Featured Editorials

Open Thread - 12-13-24 - Monochrome Days

As I was sitting at my desktop last night, wondering what I'd write about, I slipped into a daydream of memories. Memories of my youth.

I was swept back to my early childhood in the mid to late fifties, and I soon noticed I was viewing my memories in black and white. That seemed odd, but not really, having grown up in the era of black and white TV. What an idyllic world that was. Time was slow. There was less chaos, well, less chaos in my young mischievous mind anyway. Things were so much simpler. I'm sure many here can relate.

I probably spent a good five minutes in memory land.

It's strange the way a person can drift back in time, like a lucid dream, like a movie.


News about news

My most intense of many pet peeves is the way so many frustrated internet voices assume that cable news blather is "believed" by hordes of benighted fellow citizens. Such blather does get echoed across cyberspace, which is my gripe. They pay Rachel Maddow millions of dollars per month to pump out hard-nosed political advocacy for some reason I don't quite understand. Just as I do not understand why anybody takes cable news seriously, on any level.

Open Thread - Thurs 12 Dec 2024 - Ask and Ye Shall Receive...

Ask and Ye Shall Receive...

Last week I posted a bit about how I don't recognize a lot of today's 'culture' - music stars, movie stars, tv anything...

And then a few days later I found something that inadvertently introduced me to one of the stars of today's music (Coldplay an English band which started in the very late 1990's, heh, yea young!), by using a popular star from my early youth and before: Dick Van Dyke. Yep, he's still here, and he's gonna be 99 tomorrow!

The video was filmed at Van Dyke's house in Malibu. It's really neat to watch Van Dyke dance a bit, to see his enjoyment of life, hear his reflections on things, how happy and amazed he was at Coldplay's Chris Martin's talent and the song he wrote for Van Dyke, and more. Also, I learned about Coldplay and now I'm a fan!
