Saturday Open Thread: 6/22/24 - Odds and Ends

Among my goals is to start writing this OT, and manage to get it finished, without a mysterious disappearance of my content into the vast, vast, ether.

I shall proceed, let us see, otherwise there will be some bitchin' and moanin'.

In other words, my attitude:

My week was interesting. Last OT, I mentioned an attorney had stuck my signature page onto a document appearing that I was approving it. Well, I had signed an approval of a different 34 page document she provided me, after having sent me a 34 page document I refused to sign. She switched my approval page onto her document I refused to sign. Page 35.(The crime in TX is tampering with a government document.) Her first document had a line at the bottom saying "contempt order". The one I signed said "custody order", which is correct. 34 pages of one thing, one page bearing my signature saying another.


I visited my prosecutor, and to my huge and happy surprise, he said his investigator would be visiting me, and that the investigator was looking into numerous stuff and things the attorney had done that rise to criminality. Maybe one day she will know this:

The rains have passed on for now. Summer has set in. That means it feels at least 10 deg. hotter than the thermometer says, and outdoors is only safe and acceptable in early morning, or late afternoon. I am making an escape plan for August.

I typically do not watch presidential debates, now that the DAR doesn't do the moderation, but I cannot resist watching the shit show coming this Thursday. If drs. can dose up Biden, they can dose up a country-wide bunch of nursing home patients to visit with their families once in a while. Fair Dose is my new motto.

Some odds and ends photos from an extended weekend trip to Trinidad.


We"ve got US some wars to discuss, some debate to discuss, some critters, insects, growing vegetables in some gardens, we gots us some mass shootings, some police coming under the guns (metaphorically). Discuss.

The other evening I was reading an essay here, one simply packed with info, reeking of huge effort. I read 6 or 7 or 8 comments. I looked back up, saw no "thumbs up". At all.

I quickly extended the courtesy, and made that first "thumbs up" click.

This has nothing to do with me and my content on Saturdays, which is to just get us together to talk about whatever is on our minds, whether in the news, world events, at our homes, or the price of tomatoes.

Please encourage the obvious hard workers who post here to help us understand what's goin' on.

Your turn, folks!

Let 'er rip!

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This was a week of bad national and global news,but interesting personal news.
A buck deer grazed in my fenced yard, maybe 30 yards from where I sat; 2 anoles fought for 30 minutes right at my feet before they fell into high grass, depriving me of announcing the winner; and the web worms that proliferated throughout East Texas have finally crawled away.
As my friend says, I am looking down at the grass, not up at the roots, so all is good!
Whatever comes to mind is worth posting here.
Have at it!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

Made a quick trip to trade day and bought several bargains which are needed around the place. It was already getting warm when I left.

My AM routine is the get up make coffee, turn off the mini-split, open the door, and turn on the whole house fan. for an hour or so before shutting the house up. We'll normally stay cool till noon or so before we need the min-split again.

We went to B'ham yesterday for B-i-L's funeral. It was nice to see family we've not seen for years. We wondered why we never meet until someone dies. The Big Chill effect I guess. When we returned home, the house had been shut up all day, but it only took 20 min or so for the mini-split to cool us down.

Gonna be hot again today, but they're calling for some rain next week. We're dry and need some for sure.
Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 08-33-54 Alabama U.S. Drought Monitor.png
We're on the state line barely avoiding the yellow abnormally dry classification.

Thanks for the OT and hope everyone had a good weekend!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout the a/c would blow up trying to get the house cooled off.
Glad you got some bargains!
I am glad the family gathering went well, despite the sad underlying cause. We are planning a visit-family trip to Illinois for Dear One sometime in August. Seeing family is always good, but getting out of Texas in August to see them is just awesome!
Our weekend will be uneventful, with a trip to a grocery store to stock up on some food and other basic necessities. Other than that, I am thinking good food and good music rounds out the activities.
Very workable!
Take care, dear friend, and I will "see" you tomorrow, fer shure!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dystopian's picture

Hi OtC,

Thanks for the OT! I loved that Kravitz song at first hear when my sister sent it to me. Went straight to guitar afterwards. Shows with a basic worn simple progression, and some creativity, you can rock!

I can't believe the unmitigated audacity of that bad lawyer! Gadzooks!

Neat pics in Trinidad! In case of interest... The birds with the big white eyeline and yellow underparts are male Bananaquit. The violet birds are male Red-legged Honeycreeper. A green one with them (first pic) is either a female or first-year male (takes 2 yrs. for males to get adult plumage and colors).

