Featured Editorials

Genetic Disease in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

This is a delicate topic, but it has a singular point to make - a point about the cognitive dissonance of those citizens who cling to Hillary because feminism. These Fem-Dems go along with all our shitty foreign policies because Hillary. Case in point, the free pass that the medieval, misogynist theocracy of KSA has gotten from the US for 70 years.

Democrats realize that they have a corruption problem

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that the Democratic establishment has acknowledged that it is corrupt and has decided the corruption must be expelled.
I'm saying that the Democratic establishment has acknowledged that the voters are fully aware that the party is corrupt and they now have no choice but to make modest reforms to address this public relations problem.

the ‘Great Competitor China’: in Africa

This is indeed a bit of a tome as I reckon it needs to be given the subject matter, but I’ll offer a shortcut in a bit.  I’d like to start with ‘The Bolton Speech on Africa: A Case of the Wolf and the Foxes’, Ajamu Baraka, Dec. 19, BAR.com, and will quote liberally for background, and since BAR content is all CC.  (click image for larger)

The Day After, the film and its effect on weapons policy

The 1983 film, The Day After, had a strong and lasting effect on nuclear weapons policy until the recent return to fascist death wish by the political leadership of the United States. I hope we can read and think about the importance of this film in the coming new year. Global Research has published an interesting piece on the effect of the film on Gorbachev and Reagan. Happy New Year.
