What this Country needs is a Progressive Party
Submitted by jamess on Fri, 05/20/2016 - 12:12pmWhat this Country needs IS ...
What this Country needs IS ...
Three weeks ago I pointed out that the Baghdad government was increasingly unstable.
Today the crisis peaked.
I'll cut right to to the chase.
Everyday great writing is posted here. Many of us have social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Please, if you see something you like, an essay that speaks to you or informs you, then share it on every social media platform to which you have access. In the upper left hand corner of each essay post are icons for Twitter, Facebook and the reddit site, Kossacks_for_Sanders that you can click on to make this easy to do.
If this entire primary has shown me one thing, it's that those who hold the levers of power want us to be afraid. Very afraid. I saw this in 2004, 2008 and in 2012 as well, but back in those days it wasn't so blatant as it is today. In 2008 I voted for Ralph Nader. And I'd do it again because the moment Obama won the primary that year he ran hard to the right from everything he claimed to support from Single Payer to same-sex marriage.
Clinton's numbers have gotten among Bernie Sanders supporters. 60% have an unfavorable view of her. https://t.co/qBPua9pS3a
My heart has been with the Sanders participants in the Nevada State Democratic Convention of last weekend, and is aching for this nation.
These folks are clearly honest, sincere and devoted citizens who care about our nation and attempted to participate as citizens and to represent others. They were, given what they were up against, remarkably poised. And I can only imagine the terror this has inspired in them as American Citizens attempting to participate in Democracy.
This is democracy. Yuk.
So really, I just tweeted this - there's a meme going around on The Twitter Tubes #BernieLoveWave, so I contributed a Tweet:
You say you want unity. You say it's up to Bernie to bring his supporters back in the fold. You say Trump is dangerous. You say when November rolls around we'll bite the bullet and pull the lever for Her Highness.
I have some news for you.
About five weeks ago I approached the subject of Obamacare here. My point was that Obamacare, while maybe better than nothing, was a deeply flawed reform bill.
Since then there has been several studies and developments that you probably will never see on the GOS.