We got 5.5" in last 12 days here, still D2 drought and pond at park is THREE FEET from going over the spillway (e.g. normal). Back to melting and sticky=drippy season in Texas...

Have a great day!

Happy trails all!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

@dystopian I saw! They were so beautiful, and to me, so exotic.
Something about that Kravitz' song really hooked me. Oh, wait! Isn't the "hook" what takes a song to greatness? I think so.
The attorney may be able to pull off a defense of clerical error, but I happen to have all the emails that came before and after I discovered what happened, and she doubled down, and it was intended. I should add the errors in her fraudulent document favor her client. Imagine that.
Allegations of criminal behavior swirl around her. Young attorneys have hired on as her jr. partner, then promptly quit because they were scared of going to prison.
She must go. Period.
I had an attorney pal who traveled so often, she stayed in the million mile discount program offered by United Airlines. She scrambled to find somewhere to go to keep up her mileage. The Trinidad trip lasted 4 days, was a 4 1/2 hr flight, and our hotel was right beside the governments capitol building. I got a glimpse of their President walking out of the building to get into his limo. She got credit for my miles, I gave her a reimbursement, which was a couple of hundred bucks.
We should be extremely hot this week. Our great weekend will include staying inside with the a/c on full blast!
Go have some fun, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


because they no longer give 2 sh*ts about the poor and working class.

America In 2024: Fast Food Is A “Luxury”, 11 Million Children Live In Poverty, And 1000s Of Stores Are Closing

Little by little, our standard of living has been eroding. A couple decades ago, we had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now most of the country is struggling.

I am sitting here looking at those numbers and I still can’t wrap my head around them.

I never imagined that I would see the day when it took more than 8 dollars to buy a Big Mac.

That is insane!

Meanwhile, the number of American children living in poverty continues to increase with each passing day.

If you can believe it, we are being told that over 11 million U.S. children are now living in poverty…

Today, approximately 40 percent of the entire country is considered to be either living in poverty or among the ranks of “the working poor”, and 42 million Americans are on food stamps.

We now have an absolutely gigantic “underclass” that is largely made up of people that were once solidly middle class.

The rapidly rising cost of living is just shredding families from coast to coast.

It has taken decades of horrendous decisions to get us to this point, and now we are steamrolling toward economic oblivion.

If you think that our leaders in Washington will be able to turn this ship around, you are just being delusional.

Boy it’s too bad that rotating villain, Manchin blocked extending the child tax credit and that mean parliamentarian who has no real power blocked raising the minimum wage. We are constantly told by our rich rulers that there is no money available to help we the people, but there is bucket loads when the banks screw up and need bailed out. Congress can find billions in just days.

They can also find billions and billions to send to Ukraine including many billions to support people on the government payrolls….but none to increase funding for HUD, SNAP or any of the programs that help the ever increasing poor.

The house just passed the biggest military budget in history. $889 billion give or take a few billion. One comment on this story was no one should complain about this because it’s not only to defend this country, but the world. sigh…

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg After I finish my coffee, set up my laptop, I will dig deeper into the link. Thanks. I play videos out on the porch, Dear one plays videos in the living room.
I can see the drop in standard of living everywhere I go. Just looking into people's grocery carts tells you, there are families living on Ramen noodles and cheap pasta and cheap canned spaghetti sauce. Young cashiers need help checking out fresh veggies. They do not know what asparagus is. You have to tell them. They have never seen it in on the dinner table in their lives. Every day of their 18 or 19 years of life have been in poverty, and fed on junk processed food.
When we are on long road trips, we try to get food at big truck stops. Expensive, but of higher nutritional value than fast food, which is now almost at the same price as the truck stop delis. Funny that truck drivers are looking for fresh fruit, fresh artisan bread sandwiches.
It is more likely than not that my clients cannot come up with full retainer fees, and need to set up installment plans.
The busiest stores in town are the re-sale stores.
I am past the idea government is uncaring about the vanished middle class, and the growing poor class.
They do, in fact, care. I believe it is intentional, and that they are giving themselves a pat on the back for a job well done.
If you do not believe they willfully kill off we useless eaters, dive into what Gov. Cuomo did, intentionally, to nursing home inhabitants during the scamdemic.
Let me know if dawg treats get scarce up in Utah. We will come up with a plan for my client.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp The nearest Red Lobster closed recently. As did the 99 Cent Only store, and the Dollar Tree. The Outlet Mall shuttered, and is now a U-Haul lot.
Our property taxes are so high, elderly retirees are selling, moving into Tiny Home or RV parks to live out their lives "affordably".
Imagine buying and paying for a home for $185,000, adding a 2 car garage, getting a tax bill that assesses your retirement home at $1.2 million! That just happened to a local elderly couple. They have no choice but to sell and leave, or lose their home to a forced tax sale by the county.
All it took to destroy their life's retirement planning was one ad valorum tax bill! They must leave their home, friends, drs., children, grandchildren, church...everything!
Last time we ate at McDonald's, I got a kid's meal, Dear One skipped the fries and soft drink. Bad food at ridiculous price. We had no choice, we had little time to eat lunch, get our eye exams. Time crunch imperative.
FWIW, I did read that a comparison study was done on where to find the cheapest groceries.
Whole Foods, some big grocery chain, Walmart, and Dollar General. Walmart was the cheapest. It costs us $3.50 in gas to go to Walmart. We typically buy an average of 35 items. We typically save $40.00 of what we would spend shopping locally.
No matter how supportive I am in spirit with the idea of shopping locally, in reality, it is foolish to do so.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Sam put in her wish list if you didn’t notice….


1 user has voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Let me know if dawg treats get scarce up in Utah. We will come up with a plan for my client.

She loves Ol Roy’s rawhide chewies and the puppy sized milkbones that you can find at Walmart. Little shit is eating me out of house and home. And money for gas so I can chauffeur her little black butt around in the convertible. She thinks everyone in Ogden is dying to meet her. You ought to see her parade wave. She thinks she Princess Diana….

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture


Because it’s been the direction for decades,(at least 5), that bigger fish swallow up smaller fish, we end up in poverty. In the ocean world it is natural, but the process is not meant for human consumption. All it does is bring more and more destruction. I wonder who the last all encompassing god will be. Excuse my sarcasm please.

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@janis b Very apt.
Hope all is well in paradise.
Take care, chica!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

Great Trinidad photos. I see that Dysto has already done the bird ID. Every time we try to get there, something comes up. One hopes that the bad actor atty gets theirs, soon. The "justice" system is flukey enough without embedded corrupting influences. The infamous headnote of a certain reilroad case that I cannot recall comes to mind. Ah well.

Think I'm gonna skip the debate; can't recall the last time one of those "debates" actually was what I consider to be a debate. I wanna say it involved Formosa, Quemoy and Matsu, but there may have been one or two since. These days they're all just more bad theater.

Sorry about your weather.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris is more curiosity about Biden's dementia than actual policy content. They always say they want this or that, then block it from getting done once in office. Lying bastids. Still, I want to see the Big Freeze, the stumble, hear the gibberish, and throw rocks at anyone who says it was deepfake.
We are actually planning on having a big bowl of popcorn at the ready. This is how low our opinions of politicians has reached.
Most travelers go to Tobago for water sports and the beach. Even our guide thought it interesting that our entire tour was of Trinidad only.
The history of the Hindi population there is interesting. Numerous local bars will feature cheap (but good!) food, cheap drinks, and free steel pan band concerts for free. We visited one each night. The locals were so friendly. Gorgeous scenery, lots of wildlife. Nothing but great memories of the spur of the moment trip.
My pal had arranged for us to have a local tour guide service, but they were a no show. Our taxi driver who took us to the hotel just happened to be a licensed guide, so we hired him for the whole trip.
Do your best to get this island on your bucket list, El.
Wish the criminal investigator luck in pinning the attorneys ears back.
Take good care, my dear friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

@on the cusp

ASA Wright center.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris get to it.
One day...
Make this the year, friend.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Cassiodorus's picture

For some reason the Due Dissidence comedy team thought this was important:

There is of course an obvious rebuttal to the Sirota argument. Nobody cares. The only people who are thinking of voting for either Trump or Biden are swing voters. These are the people who, ceteris paribus, and if they live in the so-called swing states, will decide who our next President will be. (Just to be clear: when I say swing voters, I don't mean independent voters. They're a different group.) Do swing voters care about Due Dissidence or Sirota or even Jimmy Dore? No. They don't. The people who care about Due Dissidence et al. are those who want an alternative to both Trump and Biden. They aren't deciding out next President, unless, of course everyone in alternative media were suddenly to endorse Jill Stein. First rule of communication: ask yourself, who is your audience?

