dupes was that that the ACA (now better known as A Crappy Arrangement) would increase the number of people covered. This indeed happened. But BooHoO signed away the power which he briefly held, to regulate insurance companies in the most effective manner (Public option) in order to appease the Dreaded Republicans (DRs), who at that time were the minority party in both Chambers.

Will Poors Pay The Fine Now That ACA Coops Strangled?

This will be short because smart phone, but sharing it in hopes others will find it as interesting as I did. Have a number of relatives who are surely faced with paying the ACA fine for no coverage.

Ah, yes, remember when we realized we got punked by Mr. Obama , maybe felt slightly hopeful when Senator Sanders got Coops added to ACA ?

Here's the latest on the death throes of a state coop and the choices faced by people afterward.

Thanks, Obama!

health insurance and taxes; can anybody help me figure this crap out?

(Sorry if this isn't the right place for this; I'll take it down if it's not.) I hope someone here can help with this because I don't know what to do and I'm guessing most people here have already filed their 2015 tax returns. I looked online and none of the free tax prep help places around here do anything with the ACA stuff.

So, with the ACA and income tax returns for 2015 there's some new forms that people need to receive and fill out. This is my understanding of it so far: