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A somewhat recent report was released in May, entitled Human Rights Conditions of Transgender Women in Mexico. It is a joint publication of the Transgender Law Center and Cornell University Law School LGBT Clinic.

This report's purpose is to assess the country conditions in Mexico so that immigration judges and asylum officers can be fully informed about the issues facing transgender asylum applicants. This report examines whether recent legal reforms in Mexico have improved conditions for transgender women. It finds that transgender women in Mexico still face pervasive discrimination, hatred, violence, police abuse, rape, torture, and vicious murder. These problems have actually worsened since same-sex marriage became available in the country in 2010. The report also suggests ways to improve the information about county conditions available to U.S. immigration judges and asylum officers so they can better adjudicate the asylum, withholding of removal, and Convention Against Torture claims of Mexican transgender women.

My Answer To The Conundrum

The 2016 Presidential Race in the United States has devolved into this - Voting America asking in the race between Trump vs Clinton: Who presents the smaller probability of igniting national and/or global chaos? Who am I least afraid of? Who presents the best chance of survival and making it to a course correction in 2020? Who is the least corrupt? Who is influenced by foreign governments less? Who has fewer corporate bribes in their till? Who alienates me the least?

Some Advice to Dems: Stop Whinging Continuously About Trump

I have said this for awhile now, it's free publicity and his supporters will not be persuaded to join you no matter what you say. The MSM loves Trump's crazy stuff, they will report everything he says so let people make up their own damn minds.

  • Scary, Racist, Sexist, Bigoted Trump!
  • World ending Trump!
  • Big Red Nuclear Button Trump!
  • Did you see/hear Trump's latest horror show!

Such a waste of effort if you ask me.

The Quest for the New World Order

The incessant Russia/Putin propaganda we've been subjected to over the last four years along with the aggressive U.S. actions against Russia, i.e., Ukraine regime change, further encroachment of NATO on its borders, sanctions, the U.S. led Syria and Libya wars, etc., have led many to believe a military war with Russia might happen.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

All I have to do is remember a little part of Bernie's campaign to feel confident in analyzing what information is coming out of Hillary's campaign.

The first debate, when Bernie tried very desperately to keep it on the issues - his "we don't give a damn about your emails" is still resonating with me as I struggle through this political morass to hold to the real issues, not the political infighting.

Biggest Falsehood Hillary Told in Her DNC Acceptance Speech

Hillary Clinton said, in her acceptance speech at the DNC convention the following: “America is great because America is good.” She couldn't be more wrong, as I explain in my latest video posted at my YouTube Channel:


Big Pharma--like Clinton--has neither shame nor guilt

One of the selling points to us hopeful 2008 dupes was that that the ACA (now better known as A Crappy Arrangement) would increase the number of people covered. This indeed happened. But BooHoO signed away the power which he briefly held, to regulate insurance companies in the most effective manner (Public option) in order to appease the Dreaded Republicans (DRs), who at that time were the minority party in both Chambers.