It's really amusing to see these people grasping at pretexts to open their mouths and finding nothing, but opening their mouths anyway. Hey! I have an idea! Since they're all in independent media, how about if they try to create independent campaigns for independent candidates running with independent parties? I know, it's a very high bar, because it would require them to think independently rather than doing what they currently do, which is to wait for someone else to do the heavy lifting and then, when it turns out that there's a week left in the Presidential race and nobody has done the heavy lifting, say, "the two party system is just too powerful," accompanied by a lot of loud and public sighing.

Just as a footnote, you might note the end of the RFK Jr. campaign, at least as an independent entity:

It's really hard to move toward a better world when you have some Zionist billionaire puppet strings controlling you.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus the same treatment I gave snoopy's link. I will get into the weeds this afternoon after I get my laptop set up. Thanks in advance for bring them to us.
I am doing all I can to remember details of looking at a chart on the actual policy stances of the presidential candidates. Each were posed some "do you support ...?" questions. I remember questions on the Gazan and Ukraine conflicts. Mandated vaxxes. In other words, the topics deemed most important and most debated.
I remember Stein went my way in all categories except one, and I cannot remeber wtf it was, can't find the questionnaire, but I remember being so shocked and angry, I stormed out of the room, calling her a stupid, lying bitch every step of the way.
Maybe I can find the article somehow. If I do, I will post it.
I want to read it again, always remember precisely why I will not vote for her ever again.
Have a great weekend, Cass!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp I talked it over with Dear One.
It was Stein's position on immigration.
It was open border, unfettered citizenship and grant of government services to immigrants.
For those of you who do not find yourself dodging bullets fired by cartel members, that sounds very liberal, very welcoming to the poor, the weary, to come join us in our great experiment in democracy.
I am dodging the bullets.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Cassiodorus's picture

@on the cusp The standard position is one of "this election is SOOO important" and yet the people who take this standard position have little or no actual leverage over the election.

In the current formation, the people with leverage, as I've suggested above, are the swing voters in the swing states. This was the case since Clinton's victory in 1992. Before 1992, losing candidates could in some elections find themselves in the position of carrying very few states. Here one thinks of Goldwater in 1964 or McGovern in 1972 or even Mondale in 1984.

The question, then, is one of what would disrupt the current two-party formation. I would submit that this formation becomes stronger each year because there are no real countervailing forces in American politics and because the parties themselves have nothing to offer the American public besides "the other party is worse."

The point of discussing Stein was that Stein is actually an anti-genocide candidate, and so she is in a position to disrupt the two-party formation. I don't really see how her political position on immigration is of consequence from this perspective.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus On Gaza.
How do I get to the polls to for for her if I get shot on the way?
I cannot emphasize enough, Cass. Illegals are swarming here, and they are armed, dangerous, and locals are selling out and leaving the state. I will be retained to do at least one deed a week. I always ask where people are going and why. It is the rise in crime due to illegals, and increase in property taxes.
Many times we can overlook a goofy policy stance because of the importance of another stance.
Gaza is, for me, a moral imperative. Immigration, for me, is life or death.
Which is more important?
I haven't agreed with Sirota in years, but his theory that the D ptb are actually glad to see Trump kick goofy Biden's ass is my theory.
It was a pleasure to see Cenk, whom I do not really like, kick RFK Jr. around like a soccer ball.
Sabby's kicks made a goal every time.
The Due Dissidence guys made asses of themselves on this. Hadn't seen them do that before.
I hope everyone watches those videos you brought to us.
Thanks so much, Cass.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


A better reason why the climate is changing besides human causes.

The oceans are warming because when there is less sea ice there isn’t as much pressure on the earth’s core. When the ice is bigger and heavier it pushes harder on the core.

And not only is the sun going through a hotter cycle, the Hunga Tonga volcano is still affecting the atmosphere. The focus shouldn’t be on we the little people's actions, but the military and the global parasites which cause much more environmental destruction than what we do. And cow farts is just an excuse to get us to eat less meat.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg So, if you start with the numbers for petroleum, mostly because these are the ones I've found most easily, you can see what they are at the EIA webpage. In 2023 the world produced, and thus consumed, 101.8 million barrels of oil per day. A barrel, for future reference, is 42 gallons. So yeah, nearly all of that is burned and thus shot into the atmosphere as CO2.

Well, okay, that's a lot. But what proportion of the CO2 produced by industry is that? Remember that the EIA stat I just cited is only for liquids, not solids or gases. Well, the last time I saw anything on proportions, it was in a 2006 paper published in PNAS by a collective "Raupach et al." that said it was about 36%. So that CO2 from the hundred-million-barrels-per-day is only a bit over a third of the end-product of what they're burning.

