Plunging into the absurd- Dr. Strangelove II
But American forces leading the anti-ISIL coalition have been slow to realise the threat posed by the armed group's drone use, said PW Singer, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation and an expert in robotic warfare. "We've known of non-state actors ... using drones for years," he told Al Jazeera. "We've also known that the commercial spread of the technology made it possible for anyone to buy [them]," yet the rush towards countermeasures began only recently, he added.
Well spotted
Now for a mere extra $20 million
New countermeasures have been implemented, including Battelle's Drone Defender, a hand-held directed-energy device that can knock drones out of the sky at a distance of 400 metres. The device has already been deployed with US troops in Iraq.
Hand held, hmmm, should be a really hard technology to get hold of then.
Then our drones will be fitted with anti-directed-energy casing.
The terrorists will never get hold of that one.
Oh wait....
We will have to create a satellite based system and call about....
Star Wars Beta since as we all know; St Ronnies Star Wars alpha was so successful..
I suppose drones carrying dirty/biological/chemical bombs will be the next big scary sell by the MIC/MSM.
You just knew we were going to have another arms race...didn't you?
Then when the terrorists get hold of a Google driverless car a whole new ball game can begin, Tanks! Boats! Beer Bongs!

A story from WWII
C West Churchman was a philosopher who worked in labs in WWII. Along with Russ Ackoff they introduced Operations Research to the US after WWII
Churchman describes work during the war.
One lab was making armor piercing bullets
Lab next door making armor to resist bullets
He observed that this research insanity could go on forever
And it has ....
It will be fun when the bad guys fly drones over US cities. Will they be the noisy ones that we use to terrorize people?
How soon will it be when people realize that Obama's kill list and drone forces will be in their own backyard and maybe, must maybe, it was not a good precedent for the president to be judge, jury and executioner?
And now that Obama has signed (I think a done deal) a trillion dollar program to modernize nukes, they will be able to make them small enough to be carried around by drones. And they could be circling the earth all the time.
Somewhere along the way, one of the labs saw that
Big pile of depleted uranium sitting around after the enriched uranium (and its producers) were enriched. The armor guys figured out that it was impenetrable by almost any bullets. The bullets guys....
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
At this same time, the nuke guys were also having problems.
The piles of depleted uranium were getting larger and larger and bigger and bigger because no one in America wanted this stuff in their back yard. One day, when the nuke guys and the bullet guys and the armor guys were having a few beers together (it was TGIF), a nuke guy came up with a brilliant idea. Why don't we make the bullets we fire in our many wars on 3rd world countries out of depleted uranium. This would solve everyone's problem at the same time.
It was such a wonderful innovation they ordered another round of shooters to celebrate. America is THE exceptional country.
US Army Dusting Off Volcano Mine Dispensers
Tax dollars at work for "terrain shaping munitions systems", everyone benefits.
Oh that gave me the Go Where You Wanna Go ear worm.
I find DefenseNews can be scarily informative while easy to read, but can't take too much of it at once. Like now I can imagine drones in the wild spewing dial-a-nukes because why not it is all possible.
Thanks for writing on the absurdity of war. Thanks
Time to get into falconry, ASAP
I have seen eagles trained to bring down drones. Not sure if I would train one to fetch. But a bird could also come in handy to bring to earth those escaped mylar balloons. Plenty of rodents for food...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Just think
fully autonomous A. I. robots equipped with automatic weapons and MANPADS. Sky net saving American lives. The future is so bright my eyes turn away.
World's First Droneport Las Vegas
Welcome to Aerodrome, that was fast! This reads like a Trump carnival bark:
Wow can't wait to be overrun by the new ground floor mercenaries.
Oh wait it expired. Hmph.
Online Course on Sale for $99 Go for it!
Our neoliberal Governor in NY
Has been pushing drones to the tune of $30 million last year.
He wants a 50 mile "drone corridor" between Utica and Syracuse.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
What, down the pay-to-drive Thruway? I-90?
