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The Weekly Watch

Cinco de Mayo

Viva la Revolucion!

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Cinco de Mayo (”Fifth of May”) is a Mexican national holiday that celebrates the country’s victory over the French forces of Napoleon III in 1862’s Battle of Puebla. Seems like the US is in the midst of a revolution...ironically over the virtues of genocide. TPTB are pulling out all the stops with storm troopers attacking peaceful protests and Congress passing laws to limit free speech. Guess they wipe their ass with the constitution...

Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The Judge gives a ten minute lesson on the first amendment...

Album of the Week - 5-4-24

Afternoon folks!

I hope that you are all having a great weekend! Here's another helping of albums from my collection. Starting off there's a live Albert King album from the late 60's, followed by a compilation of singles from a couple of great New Orleans record labels featuring folks like Professor Longhair, Johnny Adams, Irma Thomas and Tommy Ridgely. After that we've got a bunch of rock for you from Little Feat, a fairly obscure psychedlic band called Fever Tree and The Pretty Things. Finishing up, there is an album from acoustic guitarist Norman Blake with mandolin player Red Rector and last but not least Jim Kweskin and The Jug Band finish us off. I will be adding some tracks to the Kweskin album later on Saturday night.


Open Thread 5/4/24: Odds and ends

Good morning, good people!

Didn't shop for basic necessities this week, but gas is holding at $3.20 per gal (reg.) in these parts.

Monday was a day of flooded, impassable roads. Then, Wednesday night rains and associated flooding caused court to be cancelled Thursday, and at noon, the message came from the county judge that the courthouse would be closed until Monday. Then, on Thursday, a 2 pm scheduled zoom mediation was cancelled about 2 hours ahead of time due to weather. Internet would have not been a given, since 4 of the 5 participants were in a flooded area. My internet blinked several times, but no prolonged outage, thank goodness.

Friday Night Photos Small World Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, meme's, or music you like.

My goto place for bug photography is the Balboa Park rose garden when the roses are in bloom. Now that they're in bloom again after being cut back for the winter, I decided it was time to throw the macro lens on the camera and head to the garden for a little bug hunting. You never know from one day to the next what you might find there. Unfortunately, when I was there on Tuesday I didn't find much, and most of what I did find were flies. Even the usual suspects (bees and lady bugs) were few and far between. Oh well, hopefully I'll have better luck next time.


Open Thread - 05-03-24 - Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream

A few years back I had a bad dream, no, it was a nightmare. The worst I've ever had. I was lying on my back in deep sleep and suddenly there was a very large ominous man-like figure standing next to the bed looming over me. This apparition suddenly jumped up and sat on my chest with its knees on my arms so I was totally pinned down, I couldn't move. I struggled to free myself but couldn't budge an inch. I then let loose with a primal scream, you know, the kind of a nightmarish scream that you can feel vibrating deep in your throat but it just doesn't produce any sound no matter how much your subconscious mind wills it.

That unresolved scream woke me up. I was lying there on my back, eyes still closed as I thought to myself, "Phew, that dream was too realistic, I'm glad the scream shocked me out of it". I was actually sweating and my heart was thumping. I said something out loud to prove to myself that I was awake, I don't remember what I said, but my voice was back. Or so I thought.

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