Featured Editorials

ADL says progressive Jews are anti-semitic

According to the ADL America is awash with anti-semitic Jews. Not a small portion of them are terrorists who want to kill all the Jews. If that doesn't make any sense you aren't alone.
On October 18 thousands of ethnic Jews and their allies marched on Washington D.C., calling for a cease fire.

push back

An example of students standing their ground

Everyone has seen the bonk video, but it's worth watching the full thing to see how Cal Poly kids pushed out riot cops. Look at the brave people in the front, faces literally pressed against shields! Look at how everyone's holding onto each other so no one can get grabbed away!


The Weekly Watch

We Need a New Business Model

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The US war economy is driven by the MIC (AIPAC, oil, pharma, big AG, etc.) lobby. The ownership is on display. Last Saturday our purchased representatives financed more genocide, destruction, and global chaos, along with the suppression of free speech banning TikTok, plus the theft of Russian assets (bound to undermine the USD)...and this is our business model. What a failed system! The "deep state" mafia carrot and stick persuaded Johnson (and Trump) to flip on their stated priorities...they obviously caved.
"You know they got six ways from Sunday to get you!"

Look at the country which results from these warmongering policies...(2 min)

Album of the Week 4-27-24

Afternoon folks!

Some more great stuff this week! In the blues department, there's an album split between Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf featuring tunes from their London Sessions (with Brit blues-rock musicians backing them) and an album from Piano Red (the original Dr. Feelgood?) from Atlanta. After that there's a live double album of zydeco/cajun/blues from Clifton Chenier. In the blues-rock department we've got an album this week from Jeremy Spencer after he left (early) Fleetwood Mac and joined a religious cult, kind of an odd album with some good tunes. After that, there's a live album from country-rockers Poco and we finish off in the diversity department with Tom Waits and his Swordfishtrombones album.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the tunes!

Open Thread - 4/27/24 - Stuff and Things

Well, friends, we got us some civil unrest here and there.

Back when I was in college, I did some protesting against Viet Nam war, but it was mostly lending support for draft dodgers heading to Canada, and assisting conscientious objectors. It was never any conduct that would get me arrested, or expelled from school. One must have a clean background check to get into law school and another to even be allowed to take the bar exam. I ran away from parties full of students passing out a variety of drugs. I meant to do what I could within legal bounds.?

I wonder what I would do as a student now. Would I give up my goals and dreams to try to prevent a genocide? Would I give up on a degree? Would I destroy my chances of being hired by a corporation?

It will take much soul searching on my part to measure my integrity.

While the kids risk more than they can imagine, it is we oldsters who have so little to lose. It is we who should be in those tents. We often think of the young folks as Iphone gamers.

College protesters today are my heroes, and my heart.