Now, even that sort of thing doesn't represent a lot if you only think of one year. But multiply it by a couple of centuries and it starts to add up. The last stats I saw suggested an average temperature increase of 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade thanks to all of the new greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere (yeah and don't forget the reduced albedo due to the melting of ice).

So the human species is -- collectively -- affecting the Earth's average global temperatures, and thus its ecosystems. We are not, however, at the point where we might be asking the two questions which might matter in this context. They are:

1) What sort of ecosystems do we want to see on planet Earth?


2) How is the human species organized collectively, and what can be done about that?

First off, we don't ask about the ecosystems we want because we don't really have any control over our relationship with ecosystems. Sure, it's better not to poison our ecosystems to death, but beyond that it's really unclear to us and our relationship to our environments is completely heedless.

Secondly, nobody at this late date can seriously imagine out an alternative to more capitalism, and that has to be organized. So the individual's relationship to society is heedless as well.

The "climate movement" would have you believe that it's a simple matter of "reducing emissions." No. When it comes to asking the important questions, we are not even at square one. But, yes, the problem is real.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

snoopydawg's picture


Not much we can do to cycles. Nor can we patch the earth’s crust to stop ocean warming. Then there’s the sun's cycle that TBAU has been posting about here.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg -- that can show how "volcanic cycles" change Earth's average temperatures on the order of 0.2 degrees per decade, decade after decade, all in the same direction? I'm sure we'd all be interested to read it. Maybe it's mentioned in Grist.

(Meanwhile Delhi approaches the disaster predicted in Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry of the Future.)

At any rate, the idea that people know what to do about climate change is really the point at which "climate activists" show their folly. "We have to reduce carbon emissions." They've been at this for decades now. Do the EIA statistics show any concerted global effort to reduce carbon emissions? Yeah, I didn't think so.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus in a certain class or sector of the population.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


and throwing in the kitchen sink. I’m not interested in solving the climate change debate. I posted the article that explains why oceans are warming. And why volcanoes could be more active.

You can look up the Hunga Tongo volcano which threw millions of gallons of water into the atmosphere that might affect global temperatures for a decade. I’ve posted links on a few times.

Any thoughts on THE article?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cassiodorus's picture


41,000-year cycle in the Earth's tilt matches up with peak volcanic activity.

What we see of climate change now is happening on a scale of far, far less than 41,000 years. So I don't get it. Could you explain it in your own words?

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus human behavior is studied ad nauseum, whereas the behavior of the actual globe, is not, as though it has nothing to do with anything.
Humans are the case.
Ask Greta, a foremost authority on science she has never studied a day in her life.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

And why does the other climate group throw soup on paintings instead of destroying globalist property? Silly people.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg paint on Stonehenge.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981


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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

numbers @Cassiodorus but
not the most important one
% of atmosphere

0.03% co2

not 3 %
not 0.3%
Three HUNDRETHS of One %

clouds control the temp
cosmic rays control the clouds
the solar wind controls the cosmic rays
the sun(Our STAR) controls the solar wind

pretty simple to state
quite intricate in observation

but it IS actual observation
not Models using un-falsifiable data

if you’re against the gaza genocide
why do you want the rest of the people to die?
‘cause that’s what’ll happen if we stop using oil

ask anybody using ac right now if they could
live without it

or running furnaces in the dead of Winter
using gas/oil

if the Scam-demic hasn’t clued people in
by now on if their lips move they’re Lying
open mouth lie falls out
then I really Don’t know what to tell ya

coming to Your neighborhood
sooner than you think

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@Tall Bald and Ugly and interesting to read scientific studies of geology, astronomy, meteorology, affecting our global temperature fluctuations.
It seems climate change studied only from the perspective of humans is serving a purpose of which we humans are not being made aware.
Thanks for this, TBAU.
Have a great weekend, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Cassiodorus's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly The original source in Nature magazine (3 June 1999) is paywalled, so unless you're reading this from a university library you won't be able to see it. At any rate, the article is important enough that it's been displayed elsewhere, so you can read it for yourself.

