Featured Editorials

Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Part 1 - Our Personal Disconnect

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are our longest and third longest duration wars for the United States and yet few Americans have been personally touched by them. While our second longest war, Viet Nam, was fought with draftees, these two current wars are being fought using a very scaled down, all volunteer military.

Part One: Where We Go From Here

NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles that will lay out an action plan for uniting the populist movement.

The Political Landscape

To accurately gauge the efficacy of the Democratic Party base as a political entity, you need to understand how deeply compromised its members are by “magical” thinking.

Slaying the Sacred Cows: Identity Politics, Outrage Porn, and Lifestyle Branding

Here's a quick question: What was the progressive community outraged about last week? How about last month?
I'm not talking about real issues, like inequality or the Forever War we are engaged in.
I'm talking about the never-ending serious of petty outrages that the online community loves and can't do without. You know what I'm talking about.

A Big Tent Divided...

It's hard to get too excited about national electoral politics right now. At the moment it doesn't seem like much of an avenue for the sort of radical change that is needed to make the political system work for the 99% again. The game is rigged, the 1% control the parties and through the parties and a compliant corporate media, the choices available to the 99%.

Could the 99% take back the political system, purge the money power from it and flush out the politicians that form the "coalition of the bribed?"

Crushing the Occupy Movement - How Wall Street Used Government Forces to Suppress Political Dissent

It has been over two years since the Occupy Movement was brutally destroyed by a coordinated national effort led by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Since that time, much documentation has been released under the Freedom of Information Act.
