Featured Editorials

Water Crisis in Syria, "We think it was worth it."

syrian water.jpg

Water contamination and a water blockade have been occurring in Damascus, Syria which evidently involves the White Helmets, the Nobel Peace prize nominated, NATO sponsored, terrorist affiliated, propaganda "organization". If it involves the White Helmets, it also involves the U.S. and Britain.

My Response to Joe Romm's Medium Essay that Lets Democrats off the Hook on Climate Change

I like Joe Romm, the founder of Climate Progress, who has done a lot to attempt to bring attention to the most threatening crisis of our times, climate change, and our political failure to address it. Unfortunately, he has a serious blind spot in his analysis of how our two major political parties view the issue.

VICTORY! House Ethics Office Left As Is!


Breaking News: House GOP reverses course on gutting ethics panel

I would keep the calls coming - make sure they know we're watching!

I received this email this morning from Project on Government Oversight (POGO):