Now, the graphs in this article are a pain to read. So I don't. Instead I remember that someone did a combined graph that was easy to read, and I guess it was posted somewhere on ResearchGate. The implication of all this ice core analysis is that we are due for a very large greenhouse gas effect, the effect is being delayed because feedback takes time, and that we can predict this because the data from the study that produced Petit et al. revealed a very strong correlation between average temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and that the exposed history of all of this adjustment in temperature/ CO2 reveals some rather extreme weather in the past. It also reveals, moreover, that things are going to get much more extreme in the near future than they were in the distant past, unless you are counting the high heat of the Mesozoic or some other such distant hot period.

In this regard it doesn't seem to matter a whole lot that the CO2 levels are a mere 400 or so parts per million. Methane accounts for 25% of what they call "climate forcing," yet its presence in Earth's atmosphere is in parts per billion.

Elsewhere, of course, you can find the stats for the past 2000 years. They reveal the hectic world to come.

As I've suggested above, we could have some degree of choice as to the world we wanted. There would have to be a lot of social change -- beforehand -- before any of that choice could be exercised, however.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

on this guy @Cassiodorus worth
the two and a half minutes on
the joke of ippc data

Oh, and by the by your
ice cores show temperature rise
then a co2 increase

I’m NOT denying climate change
just debating the main Cause
‘cause Thats what Real science is

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@snoopydawg Odd that nature studies that are done in terms of climate change are few and far between, and even less discussed, than the behavioral control and shaming TPTB heap upon we bad acting humans, and farting cows. We are bad. We must do without. We must live in 15 minute cities, have 5 articles of clothing, wash them monthly, skip heating and a/c, and eat bugs is discussed globally 24/7.
Ain't that peculiar?
Oh! A song is coming on!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

soryang's picture


I had a young client who was murdered there once. That housing looks pretty bad too. Thanks for the post Snoopydawg,I didn't know what they meant by cyber trucks.

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snoopydawg's picture

That are fit for print. Did the Nazis ever strap a Jew to the hood of a car like this? What’s next from the IDF? Human lampshades? I wouldn’t be surprised if they did it.

This happened in the West Bank where there is no Hamas. Will Blinken and Kirby say that it’s up to Israel to investigate this?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

soryang's picture

This Chu Yeon-mi performance is part of her project to preserve traditional Korean songs for posterity. It's one of my favorites because of the lyrics. Chu Yeon-mi was a superstar when I lived in Korea, it seemed like I could hear her voice coming out of the clubs and cafes on the street or on the television or radio if you had them turned on. Translated it four years ago.

봄날은 간다 (1953) Springtime is gone

lyrics 손로원 melody 박시춘; original performer 백설회

As my pink skirt fluttered in the spring breeze
Today too, my dress tie snapping away while
Mountain sparrows fly across the shrine path
When the flowers bloom, we'd laugh together, if they withered,
together we'd cry,
In that tender promise, spring is gone.

Deep green leaves of grass, did float by in the flowing water
Today too, flower petals fall away,
Blue throated birds warble on horse cart road
When stars appeared, we'd laugh, when they set we'd cry
Those frivolous memories of spring gone by,

Age of nineteen, in the twilight, became sad,
Still, my breast, beats strongly
As a drifting cloud over a new road
Birds take flight, I follow smiling,
If the birds cry, I follow wailing
That evocative song, springtime is gone.

This is the hero of the times in South Korea, ROK Marine Col. Park Jeong-hun 박정훈 . He has been fighting the dictator as Simone Chun says ever since he refused to rewrite his investigative report into the drowning death of Cpl. Chae on July 19, 2023. He's been locked in a battle of nerves with the entire military and ruling administration since he turned in the report on July 28. He was dismissed from his duties, isolated from his fellow marines, and charged with insubordination for not obeying orders to withdraw the report, to rewrite it to take six names off the list of suspect officers whom he accused of negligence in the marine's death. He and his ethically challenged accusers have been testifying in front of the judiciary committee. Anyway, this is a great picture of him-contraposed with an image of the sociopath Yoon.

(edit typo in the colonel's name)

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@soryang faces down lies and deceit of the government he is fighting for, and the follow soldiers he has a duty to protect. On soldier duty, that does work both ways.
Much respect.
Soryang, can't say it enough.
Much respect.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

@on the cusp

OTC, I was thinking about what you do professionally when I considered posting Col. Park's story. So glad you saw it, I thought you would appreciate it.

파이팅! - 힘내세요! 승리 Fighting! Be strong! Victory! Ba i ting! Him ne! Seung ri! That's a good demo chant. It has a good cadence to it. The young ladies who lead the demonstrations every Saturday are more imaginative than I could ever be. Everyone needs encouragement in these times.

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