Still busts me that the thruway is still pay and parts of the Erie Canal, paid for by NYS over 100 years ago is free (?) to boaters. Definitely free for walkers along the old towpaths. Reminds me: my deceased husband's EZ pass went missing. They no longer harass me for tolls.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
More rant: Pay to get close to NYC.
Free in some directions to exit.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Buffalo was the same until 2006
With all the talk of demolishing I-81 through downtown Syracuse there is revived talk of removing the tolls on the Thruway from the I-690 exit (39) to the I-481 exit (34A). (I-481 would become the new I-81)
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I was one of those outside interested parties.
My daughter does a weekly drive up I-81 from Cortland to University area. Parking fees there are bad enough. The elevated bits of 81 thru downtown always set my (former) dog off, car was cool, elevated roads no cool.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Nothing, not. a. thing. surprises.
Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for mere words, then uses drones to kill innocent people. We've had years to see this happen, keeps getting worse.
Too sad for tears
edited to add: it can get worse:
e = mc^2
I had an interesting conversation with a military officer involved in weapons research. His attitude, of course, is that the US needs to have technological superiority, whatever it takes.
I then made to point to him that we are legitimizing a world wide race for the most destructive, lethal devices possible. I then pointed out that there is no upper limit to the power of explosive devices. These devices use energy to destroy people and objects and Einstein discovered that e = mc^2, and c, the speed of light, is a very big number and it's squared. The amount of matter in a thermonuclear bomb that is converted to energy is microscopic. The nuclear bomb is not a limit. Then I pointed out that any nation can make a breakthrough that gives them weapons orders of magnitude more powerful than our current weapons. They could, in fact, demand our immediate surrender. You can't predict technological breakthroughs.
Guess what was his response? "Yes, I agree, but don't you think that we should develop these weapons first?"
Few people get it. The development of these weapons in itself is a death sentence for H. Sapiens.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
So is there a drone that can drop water balloons
on my neighbor's yapping dog? That is the one and only reason why I'd ever buy one of those things.
Back to the story at hand, I believe drone technology is going to make our aircraft carriers very, very vulnerable.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
With today's advanced weaponry, aircraft carriers are a relic of
the past like the battleship. The standoff requirements they require for protection against Russia, China and even Iran make them next to useless in those situations. They are only useful against countries that have minimal defense capabilities and for 'show of force'. Keeping them operational puts even more black holes in the defense budget.
The future is in unmanned weaponry. Unfortunately, the only thing that stops American wars of aggression are body bags. This does not bode well for the future of mankind.
I agree, unfortunately it's going to take the image
of burning hulks of hulks of aircraft carriers and the accompanying casualties for the warboys to drop their fascination with them.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
The US military in Iraq was fought with cell phones.
On pundit noted that an enemy does not have to be as high tech as the US. The Iraqis used cell phone detonated bombs to murderous effect. I have read where people have developed simple apps early on to hack into military drones. Hackers have been able to gain control over moving automobiles which rely heavy on distributed computers which have wifi. I believe the Russians have developed devices to disrupt GPS-based guidance system.
The deadly thing about advanced weaponery is that it gives us an sense of being invincible. During the first Gulf War US weaponary totally outmatched the Iraq army and lead to its slaughter. In the actual invasion when the resistance went underground not that effective.
Don't know why, but reminded me of this docu-drama created by National Geographic which was about how would humanity fight a hostile alien invader. It was really about how a technologically inferior war machine fights a superior war machine--answer is that it doesn't. But NG had serious experts talk about the question in insightful ways which really go back to what we have seen around us.
It is a bit long, but well done and entertaining also.
My son graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
nearly a decade ago. The graduation address was by a former University President who went on to develop drones. His address was encouraging, drone, not feet on the ground. And then I found out. And I deduced the drone operators could be 14 y/o's. And I realized I had heard an historical talk, unwittingly.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Water Protectors have also used drones in self-defense!
You are right that everything can be turned on it's head. The dialectic of power moves forward, because technology has no will of its own. When affordable and available, it can be harnessed to serve either side. Unfortunately this is also true, as you note, of dirty bombs and nuclear weapons. I was very interested to see that the water protectors protesting DAPL have been using drones to determine when the police agents were moving and whether they were preparing yet another assault.